
  • 网络Shanghai;ShangHai Railway Station
  1. 铁路上海站Intranet网中透明移动IP的实现方法

    An Approach and Implementation of Transparent Mobile IP in the Intranet about Shanghai Railway Station

  2. 上海站ATM网络信元丢失率分析

    Analysis of Cell Loss Probability in an ATM Network about Shanghai Railway Station

  3. 其研究成果为上海站ATM网络建网提供了理论依据。

    The research results will provide theoretical basis for building the ATM network of RailwayShanghai Station .

  4. 基于FIFO流控的上海站多媒体网络性能及效益评估

    Performance and Benefit Evaluation of Shanghai Station Multimedia Network Based on FIFO Flow Control

  5. 提出了采用FIFO输入流控策略改善铁路上海站ATM多媒体信息网络性能。

    This thesis uses FIFO input flow control strategy to improve performance of ATM multimedia network of Shanghai Railway Station .

  6. 结论灰色模型适合上海站地区空气SO2和NOx的污染预测。

    Conclusion This grey model was suitable for forecasting air pollution by SO2 and NOx in area of Shanghai railway station .

  7. 在此基础上进行了上海站ATM网络性能分析,并重点论述了ATM网络信元丢失率。

    Through the result we analyze the performances of ATM network of Shanghai Railway Station , specially the cell loss probalility as an important factor in ATM networks performance .

  8. 研究认为,F1上海站赛事将会促进上海及其周边地区消费水平的提高,对促进上海及其周边地区的区域经济发展具有巨大的影响作用。

    Shanghai F1 would benefit the consumption level in Shanghai and its bordering areas and would have great ( impacts ) on their economic development .

  9. 接下来,让我们共同期待本届夏令营上海站和广州站的更多精彩内容。

    The summer camp program now moves on to stops in Shanghai & Guangzhou .

  10. 铁路上海站今昔

    The past and today of Shanghai Railway Station

  11. 从上海站搭车到贵公司要多久?

    How long does it take from the Shanghai station to your office by bus ?

  12. 他已确认参赛国际田联钻石联赛上海站。

    He 's confirmed to take part in the IAAF 's Diamond League meet in Shanghai .

  13. 谈建立铁路上海站地区的长效管理机制

    On Establishing the Long - term Effective Administration Mechanism in the Area around Shanghai Railway Station

  14. 上海站的排位赛是比这个赛季的前两场中预料的都要艰难的。

    A tougher qualifying session in Shanghai today than we have experienced in the first two races .

  15. 奢华的亚洲巡演包括在北京站与上海站与歌迷们见面。

    As part of the luxury Asia tour , Lee will be meeting fans in Beijing and Shanghai .

  16. 该列车将于晚上7点10分从上海站出发,次日清晨7点7分到达北京南站。

    It will leave Shanghai at 7:10 pm and arrive at Beijing at 7:07 am the next day .

  17. 虚拟网络及其在上海站主干网建设中的应用交通运输信息网络地区级主干网络的规划与设计研讨

    Virtual Local Area Networks and Its Application in Shanghai Railway Station The Planning and Designing of Internetworks of CTInet

  18. 理所当然地,在2011钻石联赛上海站赛事中,欧米茄的计时和数据处理角色将大显身手。

    And of course , OMEGA has a substantial timekeeping and data handling presence at the2011 Diamond League meet in Shanghai .

  19. 老实讲,在一年前上海站获得第2名后,我就期待着归队。

    To be honest , after finishing second in Shanghai one year ago , I was expecting the call up last season .

  20. 显然,我很期待上海站,面对挑战,我和车队里的每一个人都充满斗志。

    I am , of course , looking forward to racing in Shanghai as challenges fire me up as much as everybody else in our team .

  21. 奥运卫冕冠军阿里斯•梅里特和银牌获得者贾森•理查德森在110米栏中再次不分上下,这是最热切期待的上海站比赛之一。

    Reigning Olympic champion Aries Merritt and silver medalist Jason Richardson go head-to-head in the 110 hurdles again , one of the most hotly anticipated events of the Shanghai meeting .

  22. 铁路上海站地区经多年大力整治,仍存在一些老大难问题,故此,必须继续开展专项整治;

    The area around Shanghai railway station has been vigorously administered for many years , but there are still some tough problems , ao we must go on with the specialized administration ;

  23. 最后,对影响换乘效率的指标体系利用综合模糊评价法进行评价,并对北京南站和上海站进行了实例分析。

    Finally , the paper evaluates the impact index of transfer efficiency system by comprehensive evaluation method . And make the Beijing South Railway Station and Shanghai Railway Station as an illustrative example .

  24. 此外,还将增开一趟夜间动卧高铁D312次列车,它以前只是作为上海站至北京南站春运时的临时列车,以后则将开始常规运行。

    Another bullet train with sleeping cars , D312 , which ran from Shanghai Railway Station to Beijing South Railway Station temporarily during the Spring Festival holiday , will also start regular operation later .

  25. 梅里特表示他预计如果刘翔选择重返赛场他会以一流的状态回来,正如他在去年的钻石联赛上海站上以惊人的表现击败2012年伦敦奥运会的前两名。

    Merritt said he expected that if Liu chose to return he would come back in tip-top form , as he did when beat both the London 2012 top two with a stunning performance at last year 's Shanghai Diamond meeting .

  26. 中国有很多顶级的运动员,尤其是在男子110米栏上,这位22岁的运动员昨日在钻石联赛上海站前夕回应对刘翔未来的质疑时告诉记者。

    China has a lot of top athletes , especially in the men 's 110 hurdles , the 22-year-old told reporters yesterday , on the eve of the Shanghai Diamond League meeting , in response to questions about Liu 's future .

  27. 梅里特表示他预计如果刘翔选择重返赛场他会以“一流的状态”回来,正如他在去年的钻石联赛上海站上以惊人的表现击败2012年伦敦奥运会的前两名。

    Merritt said he expected that if Liu chose to return he would come back " in tip-top form , " as he did when beat both the London 2012 top two with a stunning performance at last year 's Shanghai Diamond meeting .

  28. 赛间体能训练的负荷呈波浪式规律起伏,杭州站、上海站、南京站整体负荷节奏以小为主,结合间歇日出现中等负荷。

    The loads of physical and condition training between the games are ups and downs like waves , the whole load rhythm in hangzhou , Shanghai and Nanjing stations is mainly " small " give priority to , combined with intermittent day appear " medium " load .

  29. 目的分析并预测上海火车站(上海站)地区空气SO2和NOx污染状况。

    Ve To analyze and forecast the air pollution by SO2 and NOx in area of Shanghai railway station .

  30. 上海VLBI站相对于欧亚板块运动的测定与讨论

    Determination and Discussion of Motion of Shanghai VLBI Station Relative to Eurasian Plate