
  • 网络flammable liquid;Inflammable Liquid
  1. 防火安全柜为易燃液体提供兼容的储存和组织。

    Fire-resistant safety cabinets provide compliant storage and organization of flammable liquids .

  2. 可扑灭电器装置,汽车机件,易燃液体,易燃气体所引发的火警。

    For Class B C fires such as Gases , Flammable Liquids Electrical fires .

  3. 因而在测量易燃液体液位领域中,光纤Bragg光栅传感器具有广阔的应用前景。

    So in the field of the liquid level measurement of flammable liquid , the fiber Bragg grating has wide application prospect .

  4. 半夜时分,他开始围着村子倒易燃液体。

    At midnight , he started pouring combustible liquids around the village .

  5. 火灾现场中易燃液体物证鉴定方法的研究

    Research on Identification of Ignitable Liquid Physical Evidence on the Fire Scene

  6. 有些混和物易于分解。与水混合的易燃液体

    Some compounds can easily resolve . water miscible flammable liquid

  7. 不再禁止包携带易燃液体和胶体。

    The ban on liquids and gels in your carry-on bag is no longer .

  8. 易燃液体放火物鉴定中干扰物排除的研究

    Study on the Interference Elimination during the Determination of Flammable Liquid in Arson Fire

  9. 可扑灭易燃液体所引发的火警。

    For Class A B fires such as Wood , Oil , Gases Flammable Liquids .

  10. 所有易燃液体和酸性物质必须存放在安全容器中,并进行适当的鉴定。

    All flammable liquids and acids must be kept in safe containers and properly identified .

  11. 该计划主要处理诸如火灾和易燃液体泄漏之类的紧急情况。

    This plan will deal mainly with emergencies such as fire and flammable liquid spills .

  12. 经检测,该液体为易燃液体,并有较强的腐蚀性。

    After testing , the liquid is flammable liquid , and there is a strong corrosive .

  13. 不溶于水的易燃液体不要在易燃、易爆的地方使用工具。

    Water insoluble flammable liquid Don 't use tool in presence of flam marble and explosive materials .

  14. 应向处理及储存易燃液体的每名工人发出特别指示。

    Specific instructions should be given to every worker on the handling and storage of flammable liquid .

  15. 与水混合的易燃液体

    Water miscible flammable liquid

  16. 上述密闭容器中的易燃液体,其对容器底部所产生的压强通常为几个兆帕。

    The flammable liquid in sealed container usually produces several million PA pressure for the bottom of container .

  17. 汽油不仅是有毒、易燃液体,它还会释放气体,污染空气。

    Gasoline isn 't just a toxic and highly flammable liquid it also produces vapors that pollute our air .

  18. 在“纬”,当你点燃一盘易燃液体,如汽油是一种爆燃。

    The " woof " you get when igniting a dish of flammable liquid such as gasoline is a deflagration .

  19. 目前国内外对于易燃液体液位测量的液位传感器,一般都是电学传感器。

    At present , it usually use electricity sensor to measure the level of flammable liquid at home and abroad .

  20. 在储存或使用易燃液体的地方提供通风设施,例如抽气扇。

    Forced ventilation , such as exhaust fans , should be provided where flammable liquid was stored up or used .

  21. 在喷涂或使用易燃液体的房间或附近不准吸烟。

    No smoking should be allowed in the room or in the vicinity where flammable liquids would be sprayed or used .

  22. 易燃液体,如汽油等,通常是被储藏在高度为几十米以下的密闭容器中,如何安全并可靠的测量出密闭容器中的易燃液体液位一直是石化行业的重点问题。

    How to secure and reliable measurement the liquid level in the sealed container has been a important problem in petrifaction field .

  23. 易燃液体装卸过程中产生静电的分析和消除静电危害的措施

    The analyse of produced static during the loading and unloading process of flammability liquid and the method of removing the harm of the static

  24. 在喷油及相关过程中所产生的易燃液体或喷雾的气雾应抽出室外。

    Any vapour evaporated from flammable liquid or mist generated in the course of spraying and associated processes should be carried away to open air .

  25. 载有易燃液体或混合物的每个容器应适当地以标签标明其化学名称、相关危险及有关安全措施。

    Every container holding flammable liquid or mixture of them should be properly labelled with their chemical name , associated hazards and the corresponding safety precautions .

  26. 就这样,我独自一人站在易燃液体的水洼里,那液体浸透了我的衣服,粘湿又刺痒。

    There I am , standing alone in a puddle of flammable liquid , the stuff is seeping through my clothes ; it feels clammy and scratchy .

  27. 一种能向外喷水的玩具枪。GB3883.13-1992手持式电动工具的安全第二部分:不易燃液体电喷枪的专用要求

    A toy pistol that squirts water . Safety of hand held motor operated electric tools & Part 2 : Particular requirements for spray guns for non-flammable liquids

  28. 在人为火灾中,往往借助易燃液体实施放火,火灾现场通常破坏严重,情况复杂。

    In the artificial arson , flammable liquid is often used to set fire . The fire scene is usually severely damaged and the situation is complicated .

  29. 工作单位内只储存足够工程使用份量的易燃液体,以期尽量减低发生火警的危险。

    Only sufficient quantity of flammable liquid for the job should be kept in the premises to reduce the fire loading and potential fire hazards to as low as practicable .

  30. 实验结果证明,该便携式火灾现场易燃液体残留物实时检测仪可以对易燃液体及其残留物进行分类识别,并能获得很好的识别效果。

    The experimental results show that , the portable and real-time detection system for flammable liquid residues can classify flammable liquids and residues , and can obtain a good recognition result .