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lán lù qiǎng jié
  • hold up;waylay;go out mugging;block the road in order to rob;block the road and rob the passers-by;commit highway robbery
拦路抢劫 [lán lù qiǎng jié]
  • [waylay;commit highway robbery; go out mugging; hold up]在路上或路附近抢劫,特指对行人的抢劫

拦路抢劫[lán lù qiǎng jié]
  1. 我在来这里的路上遭到了拦路抢劫。

    I got waylaid on my way here .

  2. 两个戴面具的人拦路抢劫了一辆邮车。

    Two masked men held up a mail van .

  3. 拦路抢劫者勒令那个女人把钱包交出来。

    The robber told the woman to come across with her purse .

  4. 拦路抢劫(运输途中的交通工具)

    To stop and rob ( a vehicle in transit ) .

  5. 莎士比亚时代的英国拦路抢劫者很普遍。

    Highway robbery was common in England in Shakespeare 's day .

  6. 后来认出他是个劣迹昭彰的拦路抢劫犯。

    Later he was identified as a notorious hold-up man .

  7. 拦路抢劫的或从运输途中的交通工具上抢劫的:抢劫团伙追踪几货车的香烟。

    Stopping and stealing or stealing from a vehicle in transit : hijacking gangs after truckloads of cigarettes .

  8. 据路透社报道,这名男子现年30岁,目前居住在德国南部一个名叫施瓦巴赫的小镇上。事发后,他先叫来警察表示自己在骑车回家的路上遇到了6名拦路抢劫的年轻人。

    The man , 30 , called police and said he had been mugged by six youths while walking home .

  9. 他是一个全神贯注寻找发言机会的人,就像一个蹲在路边虎视眈眈准备拦路抢劫的强盗一样。

    He put a preoccupation with the opportunity to speak , like a bandit squatting on roadside , ready covetously to a highway robbery .

  10. 野恶是邪恶,所以旧时也指“绿林”为占山为王、拦路抢劫、骚扰百姓的盗匪;

    Wild and bad is improbity , so also point " greenwood " aforetime for have the mountain as king and block the bandit that the road rob , harasses common people ;

  11. 蒋军士兵到市场货摊上拿东西不给钱,夜里拦路抢劫老百姓,下乡打家劫舍时甚至还杀人灭口。

    Chiang 's soldiers took goods from the market stalls without paying for them , robbed civilians on the streets at night and killed villagers so that their robberies would not be discovered .

  12. 年纪轻轻、沉默寡言的谢泼德,身高仅有五英尺四英寸,身材瘦削,脸色苍白,尚未成年就成了行窃好手,继而拦路抢劫。除了绞刑架或对手的枪弹外,他没有未来可以期待。

    So young , tight-lipped sheppard , still in his teens , only five feet four inches tall , and very slender and pale , became a petty thief , then a highwayman , with no future to hope for except the gallows or rival 's bullet .

  13. 这帮强盗拦路埋伏抢劫旅客。

    The gang of robbers waylaid and robbed travelers .