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  1. 高德也是中国使用最广的移动地图服务,据易观国际(AnalysysInternational)的数据显示,它占有45%的市场份额。

    AutoNavi is also the most widely used mobile mapping service in China , with 45 % market share , according to Analysys International .

  2. 总部位于上海的易观国际中国的研究总监彭路平表示,即使现在很难立即获得利润,华为也可能会打入PC市场。

    Nicole Peng , research director of Canalys China , a market research firm based in Shanghai , said Huawei may choose to enter the PC market even if it is hard to attain profits immediately .

  3. 据易观国际,位列第四名的门户网站运营商新浪(Sina)的市场份额为8.89%,仅落后于谷歌0.01个百分点。

    Internet portal operator Sina , in fourth place , had an 8.89 % share that put it 0.01 percentage points behind Google , according to Analysys .

  4. 研究公司易观国际(AnalysysInternational)的数据显示,中国网民数量已超5亿,二季度搜索广告收入在10亿美元以上。

    China is home to more than 500 million Internet users , and second-quarter search advertising revenue reached more than $ 1 billion , according to research group Analysys International .

  5. 据易观国际(AnalysysInternational)的数据,今年一季度苹果在中国市场卖出智能手机200万部,三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.Ltd.)卖出780万部,摩托罗拉移动公司(MotorolaMobilityHoldingsInc.)卖出150万部。

    Apple sold two million smartphones in China in the first quarter , Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. sold 7.8 million and Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. sold 1.5 million , according to Analysys International .

  6. 据易观国际的数据显示,二季度中国销售的移动设备中有约83%搭载的是谷歌安卓(Android)移动操作系统。此外,谷歌在中国内地仍有互联网和移动广告业务。

    Its Android mobile operating system was on about 83 % of devices sold in the second quarter , according to Analysys , and it continues to run an Internet and mobile advertising business in the country .

  7. 在对中国网络广告市场份额的分析中,北京的研究公司易观国际(AnalysysInternational)说,阿里巴巴已取代谷歌第二名的位置,目前仅次于百度,这在很大程度上是得益于其网络购物子公司淘宝网。

    In a breakdown of Chinese online advertising market share , Beijing research firm Analysys International says Alibaba has overtaken Google for second place behind Baidu thanks in large part to its online shopping unitTaobao .

  8. “我们没有想到HTCfryer的价格比这个要高”易观国际的台式计算机分析员孙培林说。

    " We did not expect the HTC Flyer 's price to be that high ," said Sun Peilin , tablet computer analyst at Analysys International .

  9. 据研究公司易观国际(Analysys)提供的数据,在第二季度整个搜索市场的收入当中,百度的份额为78.6%。

    Baidu 's share of total search-market revenue was 78.6 % in the second quarter , according to research firm Analysys .

  10. 总部位于北京的互联网咨询公司易观国际的分析师佘双琳表示,在HTC公司的核心业务智能手机受到激烈竞争的打击后,其虚拟设备将会使公司东山再起。

    She Shuanglin , an analyst at Beijing-based Internet consultancy Analysys International , said HTC is betting big that its VR equipment will boost revenues , after the company 's core smartphone business was hit by stiffening competition .

  11. 北京咨询公司易观国际(AnalysysInternational)的电影产业分析师黄国锋表示,本片首周末表现相当好,对未来成功至关重要,它将决定影片能上映多久。

    Huang Guofeng , a film industry analyst with Analysys International , the Beijing consultancy , said having a pretty good opening weekend would be critical for the film 's future success . It would determine how much further screening time it received .

  12. 李艳艳,一个易观国际的研究人员说,她预期这件小玩意是通过吸引低端用户来提升苹果销售份额,iPad的市场份额从第二季度的72.66%下降到了第三季度的71.42%。

    Li Yanyan , a researcher with Analysys International , said she expected the gadget to lift Apple sales by appealing to lower-end users , after the market share of iPads dipped to 71.42 percent in the third quarter from 72.66 in the second .

  13. 奇虎360的举动凸显出谷歌在打入一个由百度(BaiduInc.)等国内竞争对手主导的市场时面临的艰巨挑战。据行业研究公司易观国际(AnalysysInternational)的数据,今年二季度百度在中国搜索市场所占份额为78.6%。

    Qihoo 's move underscores the uphill battle Google faces to penetrate a market dominated by domestic rivals , including Baidu Inc. , which holds 78.6 % of the search market in the second quarter , according to industry research firm Analysys International .

