
  • 网络Longyan city
  1. 2008年龙岩市医用X射线工作人员健康检查情况分析

    Data Analysis of Physical Checkup among Employees Exposed to Medical X-ray in Longyan City in 2008

  2. 龙岩市1988~1999年出生人群A群C群流行性脑脊髓膜炎抗体水平调查

    To Investigate Group A And C Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis Immune Body Level Of Crowd Born From 1988 To 1999 Year In Longyan City

  3. 第四部份为龙岩市农业产业化的SWOT分析。

    The fourth part analyzes the agricultural industrialization in Longyan by SWOT methods .

  4. 基于GIS的沿海与内陆城镇用地变化差异分析&以福建省漳州市和龙岩市为例

    Contrastive Analysis of Dynamic Changes of Urban Lands Between Coastal Region and Inland Mountains By GIS & A Case Study of Zhangzhou City and Longyan City of Fujian Province

  5. 通过分析多年的环境监测数据,确定龙岩市城区环境空气首要污染物是TSP。

    Based on the analysis of environmental monitoring data of many years , it is determined that the major pollutant in the ambient air of Longyan urban area is TSP .

  6. 目的调查龙岩市娱乐场所女服务员性病艾滋病知识掌握情况及与HIV感染相关危险行为发生状况,探讨HIV/AIDS流行趋势,为制定适合本地情况的HIV/AIDS干预措施提供科学依据。

    Objective To Investigate the HIV / AIDS knowledge and high risk behavior in females working at recreational places in Longyan city , Fujian province . Discuss the tendency of HIV / AIDS , offer science basis for Intervention measure that suits local condition .

  7. 龙岩市会展中心钢大梁液压同步提升与高空平移技术

    Hydraulic-synchronizing-lifting and high-altitude-translation technique for steel beams in Longyan Exhibition Center

  8. 龙岩市新装修房室内空气中甲醛污染调查分析

    Diagnosis on formaldehyde aerial contamination in newly decorated houses in Longyan

  9. 龙岩市放射源现状及防治对策

    Current situation of radioactive source and control measures in Longyan City

  10. 龙岩市学龄前儿童营养不良相关因素及防治

    Related Factors and Prevention of Malnutrition among Preschoolers in Longyan City

  11. 后发优势与龙岩市区域经济发展研究

    The Late-developing Advantage and Longyan City Region Economic Development Research

  12. 龙岩市水稻土主要肥力性状的变化研究

    Variation of the main fertility characters of paddy soil in Longyan City

  13. ECHO19引起龙岩市儿童病毒性脑炎的流行病学调查

    Epidemiological Investigation on Virus Encephalitis Causing by ECHO-19 in Children

  14. 1990~2004年龙岩市慢性铅中毒病例分析

    Analysis on Lead Poisoning Cases in Longyan City during 1990 to 2004

  15. 2005&2008年龙岩市妇女病普查分析

    Analysis of Census of Gynecopathy in Longyan City during 2005-2008

  16. 龙岩市数字电视用户管理系统建设方案

    Construction Scheme of Digital TV Subscriber Management System in Longyan

  17. 改革开放以来龙岩市产业政策的变迁与发展

    Changes and Development of Industrial Policies in Longyan since Reform and Opening-up

  18. 龙岩市动物疫病流行病学数据库系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of LongYan Animal Diseases Epidemiology database system

  19. 龙岩市毛竹产业现状与发展对策

    Current Situation and Development Tactics of Mao Bamboo Industry in Longyan City

  20. 2004年龙岩市中学生视力状况调查

    Investigation on Eyesight among Middle School Students in Longyan city of 2004

  21. 论龙岩市生态体育旅游的开发与对策

    Study on The Development and Countermeasures of Eco-sports Tourism in Longyan City

  22. 2007年龙岩市结核病病人规范管理情况调查

    Investigation on Standardize Management of TB Patients in Longyan City in 2007

  23. 龙岩市流感监测结果分析

    Analysis on Surveilance Result of Influenza in Longyan City

  24. 龙岩市部分基层养路工人心电图检查结果分析

    Analysis of ECG Results of Some Grass-roots Road Maintenance Workers in Longyan City

  25. 龙岩市2006~2008年急性弛缓型麻痹病例监测分析

    Analysis on Surveillance of Acute Flaccid Paralysis in LongYan

  26. 浅谈龙岩市地震安全性评价工作

    On the safety appraisal of earthquake in longyan city

  27. 2005年龙岩市碘盐监测结果

    Analysis of Surveillance Result of Iodized Salt Use in Longyan City in 2005

  28. 龙岩市2005年麻疹资料分析

    Analysis of Measles Data in Longyan City in 2005

  29. 龙岩市碘缺乏病防治现状调查分析

    Current Status of Prevention and Treatment of Iodine Deficiency Disorder in Longyan City

  30. 龙岩市饮食行业食(饮)具消毒效果监测分析

    Analysis on Surveillance of Tableware Disinfection Effect in Catering Service in LongYan city