
  • 网络Blind Test;blind;blind taste test
  1. 进行数据库数据随机盲测,以评估入库数据质量。

    Carry out blind test to the data in DNA database .

  2. 布朗特博士补充道,盲测的结果显示,整根烹饪的胡萝卜的味道同样更好吃。

    Dr Brandt added that in blind taste studies the whole carrots also tasted much better .

  3. 应用低离子强度溶液能提高凝集试验的灵敏度。本实验采用低离子强度溶液及蛋清薄膜固定解离法对保存1~6年的258份血痕进行MN血型盲测。

    The absorption-elution test using low ionic strength solution ( LISS ) has been compared with the test using normal saline in MN typing of 258 bloodstain samples stored 1 to 6 years .

  4. 应用该SCAR标记对36个已知田间白粉病抗性的黄瓜材料进行了盲测,测定结果与其田间抗病性吻合率高达94.5%,表明该标记可以用于黄瓜白粉病的分子鉴定。

    Powdery mildew resistance of 36 known cucumber lines were tested by SCAR markers , and the results indicated that the resistance tested was consistent with their field performance by 94.5 % , which further confirmed the feasibility of the SCAR marker in MAS for cucumber powdery mildew .

  5. 在盲测中,科学家获得了89%的准确率。

    In blind tests , the scientists achieved 89 percent accuracy .

  6. 转轴扭振盲测点测量模型的研究

    Study on Torsional Vibration Measuring Model of Spanless Point of Rotating Shaft

  7. 只可惜在味觉盲测中,多数人都分辨不出自来水和瓶装水的区别。

    Except that in blind tastings , most people cannot tell the difference between tap and bottled water .

  8. 已经获取的一批中小地震近场记录可以用来进行盲测研究。

    A number of accelerograms obtained in small and moderate earthquakes can be used for the " blind prediction " studies .

  9. 2012年,微软推出了“必应挑战”活动,将必应搜索结果和谷歌搜索结果并排显示,并邀请用户盲测,选择自己认为最满意的结果。

    In 2012 , Microsoft launched the ' Bing It On " challenge , which displays Bing search results and Google search results side-by-side and invites users to blindly choose which set they prefer .

  10. 指向精度是影响卫星激光测距经纬仪盲跟和白天测星的重要因素,而恒星标校法可以提高卫星激光测距经纬仪的指向精度,从而满足观测的需要。

    The pointing precision of the satellite laser ranging theodolite is a key factor , which affects the blind-tracking and daytime observation . It can be improved by observing the stars and thus meet the observation demands .