
  • swim ring;swimming ring;love handles
  1. 同时,‘wet’(潮湿的)这个单词被写在一个小女孩的黄色衣服上,她坐在游泳圈上正从滑梯上滑下来。

    Meanwhile , the word ' wet ' is written on the yellow swimming costume of the girl coming down the slide on a rubber ring .

  2. 也许与水相关的单词中最难发现的就是‘float’(浮动)这个单词了,它恰如其分地隐藏在图片左侧上方的男孩使用的游泳圈上了。

    Perhaps the most difficult water-related term to find is ' float ' , which is fittingly hidden on the rubber ring used by the boy in the top left of the picture .

  3. 我每天运动,可就是没法减掉我的“游泳圈”。

    I exercise every day , but I can 't get rid of these love handles .

  4. 此外,他还在里面放了游泳圈等玩具供儿子玩耍。

    The youngster 's father has kitted the pool out with an inflatable ring and other toys for six-year-old to enjoy .

  5. 大力水手呼声也很高,挎着游泳圈直接跑到书柜上护驾。

    Energetically jack-tar voice is very loud also , carrying on the arm natant group runnings to bookcase to protect directly drive .

  6. 法国一项新研究发现,腰部的“游泳圈”(赘肉)膨大可能会挤压肺部。

    Inflating that " spare tire " around your waist may put the squeeze on your lungs , a new French study shows .

  7. 若你肚子上有“游泳圈”,那么你属于苹果型身材。

    If you carry most of your weight in the midsection , you belong to the apple figure . What you need are vertical stripes .

  8. 孩子们在学游泳时常用浮圈使自己浮在水面。

    The children use water wings to keep themselves up in the water while they 're learning to swim .

  9. 本次活动为家庭提供免费游泳时段、泳圈和滑板,还有自行车越野赛和摩托表演。

    The event provides families free swim time and inflatables as well as a skateboard , BMX and motorcycle show .

  10. 南昌,街头小商贩在骑车送货,将轮胎运到游泳场当救生圈。

    A peddler rides to deliver the tires to the swimming pool in Nanchang , a city located in south China , where the tires are used as life rings .

  11. 当然,僵硬,关节疼痛已经沼泽化你下来,想到走在游泳块或数圈,可能使你犹豫。

    Of course , when stiff and painful joints are already bogging you down , the thought of walking around the block or swimming a few laps might make you hesitate .

  12. 一名游泳教师自称人肉游泳圈,因为她能够直立漂浮在水中,不会下沉。

    A swimming teacher claims she is a human buoy - because she can float upright in water without sinking .