
tú piàn shuō mínɡ
  • caption
  1. 网友们还大量转发普京在乡村用手机接听电话的照片,图片说明写道:你好,我是普京。有人传话给我吗?

    Bloggers circulated an image of Putin answering his cell phone in the country side , with the caption saying Hello , I am Vladimir . Did anyone transmit anything to me ?

  2. 以色列总统鲁文·里夫林(ReuvenRivlin)在Facebook上贴了一张照片,其中显示他的办公室里有只精灵,配发的图片说明则是“来人啊,叫保安。”

    President Reuven Rivlin of Israel posted a photo on Facebook of a Pok é mon in his office with the caption " Somebody call security personnel . "

  3. 他用照片为他的演讲作图片说明。

    He used photographs as illustration for his talk .

  4. 在上传至Flickr网站的四张照片中,其中有一张名为“纽曼先生的艰难时日”,图片说明为:“尽管它的毛衣很酷,可也无法赢得女孩们的心。”很多网友发表评论称自己被狗狗可怜的眼神所感动。

    One of the four photos of the dog on Flickr is titled " Tough day for Mr Newman " and captioned : " Despite his cool threads , the girls just aren 't interestedin him any more . " Dozens of commenters on the site said they had been touched by the dog 's maudlin gaze .

  5. 这是参加2008年国际摄影比赛的一张照片及图片说明。

    This photo and caption were submitted to the2008 International Photo Contest .

  6. 他用许多实例和图片说明自己的观点。

    He illustrated his idea with many examples and pictures .

  7. 图片说明:海豚跃起后水花四溅。

    Photo caption : After leaping dolphins spray scattered .

  8. 图片说明:海豚空中跳跃姿态优美。

    Photo caption : dolphins jumping air beautiful gesture .

  9. 图片说明:海豚捕食的瞬间。

    Photo caption : dolphins feed on the moment .

  10. 图片说明:三只海豚在嬉戏。

    Photo caption : three dolphins in the play .

  11. 图片说明:两只海豚亲密接触。

    Photo caption : two dolphins intimate contact .

  12. 这个图片说明什么意思?

    And what feelings does this picture evoke ?

  13. 对此,图片说明必须解释现场情况,避免误导读者以为画面中是自然发生的场景。

    The caption must not mislead the reader into believing these images are spontaneous .

  14. 图片说明:海豚犹如跳水健儿。

    Photo caption : Like dolphins diving athletes .

  15. 每一个朝代都分室展出并有文字和图片说明。

    Each dynasty was presented in a separated room along with written and pictorial descriptions .

  16. 该目录介绍了日本制造的各种小商品,并附有图片说明。

    The catalogue contains illustrations and descriptions of the large variety of sundries made in Japan .

  17. 图片说明:在地球上能够拍到这么真实的画面吗?

    Explanation : Is there any place in the world you could see a real sight like this ?

  18. 大约二十页左右,附有各类显微镜机型的图片说明,适合大学实验室用的。

    Something up to say , 20 pages or so , illustrating microscope models suitable for use in college laboratories .

  19. 图片说明:上图一为华盛顿街头的马车,上图二为芝加哥街头的马车。

    Explanation : Left picture shows the carriage in Washington street , right picture shows the carriage in the Chicago street .

  20. 如果出现,必须在图片说明中注明被摄对象的举动不是自发产生的。

    They must be clearly captioned to show the reader that the actions are not spontaneous and to explain the context .

  21. 扩展的图片说明文字在书的后面,伴随著彩色的缩略图,以便快速识别。

    The extended picture captions are at the back of the book , accompanied by colour thumbnail images for quick identification .

  22. 图片说明:芝加哥密歇根大道上的骑警,游人可以和他合影,他不收钱。

    Explanation : Trooper on the Michigan avenue , tourist can make a group picture with him , no pay needed .

  23. 图片说明中提供的信息必须包括照片拍摄的真实时间、地点和环境。

    Caption information must give the true information about the date , the location and the circumstances under which a photo was taken .

  24. 图片说明:上两图是在芝加哥拍的,人们乘这种车在密歇根湖边行走,是电动的,这车叫什么名字,我还不知道。

    Explanation : Above pictures took in the Chicago , people get on this kind of electrical equipments I can not name what these are .

  25. 纽仕兰(Theland)奶粉的宣传图片说明了一切——在与新西兰国土形状类似的白云下,奶牛在碧绿的草地上吃草。

    The marketing of " Theland " milk powder says it all - cows graze on emerald grass below white clouds shaped like New Zealand .

  26. 目前,产品信息发布的表现形式主要是用文字来描述产品的属性、性能参数,辅之以图片说明。

    At present , product information publishing mainly describes attribute and function parameter of products by words , and it is assisted to explain by pictures .

  27. 我们与上述10位摄影师一一对话了解他/她的作品,为以上作品配上图片说明。

    We spoke to each of the 10 photographers about the image that he or she shot ; their words provide the captions accompanying the photos in the gallery above .

  28. 并结合大量图片说明了绘身艺术与服装搭配的方法和要领,证实了两者结合后所产生的时尚性,能够对于流行更新,时尚变换起到推波助澜的作用。

    And use a lot of pictures and photographs to show the essentials of the mix of body painting and clothing , and confirmed it 's function on encouraging the update of vogue and transformation of fashion .

  29. 作者结合了一些照片造假的案例,对数字时代的造假方式进行了归类,大致分为摆拍,对照片的篡改,有选择地展现和错误的图片说明这几种。

    In this paper , some photos of fraud cases against counterfeiters way in the digital age were classified broadly into shot put on the photo tampering , selected pictures to show and explain these types of errors .

  30. 当被摄对象的行为是由于新闻记者的出现而产生时,必须在图片说明中特别标明。被艺术家或摄影师用作表现对象的某些东西(人或物或场景)。

    When the behavior shown is the result of the media 's presence , our captions must make that clear . something ( a person or object or scene ) selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation .