
tú téng zhù
  • totem-pole
图腾柱 [tú téng zhù]
  • [totem pole] 雕刻和绘画着代表家世血统常穿插着神话或历史事件的标志形象的杆或柱,建于北美洲西北海岸印第安人部落(尤其是特林基特和斯基塔该坦语系的氏族)的房屋前面

图腾柱[tú téng zhù]
  1. 要竖起这种高度的柱子,在技术上是一种挑战:我们发现,伦敦起重机操作者几乎没有在图腾柱方面有多少经验的。

    Raising a pole of this height has been a technical challenge : few London crane-operators , we discovered , had much totem-pole experience .

  2. 这根图腾柱是由一整根树干雕刻而成的。

    This totem pole was carved from a single tree trunk .

  3. 灵蛇和娇虎去……像一个图腾柱。

    Viper and tigress , to ... like a totem pole .

  4. 北美印第安人过去常建造图腾柱。

    The North American Indians used to make totem poles .

  5. 里面有图腾柱、面具、镶缀珠、篮筐以及版画。

    It had totem poles , masks , beadwork , basket and prints .

  6. 同时他也能够运用他的图腾柱使出强力的打击。

    He also hits pretty hard with his totem .

  7. 加拿大印第安人图腾柱文化遗产保护与旅游

    Conservation of Indian Totem Column and Tourism in Canada

  8. 位于加拿大亚伯达省杰士伯的图腾柱。

    Totem pole at Jasper , Alberta , Canada .

  9. 我是这个图腾柱上众多杰出人士中很不起眼的一个

    I am the little man on this totem pole , very distinguished people

  10. 大山:嘿,看,我们刚经过了一个图腾柱。

    Dashan : Oh , look . We 've just passed a totem pole .

  11. 他们讲述了自己的故事和图腾柱的故事,还背诵了祈祷词。

    They told their story and that of the pole , and recited a prayer .

  12. 图腾柱是用来庆祝特殊活动的。

    Totem poles commemorate special events .

  13. 图腾柱顶部是乔尔·萨莫斯,他在父母死后被人领养。

    Joel Summers is the headpiece of our totem pole was adopted after his parents died .

  14. 现代艺术;现代设备;现代史;图腾柱相当陈旧。

    Modern art ; modern furniture ; modern history ; totem poles are modern rather than prehistoric .

  15. 真是死于车祸吗如果她是被谋杀的,那该在图腾柱上才对

    Genuine car accident ? If she was murdered , she would have been on the totem pole .

  16. 被激怒的牛头人战士会使用他们巨大的图腾柱将敌人砸成肉泥。

    When roused , Tauren are fierce fighters and use their flails and horns alike to smash their enemies .

  17. 正常的情况下,有钱,老鹰,青蛙,鲸鱼,小人形的图案雕刻在图腾柱上。

    Normally , there are money , eagle , frog , whale , small people carved on the totem pole .

  18. 虽然符号可能是结婚戒指或图腾柱的抽象形式,符号倾向于成群出现,取决于彼此之间的含意与价值的累加。

    Symbols tend to appear in clusters and to depend on one another for their accretion of meaning and value .

  19. 那里有着圆锥形的帐篷和图腾柱,类似于魔兽争霸3中的牛头人图腾和灵魂归宿建筑。

    There were tepees and totem poles , which were similar to the tauren totem and spirit lodge structures in Warcraft III.

  20. 他长得真难看,上一次我看见他的时候,他竟然是西雅图的图腾柱柱顶。

    He be so ugly , the last time I see him he be the top of a totem pole in seattle .

  21. 图腾柱是加拿大印第安人的文化象征,也是一份宝贵的历史文化遗产。加拿大在图腾柱遗产保护和开发利用过程中走过曲折道路,积累了丰富经验。

    The Indian totem column tourism in Canada is a good example to succeed in dealing with conservation of cultural heritages and tourism .

  22. 100多年来,大英博物馆拥有来自加拿大太平洋沿岸最精美的一个图腾柱。

    For more than 100 years , the British Museum has held one of the finest totem poles from the Pacific coast of Canada .

  23. 鲍克斯利是一位国际知名的艺术家,他雕刻的图腾柱可以在从迪斯尼世界直到日本的公共或私人收藏中见到。

    Boxley is an internationally known artist , whose carved totem poles can be found in public and private collections from Walt Disney World to Japan .

  24. 图腾柱是西北沿岸印第安人文化最突出、最引人注目的浓缩象征,也是加拿大宝贵的历史文化遗产。

    Totem poles are the most prominent and noticeable concentrated symbol of the Northwest Coast Indians and are the precious historical and cultural heritage of Canada .

  25. 圆台四周立了八根图腾柱,烘托了广场的历史氛围,又起到了灯光及监控的作用。

    Eight totem columns around the terrace have two purposes , one for displaying the atmosphere of the history , the other for controlling the lamplight .

  26. 当地美国人说到他的时候,甚至会将他列入到图腾柱沿侧动物,其他的图案我们知道一般是熊和鹰。

    The native Americans spoke of him and even added him onto their totem poles along side animals we KNOW are real like bears and eagles .

  27. 夸扣特尔人居住在他们的乡村,发展了大量的部落仪式和艺术生活,包括雕刻代表氏族图形的图腾柱。

    Residing in their permanent villages , the Kwakiutl developed an extensive ceremonial and artistic life that included the carving of totem poles to represent clan figures .

  28. 为保证图腾柱输出的功率器件能安全工作而不发生直通现象,内设典型值为1.1μs的死区时间。

    To ensure the push-pull output of the power devices to work safely without the phenomenon of punch-through , it consists of typically 1.1 μ s dead time .

  29. 长期以来,这个图腾柱都是在一个楼梯间里展示(那里是博物馆里少数几个有足够高度放置这个展品的地方),但灯光从来都不尽人意。

    It has long been shown in a stairwell ( one of the few spaces in the museum high enough to house it ) but the light has never done it justice .

  30. 柱子作为柱梁结构的主要构件,贯穿整个历史时期,如埃及石柱、非洲图腾柱、中国木柱、欧洲古典柱式、现代的钢柱和钢筋混凝土柱。

    Pillar works as the mostly important element of framework , which going through the whole history , such as stone pillar in Egypt , totem pole of Africa , wood class pillar in China , class order of Europe , steel pillar and reinforced concrete pillar in modern period .