
  • 网络Shanghang County
  1. 基于GIS的上杭县城区地价动态监测

    The Dynamic Monitoring of Land Price in Shanghang County Base on GIS

  2. 高于最低起爆水平350m、离爆破中心450m的上杭县电视转播站等爆区周围建(构)筑物未受损伤,达到了预期目标。

    Neither the TV relay station , which is 350m above the lowest blasting level and 450m far from the center of blasting area of Shanghang County nor the other nearby buildings are damaged . The desired results have been achieved .

  3. 第三部分是对上杭县休闲农业开发进行SWOT的战略分析,包括发展的优势、劣势、机遇与挑战,以及策略研究。

    The Third Part is the analysis of the potential excavation of leisure agriculture in Shang Hang Xian using SWOT method , which include the advantages and disadvantage , opportunities and challenges , decision making research .

  4. 上杭县林业发展潜力和可持续经营分析

    Analysis of forestry development potentiality and sustainable management in Shanghang County

  5. 上杭县上杭大道泥岩路基填料的施工及质量控制

    Construction and Quality Control of Mudstone Roadbed Stuffing of Shanghang Street in Shanghang County

  6. 农户理财需求的现状、问题与对策建议&以龙岩市上杭县庐丰乡为例

    Situations , Problems and Suggestions to Financing Demand of Farmers & Taking the Case of Lufeng Town in Shanghang County

  7. 然而,不断发展的经济和有限的矿产资源的矛盾也在不断加剧,使得上杭县有演变成危机矿业城市的趋势。

    However , the growing economy is facing a conflict with the mineral resources , hanging a mining crisis trend over this city .

  8. 然而,由于上杭县休闲农业发展的起步较晚,同时也缺乏科学合理的规划,所以发展仍处于起步阶段。

    However , the development of its leisure agriculture still stays in the beginning because of its late development and lack of necessary plan .

  9. 本文分析了上杭县农机化发展中的主要问题,阐述了解决这些问题的思路和对策。

    This paper analyses the key problems of agricultural mechanization development in Shanghang county , expatiates on the consideration and countermeasures to resolve them .

  10. 本文对近年上杭县与台湾农业交流与合作情况及存在问题进行调查分析,并在加强对农业交流与合作方面提出思路与对策。

    The status and existing problems of agricultural exchange and cooperation were analyzed between Shanghang county and Taiwan in recent years and some countermeasures were suggested .

  11. 本文针对福建省上杭县拖拉机年检率下降的趋势,分析了年检率低的主要原因,论述了提高拖拉机年检率的思路和对策。

    According to the descendant trend of annual inspection rate of tractor in Fujian province Shanghang county , this paper analyses main causes and discourses upon consideration and countermeasures .

  12. 福建省上杭县原本为一个以农业为主的贫困小县,近年来以紫金矿业为代表的矿业企业的崛起,使上杭县的经济得到了飞速发展。

    Shanghang county , Fujian province , which was a poor agricultural county , recently has acquired a fast economic growth as a benefit from mining , represented by Zijin mining .

  13. 第二部分是对上杭县休闲农业资源状况进行调查分析,包括自然资源、景观资源、产业资源、文化资源。

    The Second Part is the statistics research and analysis of the leisure agriculture in Shang Hang Xian , which include natural resource , scenery resource , business resource and cultural resource .

  14. 来到中国东南部的福建省上杭县,首先映入眼帘的是密密麻麻、花花绿绿的巨幅广告牌,内容从高档别墅到理财服务不一而足。

    Visit the town of Shanghang in south-east China and what first catches the eye is a thicket of giant colourful billboards that advertise everything from fancy villas to wealth management services .

  15. 随着上杭县电力公司的发展,其改制后财务管理方面存在的问题不断制约着公司的成长,因此上杭县电力公司财务管理改革势在必行。

    With the Demolition of the power companies for the development of the restructured financial management problems continue to restrict the growth of the company , so Shanghang power company financial management reforms .

  16. 本文从交易成本改善角度设计了山区农村脱贫机制,以福建上杭县才溪乡作为典型山区,以案例分析的研究方法分析了山区农村脱贫过程中的交易成本改善机制。

    Regard Caixi Shanghang in Fujian province as typical mountain area , this paper designs the poverty alleviation mechanism in mountain rural area . Using the method of case study , this paper analyzes the transaction cost improvement mechanism during the process of poverty alleviation in mountain rural area .