
  • 网络spend recklessly,blind consumption
  1. 奢侈型消费潮流打入国内消费市场使人们陷入盲目消费漩涡。

    Luxury consumption made people enter into a vortex of blind consumption .

  2. 消费结构不合理,高消费、盲目消费现象严重。在食品消费方面,以零食和碳酸饮料,洋快餐为主;

    The structure of the consumption is not reasonable , high and blindness , in the aspect of food consumption , the snack and the carbonic acid beverages and western fast food are the mainly part .

  3. 随着社会发展与文明进步,大学生作为一个特殊的消费群体,他们的消费观念和消费行为发生了较大的变化,并由此产生了一些不良的消费观念,如盲目消费、攀比消费、超前消费等。

    Following social development and civil progress , as a special consumer group , collegiate consuming ideas and consuming behavior have changed greatly , from this produced some unhealthy consuming ideas , such as blind consumption , jealous consumption , pre-consuming and so on .

  4. 因此,在我国消费领域中也出现了诸如浪费性消费、高消费、攀比消费、盲目消费之类的过度消费现象,给生态、社会以及个人的发展均带了众多的负面影响。

    In the field of consumption in China , excessive consumptions have also emerged , such as wasteful consumption , high consumption , competition consumption , and blind consumption , which bring a large negative impact on the ecological environment , social and personal development .

  5. 本文对美容时尚类电视节目进行叙事分析,是为了批判节目中所宣扬的消费主义意识形态,提醒广大女性观众不要盲目消费,以免陷入厂商与节目共同设计的消费陷阱。

    The narrative analysis of Beauty Fashion TV programs is in order to criticize the program advocated by the consumerism , to remind the general female audience not to consump blindly , not to fall into a " consume trap " designed by the firms and programs .

  6. 虽然有人成这种状况正在发生变化,但男性消费者对产品的忠诚度不如女性,或者说,他们不会“盲目”消费。

    Though some say this is changing , men may not be quite as loyal or spontaneous customers .

  7. 摘要当今社会存在消费异化现象,表现为盲目超前消费、奢侈消费以及公款消费。它们对社会造成危害,应从伦理道德上加以调节和规范。

    The harmful consumption alienation can find expressions in such current factors as blind consumption , luxurious consumption and official consumption , which might be regulated and standardized from an ethical perspective .

  8. 存在着盲目无计划消费、从众消费、人情消费、攀比消费等误区。

    There are blind consumption , follower consumption , human-relationship consumption , unrealistic consumption , etc.

  9. 近些年来,乳品企业盲目扩张,消费增长相对缓慢,致使乳品市场出现供过于求的现象,因而行业的竞争越来越激烈。

    In recent years , blind expansion of the dairy enterprises and relatively slow growth of consumption led to an oversupply in dairy market , so the dairy industry was more and more competitive .

  10. 从个人角度看他们的购买行为获取了社会关系收益;但是从整个社会视角看,这却是一种盲目攀比的畸形消费方式。

    From a personal point of view , their buying behavior obtains social relationship benefits . However , from the social perspective , this is an abnormal consumption mode of blind competing .