
  • 网络Shennongjia Forestry District
  1. 多光谱数据波段选择方法试验研究&以湖北神农架林区为例

    Study on Band Selection Algorithm of Multi-spectral Remote Sensing Data : Taking Hubei Shennongjia as an Example

  2. 神农架林区森林火灾的火源统计分析

    Statistics and analysis to fire source of Shennongjia Forest District

  3. 神农架林区大型真菌资源调查研究

    Investigation on Macro - fungus Resources in Shennongjia Forest District

  4. 神农架林区后续产业的正确选择,将对林区的经济发展产生重大的影响。

    Correct selection on succeeding industry in Shengnongjia forest district will constitute significant influence on economic development in the forest district .

  5. 神农架林区依托自己的资源和区域优势,着重发展旅游和林下资源开发两大后续产业。

    Shengnongjia forest district depends on itself superiority in resource and regional and has focused on two big succeeding industries of under-forest resource development and tour development .

  6. 我国大三峡区域旅游功能系统急剧演进,神农架林区旅游发展将面临新的机遇和战略选择。

    The tourism development of Shennongjia Forest Zone is faced with new challenges and strategic choices under the evolvement of the Grand Three Gorges regional tourism function system .

  7. 以神农架林区滑雪场建设为例,在阐述分形理论用于生态环境影响评价可行性的基础上,提出了基于分形理论的生态环境影响评价范围定量研究方法。

    Taking a project of ski field in Shennongjia , Hubei Province as an example , a quantitative study on scale of eco-environment impact assessment based on fractal theory was proposed .

  8. 东接历史名城襄樊市,西靠车城十堰市,南依原始森林神农架林区,北临大型人工淡水湖丹江口水库。

    The east historic city of Xiangfan City , west city of Shiyan City , according to South Shennongjia forest primeval forest , a large artificial lake bounded by the Danjiangkou Reservoir .

  9. 位于湖北省西部濒临长江三峡坝区的香溪河流域(包括神农架林区、兴山县、秭归县的部分),环境秀美,自然资源极为丰富。

    The Xiangxi River Basin ( including part of Shennongjia forest , Xingshan and Zigui counties ) with its graceful environment and bountiful natural resources , located in the west of Hubei province , abuts on the area of the Three Gorge Dam on Yangtze River .