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lónɡ shé
  • Dragon snake;flourishes in calligraphy;eminent person
龙蛇 [lóng shé]
  • [dragons and snakes] 比喻非常的人物

  • 深山大泽,实生龙蛇。--《左传.襄公二十一年》。杜预注:言非常之地,各生非常之物。

  1. 这是一个融合多元文化、龙蛇杂处的环境。

    This is [ a ] multicultural , totally mixed environment .

  2. 其笔下紫藤、葡萄藤等似龙蛇舞动,用笔遒道劲有力。

    His pen wisteria vines like snakes dancing pen emotion strong .

  3. 书法艺术中的龙蛇意象探隐

    Dragon and Snake Image in Chinese Cursive Calligraphy

  4. 他的朋友都是相当龙蛇杂处的一夥人。

    His friends are rather a motley crew .

  5. 雷惊天地龙蛇蛰。

    All over the world shaking is thunder .

  6. 战国秦汉时期龙蛇信仰的比较研究

    Comparative Research on Faith of Dragon and Snake During the Warring States and the Qin-Han Period

  7. 推荐在此下榻之前,必需指出此乃龙蛇聚集之地;

    We can 't rationally recommend bunking here without pointing out the strong negatives of crowds .

  8. 这首以“龙蛇”象喻为名的歌谣,曾散见于各种典籍之中。

    This ballad named by Long She symbol , had eight different variants and been found among various books .

  9. 这不是林中树叶的阴影,这是大海涨溢,像一条深黑的龙蛇。

    That is not the gloom of the leaves of the forest , that is the sea swelling like a dark black snake .

  10. 阴阳变化与龙蛇转换&先秦时期北方山神话形成与演变

    The change of Yin Yang , the conversion between dragon and snake & the formation and evolution of the fairy tales about the northern mountains in the early Qin dynasty

  11. 由于时代的久远和知识的匮乏,先民基于对虹的想像认为虹是双首龙,先民观念中的虹与远古龙蛇类动物图腾崇拜有着密切的关系。

    Because of the remote era and deficient knowledge , the people lived in ancient times believed that the rainbow was dragon with two heads on the basis of their imagination .

  12. 开车上班路上,一个哥们儿车走龙蛇,强行变道超了你,还对你竖了个中指。这样一比较,坐在办公室里上班是不是要开心多了?

    By the time a fellow motorist ( or several ) had cut you off in traffic , perhaps with a rude hand gesture or two , wasn 't it a relief to get to the office ?