
tú shū ɡuǎn lǐ yuán
  • librarian;clerk
  1. 图书管理员把一本新书编入目录。

    The librarian entered a new book in the catalogue .

  2. 杰西卡·加德纳博士�剑桥大学图书管理员

    Dr Jessica Gardner , University Librarian , University of Cambridge

  3. 图书管理员把头往后面一仰,尖着嗓子哈哈大笑。

    The librarian threw back his head and laughed shrilly .

  4. 伍尔芙写道,翻看二手书让你有机会邂逅那些图书管理员和书商没有注意到的书,他们在选择书目时通常都比二手书店老板挑剔得多。

    According to Woolf , browsing through used books gives you the chance to stumble upon something that wouldn 't have risen to the attention of librarians and booksellers , who are often much more selective in curating their collections than secondhand bookstore owners . 4 .

  5. 这位来自赫尔(hull)的图书管理员富有想象力,看到了平凡的魅力。

    It is imaginative of the librarian from hull to see the glamour in normality .

  6. 美国劳工统计局(BureauofLabourStatistics)的最新数据将美国劳动力划分为821种工作,从洗碗工到图书管理员。

    New data from the Bureau of Labour Statistics divide the US workforce into 821 jobs from dishwasher to librarian .

  7. 图书管理员说::“赶紧走吧,因为你不会把这本书还回来。”2.librarian图书管理员

    The librarian says , " you know what , go away , you won 't return it . " 1 .

  8. 采访人告诉女王,有一名图书管理员取下了皇冠上的珠宝,把它们放在了一个BathOliver的饼干盒里,并藏在了伯克郡。

    He revealed that a librarian removed the stones out of the jewels and placed them into a Bath Oliver biscuit tin before hiding them in Berkshire .

  9. 图书管理员:应该是Jenkins博士,图书馆馆长,她负责招聘事宜。

    Librarian : I guess you talk to Dr. Jenkins , the head librarian . She does the hiring .

  10. JohnDeasy:“我们已经削减了所有的图书管理员和护士。我们可能还会被迫关闭或合并学校。”

    JOHN DEASY : " We are cutting all of our librarians , our nurses . We would be forced to close and schools . "

  11. 这件事情是由女王档案图书管理员和助理保管员OliverUrquhartIrvine的纪录片的面世才被揭开。

    The story was unearthed for the documentary by Oliver Urquhart Irvine , the librarian and assistant keeper of the Queen 's Archives .

  12. 母亲多恩(Dawn)和父亲柯林·凯夫(ColinCave)是同一所中学的图书管理员和英语教师,尼克后来也上了这个学校。父母很早就把对艺术的崇敬注入了孩子们心田。

    His mother and father , Dawn and Colin Cave the librarian and English teacher of the high school he would eventually attend instilled a reverence for the arts in their children from an early age .

  13. 西莉亚·梅·鲁宾(CeliaMeiRubin)在《玛蒂尔达》(Matilda)的演员名单中,候补饰演亲切的图书管理员费尔普斯夫人(Mrs.Phelps),此前该角色都是黑人女演员扮演的。

    In Matilda , Celia Mei Rubin is in the ensemble and understudies the role of Mrs. Phelps , the kindly librarian who has been played so far by black actresses .

  14. 西莉亚·梅·鲁宾(CeliaMeiRubin)在《玛蒂尔达》(Matilda)的演员名单中,候补饰演亲切的图书管理员费尔普斯夫人(Mrs.Phelps),此前该角色都是黑人女演员扮演的。

    In " Matilda , " Celia Mei Rubin is in the ensemble and understudies the role of Mrs. Phelps , the kindly librarian who has been played so far by black actresses .

  15. 这一术语及其Twitter话题标签已经获得广泛传播,除了受聘于政府机构的历史学家和博物馆馆长等非学术性工作之外,它还可以指代非教学岗位的校内工作,比如行政人员和图书管理员。

    The term has gained widespread currency ( and its own Twitter hashtag ) and can refer to jobs within universities but outside the professoriate , like administrator or librarian , as well as nonacademic roles like government-employed historian and museum curator .

  16. 她是个图书管理员,或者是干类似工作的。

    She 's a librarian , or something of the kind .

  17. 那位女图书管理员很着急,他也焦虑不安。

    The woman librarian was very anxious__ and so was he__ .

  18. 图书管理员将学校的书分类编目。

    The librarian catalogues the books we have in the school .

  19. 接替了你图书管理员助手的位置。

    Filled your shoes as the librarian 's right hand man .

  20. 他担任校图书管理员近30年了。

    He has been the school librarian for nearly thirty years .

  21. 一名被扣作人质达13小时的监狱图书管理员被释放了。

    A prison librarian held hostage for13 hours has been freed .

  22. 听下面一个学生和图书管理员的对话。

    Listen to a conversation between a student and a librarian .

  23. 一位好图书管理员有一个大图书馆在我们的学校。

    A Good Librarian Thrs a big library in our school .

  24. 为什么不让图书管理员帮你找一找参考资料呢?

    Why not ask the librarian to help you find references ?

  25. 我已经请求图书管理员给我查找一本有关蝴蝶的书。

    She inquired of thelibrarian whether they had got the book .

  26. 我能请图书管理员帮我找这本书吗?

    Can I ask a librarian to find the book for me ?

  27. 一名慷慨的图书管理员对图书馆的安全是有责任的。

    A liberal librarian should be liable for the library 's safety .

  28. 图书管理员准确地把书放回原处。

    The librarian replaced the books correctly on the shelves .

  29. 你记得那个做图书管理员的徐静因吗?

    You remember SEO Jung-in who was a librarian there ?

  30. 图书管理员正在整理架子上的图书。

    The librarian is arranging the books on the shelf .