
  • 网络the Shanghai dialect
  1. 她的言谈带有上海方言的味道。

    Her talk smacks of Shanghai dialect .

  2. 他们看上去和当地人没有区别,说着一口流利的普通话或者上海方言,

    They look no different from the locals and speak fluent mandarin or even Shanghai dialect ,

  3. 我说一口流利的上海方言。

    I speak fluent Shanghai dialect .

  4. 作为一本反映近代吴语上海方言的韵书,我们应加以重视。

    As a rhythm book reflecting recent period Shanghai dialect , we should put emphasize on it .

  5. 语音上与上海方言较为接近,而与浙南吴语差别甚大。

    The speech sound is more close to Shanghai dialect but diffes from the Wu dialect of Zhejiang southern part .

  6. 本文的重点在于对上海方言中几个特殊格式形容词进行描写和分析。

    The focal point of this thesis is meticulous depiction and analysis about a few special structural forms in Shanghai dialect .

  7. 在展望中,本文还对四川方言的合成,上海方言的合成提出了展望,为下一步工作提供了依据。

    At last , the paper also gives prospect for Sichuan Dialect and Shanghai Dialect so that it could provide a basis for future work .

  8. 本实验通过观察研究外来移民在学习上海方言时所显示的特征,试图探究语音学习背后的心理机制。

    The study is based on Shanghainese learning by subjects who has no related experience of Shanghai dialect in order to explore the psychological functions of voice imitation .

  9. 这个词在上海方言里原来是指容器的容量大小。一个有“容量”的人现在也指一个有影响的投资者或有政治影响的人物。

    The word in Shanghai dialect originally describes the volume of a container . A person with " volume " now means a high-heeled investor or a person with clout .

  10. 尽管前人对此书的评价不高,但该书于近代汉语语音研究,特别是明代上海方言研究,俗字研究等还是有一定的参考价值。

    Although people were not so highly apprised of this book , it has certain value for the study of recent period Chinese Phonetics , especially for the study of Ming Dynasty Shanghai dialect and studies of common words .

  11. 与以往的上海方言语音研究相比,本文有如下特点:第一,本文只调查10岁至35岁上海人的上海话语音变化状况,这一年龄阶层的人属于上海话的最新派;

    Compared with the previous Shanghai dialect phonology studies , the present study has the following features : Firstly we only investigate the phonetic evolution of the native speakers who are from 10 years old to 35 years old in Shanghai urban district .

  12. 探讨都市生活,经济和政治问题,语言上融合了上海方言,普通话以及一些英文单词,周立波的表演已经得到上海市民的喝彩,他们渴望一位本地的笑星来对话本土文化。

    Talking about urban lives , economic and political issues in a mixture of Shanghai dialect , Putonghua and some English words , Zhou ` s performances have been acclaimed by Shanghai citizens , who long for a local star to speak to their culture .

  13. 第四部分对上海郊县方言特征词进行了综合考察,提取了上海郊县方言的特征词。

    The fourth part investigates and draws the Character-Words of Shanghai suburb .

  14. 上海郊县方言特征词研究

    Studies on the Character-Words of Shanghai Suburb

  15. 最新派上海市区方言语音的调查分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of the Phonetic Evolution of the Newest Variety of Shanghai Urban District Dialect

  16. 本文的主要用意是:通过从语言接触角度研究上海市区方言的语音演变状况,试图发现受外部影响,上海话音变的规律。

    The main target of this thesis is trying to find the external factors which influence the phonetic evolution of Shanghai dialect via researching the phonetic situation of Shanghai urban dialects in the aspect of the language contact .

  17. 上海话是吴语方言。

    Shanghainese is a dialect of Wu Chinese .

  18. 最普及的方言是广东话,还有普通话、上海话和其他方言,同时也说国际商业语言英语。

    Cantonese is the most widely spoken Chinese dialect , though Mandarin , Shanghainese and other Chinese dialects are also spoken , along with the international commercial language of English .

  19. 上海洋泾浜英语;上海方言;影响;

    Shanghai Pidgin English ; Shanghai Dialect ; Influence ;

  20. 当代上海的社会生活中,各种语言(普通话、上海方言、外地方言、英语)之间是如何竞争的?

    How is the competition taken place between mandarin , Shanghai dialect , immigrants ' dialects and foreign languages ?

  21. 上海话在吴语分区上的地位&兼论上海话的混合方言性质

    On Classification and Mixed Nature of the Shanghai Dialect