
  • 网络Intercept Interview;interception interview;CLT
  1. 大量潜在读者因为被拦截而无法访问网站时,许多本可以继续撰写的人不愿再费心编辑条目。

    When a large number of potential readers were cut off from the site , many writers who could have continued to contribute stopped bothering .

  2. 舆观(YouGov)为美国互动广告局(InteractiveAdvertisingBureau)所做的一份调查显示,在使用广告拦截软件的英国成年人中,有超过半数的人表示,如果关闭拦截软件是访问某网站的唯一办法,那他们会关掉它。

    More than half of UK adults using an ad blocker said they would switch it off if doing so was the only way to access a website , according to a survey by YouGov for the Interactive Advertising Bureau .

  3. FMDS主要由用户意愿提取模块、访问拦截模块和授权判定模块三个部分组成,分别负责获取用户意愿、拦截程序的文件访问请求和API函数调用请求、以及判定是否允许程序的相关请求。

    FMDS mainly includes three parts : User Intention extracting module , visit intercept module and authorization judge module , one for each user access to and procedures , intercept program will file access request and API call request , and determine whether the allowed the related request .