
máng wén
  • braille;braille alphabet
盲文 [máng wén]
  • (1) [braille]

  • (2) 布莱叶盲文点写法

  • (3) 用盲字刻写或印刷的文字

盲文[máng wén]
  1. 有多少官方文件已经转成盲文供盲人阅读?

    How many official documents have been transcribed into Braille for blind people ?

  2. 我的手指扫描着一本盲文书。

    My fingers scan a book in braille .

  3. 它是为了帮助盲人学习盲文而发明的,盲文是盲人通过触摸来阅读的一种特殊系统。

    It was invented to help blind people to learn Braille , which is a special system for the blind to read by touching .

  4. 2022年冬残奥会火炬与冬奥会火炬结构与样式相同,采用金色与银色,火炬最下方刻有“北京2022年冬残奥会”全称的盲文。

    Sharing the same structure and patterns , the torch for the 2022 Paralympic Winter Games features a different color scheme of gold and silver . The bottom of the torch is engraved with Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games in Braille .

  5. 另一佳作名Surface,是一个为盲人而设计手表手机,配有盲文键盘和一个独特的形状,这样可以分辨感受到手机的方向。

    Another honourable mention-titled Surface-is a watch phone for the blind and features a Braille keypad and a unique shape , so you can distinguish orientation of the phone by feel .

  6. 作为一个备选方案,GoogleMaps提供了一个易于使用的文本界面,大大提高了使用屏幕阅读器或者盲文显示器来查询行车路线及地理位置的效率。

    As an alternative , Google Maps also provides a simple to use a textual interface that serves up directions very efficiently when working with a screenreader or a Braille display .

  7. 然后采用XSL技术开发了一个MathMLContent到中国数学盲文ASCII码自动转换的软件(下面简称为Math2Dot)。

    Then the thesis developed an automatic conversion software for converting MathML Content to Chinese mathematical Braille ASCII ( referred to below as Math2Dot ) .

  8. SVG图形还可以使用语音或盲文软件等手段来帮助视觉有障碍的人查阅,其中可以使用文字说明来描述一幅图像的形象。

    Meanwhile , SVG graphics can be made accessible to people with visual disabilities by means of voice or Braille software , which can use the text description to describe the image .

  9. 屏幕读取器允许用户通过创建界面的off-screen表示,并将其传送到一个语音合成器或盲文终端来与GUI进行交互。

    Screen readers allow users to interact with a GUI by creating an off-screen representation of the interface and passing this to a speech synthesizer or a Braille terminal .

  10. 提出了一种新的DCT域盲文水印算法,该算法应用模糊熵测度选择边缘特征显著的子块作为嵌入子块,然后应用均值量化来增强嵌入水印的鲁棒性。

    This paper presents a new blind watermarking scheme in DCT domain . The scheme applies fuzzy entropy estimation to search embedding sub-blocks which are the notable areas of the image features , then applies mean quantization to strengthen robust of watermarking .

  11. 校方不允许苏立文小姐为我读试卷,所以,学校就雇来了尤金·C.维宁先生为我把试卷译成美式布莱叶盲文。

    The college authorities did not allow Miss Sullivan to read the examination papers to me ; so Mr. Eugene C. Vining , one of the instructors at the Perkins Institution for the Blind , was employed to copy the papers for me in American braille .

  12. vt.使用铅版,把…印制成盲文,套用老套,使一成不变实际上她忽略了一种最常见的类型:漂亮而无头脑的金发女人,学术性的大众文化协会主席罗伯托·汤普森说,这种类型的金发女人至少存在了一个世纪。

    She omits the most obvious stereotype : the dumb blond , which Robert Thompson , president of the academic Popular Culture Association , says is at least a century old .

  13. 在一所盲人学校,安妮学了布莱叶盲文。

    At an institution for the blind , Annie learned braille .

  14. 如果让我读盲文,我…

    If I ever had to read braille , I 'd --

  15. 注重盲文和哑语的服务。

    Braille and sign language services shall be given due emphasis .

  16. 基于模糊熵和均值量化的盲文水印方案

    A blind watermarking scheme based on fuzzy entropy and mean quantization

  17. 协助将信息翻译成布莱叶盲文或合成语音。

    Facilitates translation of the information into Braille or synthetic speech .

  18. 盲文手工正写书写板的研制

    The Development of Braille Writing Board with Raised Braille Characters

  19. 本系统的应用背景是中国盲文系统中盲文与汉字的相互转换模块。

    This paper bases on the research of Braille-Chinese conversion .

  20. 许多盲人会读布莱叶盲文。

    A lot of the blind can read the Braille .

  21. 我得说我能够读懂盲文。

    I 'd say I was able to read braille .

  22. 她在大约两年前开始学习初级盲文。

    Madison began learning pre-braille skills about two years ago .

  23. 牛老师说你学过盲文吗?

    Teacher Niu asked me if I had studied Braille or not .

  24. 2005年,人们庆祝了盲文和手语。

    In 2005 , people commemorated Braille and sign languages .

  25. 同音词混淆是长期困扰现行盲文的问题。

    Confusion of homonym is a long-term disturbing problem in current Chinese Braille .

  26. 先天盲人阅读盲文的功能磁共振成像研究

    Study of the congenital blind reading Braille in fMRI

  27. 而我以前总是用盲文和头脑进行工作学习的。

    I had always done my work in braille or in my head .

  28. 盲文为上百万人创造了社会和经济机遇。

    Braille is a key to improving social and economic opportunities to millions .

  29. 令我感到沮丧的是,这是一份美式标注的(盲文)试卷。

    To my dismay I found that it was in the American notation .

  30. 盲文文献的采编、管理及服务方式

    Compile , Management and Service Forms of Braille Document