
  • 网络single-phase power supply;DC-SC
  1. 针对需要单相电源的场合时有采用三相异步电机自动单相运行这种工况,对自励发电运行方式进行了分析。

    When needing single-phase power supply , aiming at the single-phase automatic operation working condition of three-phase induction generator , the self-excited generator operation mode was analyzed .

  2. 因为结构限制,容量较大的单相电源供电的电力拖动设备使用单相感应电动机不够经济。

    Because of the structure restricted , adopting the single-phase asynchronous motor is not economical in the electric driving of big capacity with single-phase power supply .

  3. 而采用单相电源时,若DCS与电力设备为公用接地,则DCS电源零线不接地;

    The DCS power grounding should be : when three - phase and four-wire system is adopted , the neutral wire should be grounded ;

  4. 为了使单相电源下PMOS和NMOS功率管功耗同时得到优化,信号处理部分设计了正端增益加倍,负端增益压缩的增益变化电路。

    To optimize the power dissipation of both PMOS and NMOS power transistors with positive adaptive power supply , variable gain signal processing circuit is designed .

  5. 三相电源比单相电源可省电逾50%之多。

    Three phase wiring saves 50 % of power compared with one-phase .

  6. 只需单相电源驱动,便于无线操纵;

    Power supply to drive , then be easy to realize wireless control .

  7. 三相变压器用单相电源进行短路试验时试验电流的计算方法

    Calculation Method of Test Current in Three-Phase Transformer Short-Circuit Test by Single-Phase Power

  8. 单相电源变为三相电源的裂相电路的研究

    A study of the convertion from single-phase source into three-phase source by splitting phase circuit

  9. 本文首先总结了三相定子绕组对称感应电动机接单相电源供电的研究历史与方法。

    This paper firstly summarizes the the study history and ways of three-phase asynchronous motor applying single-phase power source .

  10. 介绍了小功率单相电源变压器的设计,并列举了设计实例。

    The article introduces the design of small power single-phase power transformer , and enumerates the instance of designing .

  11. 提出一种单相电源供电时适用于异步电机传动的单相–三相变换器。

    This paper presented a thyristor controlled single-phase to three-phase converter suitable for driving an induction motor with a single-phase AC supply .

  12. 基于多时相多源影像的丹江口市土壤侵蚀监测研究三相电源比单相电源可省电逾50%之多。

    Study on Soil Erosion Monitoring by Using Multi-temporal and Multi-source Digital Images in Danjiangkou ; Three phase wiring saves 50 % of power compared with one-phase .

  13. 本文介绍一种能在单相电源电压变化率较大场合下,维持额定输出功率的连续或断续工作,并具有较高起动转矩和过载能力的双值电容异步电动机。

    This paper introduces a design of two-value capacitor motor which remains in operation with rated output and presents satisfactory performance under the conditions that obvious voltage variation arises .

  14. 在安装和配线的过程中一定要小心,不要将单相电源与设备总电源相联接。

    Care must be exercised during installation and wiring of this unit to ensure that no connections are made from phases other than the one being used to power the instrument .

  15. 首先根据音频信号的特点提出了单相电源Ⅰ类线性音频功放的系统架构,并推导了这种音频功放的理论效率。

    First a single power supply Class ⅰ linear audio amplifier system architecture is proposed according to the characteristics of the audio signal , and then the efficiency of this audio amplifier is derived .

  16. 该文在单相电源的基础上建立了多相电源的小信号模型,并利用控制理论推导了系统的传输函数。

    The small signal model of the multiphase converter and the transfer function were based on the model of a single channel with a design example showing how to obtain a stable current sharing loop .

  17. 基于以上目的,本论文根据单相电源法原理,在分别分析了三种特殊接线方式变压器的结构和电磁关系上,针对不同的变压器,建立了变压器变压比测试数学模型。

    Based on the method using single-phase voltage source , the configuration and electromagnetism of the three kinds of transformer mentioned above are analysed , and their testing models of the voltage ratio are discussed and presented respectively .

  18. 对三相感应电动机由单相电源供电和用电容器作为相平衡器的瞬态行为进行仿真分析。三相感应电动机单相运行性能分析及电容选择

    This paper deals with the transient behavior of a three-phase induction motor operating with single-phase supply and using capacitor as phase balancer . On the Choice of Phase-balance Capacitance and Performance Calculation for Three-phase Induction Motors Fed from Single-phase Supply

  19. 借助网络图论,用回路电流法列写了便于计算机辅助分析计算的网络方程,计算了单相电源供电的三相异步电机稳态运行时的各支路电流。

    Network equations , which are associated with loop current method and suitable for computer aided analysis and calculation , are established by means of graph theory . The steady state branch currents of a three-phase induction machine with single-phase source supply are computed .

  20. 基于DSP正弦脉宽调制的单相逆变电源研究

    Research of the Single - Phase Converter Based on DSP SPWM

  21. 基于DSP的单相精密电源硬件设计

    The Hardware System Design of Single Precise Power Supply Based on DSP

  22. 单相UPS电源的锁相同步电路设计

    Design of Phase-locked Synchronous Circuit in Single-phase UPS

  23. 文章介绍了一种新型串并联双变流器单相UPS电源系统的电路结构、工作原理和控制策略。

    The paper introduced circuit structure , working principle and control strategy of a new type of single-phase UPS system with series-parallel dual-inverter .

  24. 运用面积等效原理生成SPWM脉冲序列,并将此SPWM波应用于单相逆变电源。

    Using the equivalence principle to generate SPWM pulse , which will be applied to the single-phase inverter power .

  25. 提出了一种新型静止单/三相变流器,即由单相交流电源和单相逆变器构成的V型供电电源。

    A novel static single phase to three phase converter is presented , which is a V type power supply composed of single phase AC mains and single phase inverter .

  26. 由于传统应急电源(EPS)的局限性,本文研究了一种新型的单相应急电源系统。

    This thesis gives research on a novel single-phase emergency power supply ( EPS ) in order to overcome the limitations of the traditional emergency power supply .

  27. 航空单相交流电源电磁干扰分析和抑制

    Analysis and restraint of electromagnetic interference in aviation single-phase AC power

  28. 单相逆变电源数字控制系统的研究

    The Research of Digital Control System for Single Phase Inverters

  29. 基于状态观测器的单相逆变电源控制技术研究

    Research on Observer Based Controller for Single-phase Voltage Source Inverter

  30. 基于坐标变换的单相逆变电源并网控制方法

    Grid-connected control for single-phase inverter based on synchronous frame transformation