  14. 北京互联网咨询公司易观智库(AnalysysEnfodesk)的罗兰表示,推行付费制服务的理由还有待验证。

    Luo Lan , from Analysys Enfodesk , a Beijing-based internet consultancy , said the case for a subscription-based service has yet to be proven .

  15. 易观智库(AnalysysEnfoDesk)的移动电子商务专家王小星表示,快速增长是市场日渐成熟的表现。

    Wang Xiaoxin , a mobile ecommerce expert at Analysys EnfoDesk , said the rapid growth is a sign of the market 's growing maturity .

  16. 科技咨询公司易观国际(Analysys)的ZhangZiming表示:“这些中国企业想要打破外国公司对芯片技术的垄断,更多地参与到上游竞争中去。”

    Zhang Ziming of Analysys , a tech consultancy , said : " These Chinese firms want to break the monopoly on chip technology by foreign companies and take part more in upstream competition . "

  17. 北京咨询公司易观国际(AnalysysInternational)电子商务专家王健估计,1-6月间双方在这场对决中总共投入了大约20亿元人民币(合3.25亿美元)。不过她表示,自那以来两个打车应用都减少了大规模补贴。

    Wang Jian , an expert on ecommerce from Analysys International , a Beijing consultancy , estimates that about Rmb2bn ( $ 325m ) was spent between January and June , but says that since then , both taxi apps have scaled back the massive subsidies they are paying .

  18. 咨询机构易观国际(Analysys)数据显示,今年第一季度,腾讯的市场份额上升至39.5%,而阿里巴巴的份额则下滑至53.7%。

    Tencent 's share rose to 39.5 per cent in the first quarter of the year , according to data from consultancy Analysys , while Alipay dipped to 53.7 per cent .

  19. 研究公司易观国际(Analysys)预计百度2009年第四季度收入占市场58.4%的份额,依然堪称强劲,但却是百度两年半以来最低的份额。

    Baidu 's share of market revenues fell to 58.4 % in the last quarter of 2009 , research firm Analysys estimates : still strong , but Baidu 's lowest share for two and a half years .

  20. 据北京互联网咨询公司易观国际统计,在第二季度,线上到线下,或O2O,餐饮业交易达到82亿元(13亿美元),比上一季度增长89%。

    In the second quarter , online-to-offline , or O2O , catering industry transactions hit 8.2 billion yuan ( $ 1.3 billion ) , up by 89 percent from last quarter , according to Beijing-based Internet consultancy Analysys International .

  21. 文中还进一步讨论了显示系统的易观性问题。

    The problem of visibility of the display system is further discussed .

  22. 易观国际称,后者目前与土豆并驾齐驱。

    The latter is now neck and neck with Tudou according to Analysys .

  23. 总部位于北京的互联网咨询机构易观国际的分析师朱大林同意这一观点。

    Zhu Dalin , an analyst at Beijing-based Internet consultancy Analysys International , agreed .

  24. 研究公司易观国际表示,疫情给该主题公园的运营商带来了前所未有的运营挑战。

    Research firm Analysys says the pandemic has brought unprecedented operational challenges for theme park operators .

  25. 《周易》变易观对现代管理创新的启示

    Some Inspiration on New Approach to Modern Management from the Concept of Change in The Book of Changes

  26. 据易观国际的数据显示,二季度谷歌在中国搜索市场所占份额为15.7%。

    Google held 15.7 % of China 's search market in the second quarter , according to Analysys .

  27. 市场调研公司易观国际(Canalys)称,小米中国第一的地位已被另一家中国公司华为抢占。

    The research firm Canalys said the company had lost its top spot in China to Huawei , another Chinese company .

  28. 总部位于北京的互联网咨询公司易观国际的分析师张旭对百度会设法从谷歌地图手中抢走中国用户很有信心。

    Zhang Xu , an analyst from Beijing-based Internet consultancy Analysys International , is confident Baidu will manage to poach Chinese users from Google .

  29. 谭嗣同提出除旧的政策,这是他变易观中最为深刻和彻底的一面。

    Tan put forward the policy of " Repeal the Old ", this is the most profound and thorough point in his view of " variation " .

  30. 不过易观国际表示,中国国内市场的规模足以支撑目前的运营,尽管有人抱怨园区票价太贵。

    But Analysys says China 's domestic market is big enough to sustain it for now , even though some have complained that tickets are too expensive .