
  • 网络bucketing
  1. 她交定稿之前对小说作了一些删节。

    She made some cuts before handing over the finished novel .

  2. 我已对设计作了几处调整。

    I 've made a few adjustments to the design .

  3. 本刊上周对展览作了预评。

    The exhibition was previewed in last week 's issue .

  4. 各部长必须对所作的决定承担责任。

    Ministers must be made answerable for their decisions .

  5. 他对要点作了归纳。

    He summarized the salient points .

  6. 在这一次讲座中,我不敢自诩能对梦境作透彻的分析。

    Within this lecture I cannot pretend to deal adequately with dreams .

  7. 关于海险有一系列严格的规章制度对其作了规定。

    Marine insurance is governed by a strict series of rules and regulations

  8. 她对天气作了一番平淡无奇的评论。

    She made a vapid comment about the weather .

  9. 最新的机器对信号作扰频处理,通话就不易被侦听了。

    The latest machines scramble the messages so that the conversation cannot easily be intercepted .

  10. 如果警察对我作呼气测醉试验,发现我饮酒过量,我将会被禁驾很长时间。

    If police breathalyse me and find I am over the limit I face a long ban

  11. 我在对它作些改动——只是改换个别字眼,好让听众更容易接受。

    I 'm bowdlerizing it — just slightly changing one or two words so listeners won 't be upset .

  12. 警方已经采集了指纹,并对尸体作了身份确认。

    The police have already taken fingerprints and identified the body .

  13. 我不能对你作无法兑现的许诺,但我将尽力而为。

    I can 't promise you the moon , but I 'll do the best job I can .

  14. 那个医生对病作了详细的研究。

    The doctor made a minute study of the illness .

  15. 我们对校长作了一次礼节性的拜访。

    We paid a courtesy call on the headmaster .

  16. 法官对他作了罚款的判决。

    The judge condemned him to pay a fine .

  17. 他似乎是对树木作关于晶体的奇妙习性的发言。

    It might have been the trees he was addressing on the quaint customs of crystals .

  18. 当按区和区内半同胞家系对数据作谱系分析时,我们发现分化很厉害。

    When the data were analyzed hierarchically by regions and half-sib families in regions , considerable differentiation was found .

  19. 机械师对发动机作了必要的调整

    The mechanic made the necessary adjustments to the engine .

  20. 他对地形作了缜密的研究。

    He had made a detailed study of the terrain .

  21. 他对我作了极为草率的答复。

    He gave me an extremely curt answer .

  22. 高压气球用于对淤泥作机械功的极限效率约为28%。Air(初三适用)

    Theoretically the maximum transfer efficiency from the potential energy of a high pressure air ball to the mechanical work on mud flat is about 28 % .

  23. 纳米Fe3O4粒子粒径对其作润滑油添加剂摩擦学性能的影响

    Effect of the Particle Size on Tribological Properties of Nanometer Fe_3O_4 as Lubricating Oil Additives

  24. 并对其作了适当的简化以得到线性模型,借鉴CT中的代数重建技术(ART)来进行求解。

    Afterward , ART ( Algebra Reconstruction Technique ) which has been widely applied in CT ( Computerized Tomography ) field is used to search the solution of the model .

  25. 半稠密的点对应这一步有效的解决了SFM问题中得一个关键难题correspondence,这为下一步对人脸作自动的三维分析提供了坚实基础;

    It also provides semi-dense correspondence , which is one of the key problems of SFM .

  26. 目的对HSV-1作抗原的玻片酶免疫法(EIA)用于B病毒抗体检测的可靠性进行研究。

    Objective To evaluate the reliability of enzyme immunoassay ( EIA ) of HSV-1 as antigen for detection of B virus antibodies .

  27. 文章首先介绍了传统的POS系统的开发方法,并对其作了评价;

    Firstly , the paper introduces the traditional way of POS developing , and some remark is given .

  28. 最后,对AIDS作了深入分析,提出摘要了集成智能检测算法的思想,并对小波神经网络作了积极的探讨。

    Finally , AIDS ( Auto Incident Detection System ) is analysed deep , the notion of integrated intelligent detection algorithm is put forward , and the Wave_net is discussed in this paper .

  29. 作为根性修复的一种方法,我们采用C3、4转位修复C5、6根性撕脱伤,并对其作了解剖学观察、实验研究及临床应用。

    As a method of " root reconstruction ", we adopted C3 , 4 transferring for reconstruction of C5,6 root avulsion .

  30. 方法将两种不同维生素D含量的饲料作为实验组和对照组进行BalbC小鼠饲喂实验,对其作病理剖检及血磷、血钙值测定。

    Methods BALB / c mice were fed with different vitamin D content diets as experimental group and control group , pathological observations were made and blood phosphorus and blood calcium were determined .