
  • 网络Single Frequency Receiver
  1. 本文为单频接收机在高精度快速动态定位甚至实时定位等方面的广泛应用,提供了新的研究思路。

    Therefore , this paper brings forward a new study way for GPS single frequency receiver to implement high precision fast positioning .

  2. 对于高精度测量和导航,GPS载波相位整周模糊度的快速求解仍然是一个难点,尤其对于单频接收机。

    GPS carrier phase integer ambiguity fast resolution is still the key issue and challenge for high accuracy survey and navigation , especially for single frequency receiver .

  3. 提出了一种适合于单频接收机的快速模糊数求解方法。

    This paper puts forward a new method of rapid ambiguity resolution for single_frequency GPS receivers .

  4. 相位模糊度的成功解算是应用单频接收机进行高精度快速定位的关键。

    The correct resolution of GPS phase ambiguity is the key to implement high precision fast positioning by using single frequency receivers .

  5. 仿真结果表明,在只需给定少数几个历元数据的情况下,利用单频接收机可以达到米级的定轨精度。

    The result of simulation indicates that the algorithm can achieve the positioning precision of meter degree with the measurements of several epochs .

  6. 在本论文中,主要针对单频接收机,提出了一种单历元无模糊度和整周跳变的解算方法。

    In this thesis , an arithmetic in single epoch without integer ambiguity resolution and cycle slip detection and repair is given for single frequency receiver .

  7. 单频GPS接收机快速静态定位的应用

    The Applications of the GPS Single-Frequency Recievers in Fast Static Positioning

  8. 单频GPS接收机在国土资源调查应用中的误差分析

    Error analyse of the single frequency GPS receiver in land and resources investigation

  9. 星载单频GPS接收机低轨卫星几何法定轨研究

    A research on geometric orbit determination for GPS-based single-frequency receivers aboard low earth satellites

  10. 单频GPS接收机天线扼流圈的研制与测试

    An Antenna Choke Ring for Single-Frequency GPS Receiver

  11. 基于单频GPS接收机实施短基线变形监测探讨

    Discussion on the deformation monitoring of short baseline based on the single-frequency GPS receiver

  12. 基于单频GPS接收机的低轨卫星准实时定轨算法研究

    The Algorithm Research of Norm-real-time Orbit Determination of LEO Satellites Based on Single-frequency GPS Receiver

  13. 单频GPS接收机动态定位的相位与伪距联合算法及其周跳检测

    Real-time positioning algorithm with single frequency GPS Phase and pseudo-range and detection of cycle slip

  14. 单频GPS接收机用于城市地质灾害监测的试验分析

    The Application of Single Frequency GPS Receiver in City Geological Hazard Monitoring : Test and Analysis

  15. 民用单频GPS接收机实时定位精度约为100m。

    The real time positioning precision of civilian single frequency GPS receiver is about 100 meters .

  16. 利用单频GPS接收机进行实时动态差分时,相位观测值整周模糊度的实时确定比较困难;

    When realizing kinetic GPS differenced positioning using single frequency GPS receiver , the decision of integer ambiguity of phase observation is rather difficult .

  17. 研究在不依赖于GPS差分基准站的情况下,利用单频GPS接收机对低轨卫星进行定轨的算法。

    This paper studies the orbit determination of LEO satellites using GPS receivers of single frequency in condition of not depending on GPS differential reference stations .

  18. 单频GPS接收机所提供的基于C/A码测距的标准业务无论从定位精度还是从实时性方面都已无法满足用户越来越高的需求。

    The standard services based on C / A code supplied by Single frequency GPS receivers can not fulfill user 's higher and higher requirements in precision and speed .

  19. 将民用单频GPS接收机装载到汽车上进行导航工作,如不用差分等方法,则其实时定位精度也只能为100m。

    The precision is also 100 meters if civilian single frequency GPS receiver is carried on car to navigate and the Difference Method or other methods is not adopted .

  20. 文章讨论了单频GPS接收机快速静态定位方法,并就其在公路勘测、矿区控制网建立等应用领域如何快速建立IV等控制网作了有效的探讨。

    This paper discusses the method for fast static positioning with GPS single-frequency recievers and how to establish the fourth-class control network in the fields of highway exploring , mining area control building , etc.

  21. 单频GPS接收机无法直接进行电离层传播时延观测,电离层传播时延改正方法又不足以满足定轨的精度要求,所以必须开展星载双频GPS接收机的研究。

    Because the single-frequecy GPS receiver can 't observe the ionospheric delay directly and the ionosphere corrections can 't meet the demand of the accuracy , the research of spacecraft held dual-frequency GPS receiver must be deployed .

  22. 结果表明:对于单频GPS接收机,采用TEC图作电离层时延改正后的单站定时和共视比对精度比用理论模型作改正的精度有很大的提高。

    The results indicate that the precisions for single-station timing and GPS-CV ( Common-View ) time transfer after correcting the ionospheric delay with TEC-map are better than those with the theoretical model for single-frequency GPS receivers .

  23. 结合综合原子时项目的需求,研制了适用于单频GPS接收机的天线扼流圈,并用零基线比对方法进行了测试。

    An antenna choke ring suitable to the single frequency GPS receiver was developed , in which the demands of JATC ( joint atomic time of china ) were taken into consideration , and the choke ring has been tested with the method of zero-line comparison .

  24. 结果表明,研制的天线扼流圈可有效地削弱多路径效应的影响,并可明显地改善单频GPS接收机NTSCGPS-1的抗干扰能力。

    The results show that the developed antenna choke ring can effectively reduce the multi-path effects and can improve the interference-resistant ability of the single frequency GPS receiver , NTSCGPS-1 .

  25. 研究了GPS监测的似单差数学模型和算法流程,由于该模型只用到L1载波相位观测值及伪距,因此可适用于单频接收机,从而降低监测成本。

    The similar single difference model and algorithm flow are studied . Due to the L_ ( 1 ) carrier wave and pseudorange , which is suitable for single frequency receiver , the monitoring cost is reduced .