
  1. 2003年10月15日,乘坐神舟五号飞船的杨利伟成为第一个进入太空的中国人,那一年,他38岁。这使得中国成为继美国和俄罗斯之后第三个掌握载人飞船技术的国家。

    Yang was 38 when he became the first Chinese person to go into space on the Shenzhou V , on Oct 15 , 2003 , making China the third country — after the US and Russia — to master manned space capabilities .

  2. 然后我们发动神舟五号、VI设计、七、长时间飞船送入太空,并举行的北京奥运会。

    Then we launched the Shenzhou V , VI , VII and Chang'e spaceship into space , and held the Beijing Olympics .

  3. 将逆向软件和专业CAD软件结合起来是针对复杂曲面模型重建的有效方法,以神舟五号载人航天飞船缓冲减震垫设计为实例,探求了复杂曲面重建规律。

    Let the reverse software be combined with the specialized CAD software is an effective method for complicated surface model reconstruction . Take the design of buffer shock absorption pad of SHENZHOU ⅴ manned space airship as a living example the law of complicated surface reconstruction was explored .

  4. 神舟五号的首度载人航行将带来深远的外交效应。

    The first manned flight of the Shenzhou will have profound diplomatic echoes .

  5. 10月15日,38岁的航天员杨利伟搭乘神舟五号飞船驶向太空。

    On October 15 , the Shenzhou-5 carried 38-year-old astronaut Yang Liwei into space .

  6. 神舟五号和六号航天员医疗保障的特点及其救护对策研究

    Characteristic of medical support and health care for Shenzhou - 5 and Shenzhou - 6 astronauts at main landing site

  7. 神舟五号的发射改变了世界航空发展的格局;

    The launch of Shenzhou V has made China the third country in the world to have a successful manned flight .

  8. 在中国载人宇宙飞船“神舟五号”、“神舟六号”上面所有的钛合金紧固件均是本企业研制生产的。

    The titanium alloy fastener used in Chinese manned spacecrafts Shenzhou V and Shenzhou VI are all researched and produced by our company .

  9. 中国的神舟五号、六号相继上天,世界对中国的空间活动投来了关注的目光,作为国际法学者,我们扪心自问,中国的空间法研究与空间活动同步吗?

    With the launches of Shenzhou 5 and Shenzhou 6 into outer space , China 's space activities draw great concerns from the world .

  10. 在中国北边戈壁沙漠边缘的酒泉卫星发射中心,神舟五号正蓄势待发。

    At the Jiuquan Space Center near the edge of the Gobi Desert in northern China , Shenzhou 5 is being readied for launch .

  11. 2003年,中国首次载人飞船「神舟五号」成功遨游太空并返航,航天英雄杨杨利伟佩戴飞亚达航天表。

    Chinese maiden manned spacecraft " Shenzhou V " successfully completed a space flight mission in2003.Astronaut Yang Liwei wore Fiyta Space Watch throughout the mission .

  12. 早晨6点左右,在北京航天指挥控制中心的指挥下,神舟五号航天飞船的返回舱进入中国领空。

    At about 6:00am , guided by the Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Center , the return capsule of Shenzhou 5 entered China 's air space .

  13. 一个典型的例子就是“神舟五号”飞船的成功发射,使中国在航空和空间飞行中处于高端地位。

    A case in point is the successful launching of " Shenzhou V Spacecraft " which sets china in a high position of aviation and space flight .

  14. 本文将互文性与一种非文学语篇&新闻报道语篇相联,以显性转述语作为切入点,对比分析两篇关于“神舟五号”飞船报道的互文性模式。

    This thesis , relating intertextuality to a form of non-fictional text news report , exams and compares the intertextual patterns of two news reports on " Shenzhou V " .

  15. 概述了神舟五号飞船飞行试验问题归零、飞行任务引起的更改、提高产品可靠性的更改、其他原因引起的更改和工艺流程的变化等部分技术改进。

    The partial technology improvements of the return-to-zero of problems in Shenzhou-5 manned spaceship flying , change caused by mission , reliability increasing and other reasons , and technical route change were summarized .

  16. 论文设计了一套传感器监控平台程序和控制系统来模拟神舟五号载人航天船发射的全过程。

    To enhance people 's acquaintance of aviation , enlarge people 's view , popularize the science knowledge , this paper has designed a sensor surveillance terrace and control system to imitate the setting up process of shenzhou NO.

  17. 2003年中国的神舟五号载人飞船发射成功,航天员杨利伟亲口说他在太空没有看到长城,这件事情在中国社会上引起了不小的轰动。

    In2003 , the Shenzhou V manned flight mission was a greet success , but astronaut Yang Liwei said that he didn 't see the Great Wall in the outer space , which has caused a huge stir in China .

  18. 在2003年10月成功发射“神舟”五号载人飞船之后,中国并没有满足既得荣誉,而是紧盯建立自己的空间站和月球永久基地的长远目标。

    The Chinese are not going to sit on their laurels after the success of launching Shenzhou IV in the October of2003 .

  19. “神舟”五号载人飞船的发射成功,给术语学研究带来许多有益的思考。

    The fact that the Chinese Shen Zhou-5 manned spacecraft success-fully accomplished its mission sets us thinking about the adaption of terminology .

  20. 继“神舟”五号和“神舟”七号分别将中国航天员成功送入太空后,中华民族千百年来探索宇宙的飞天梦想还在继续延伸。

    Shenzhou V and Shenzhou VII spacecrafts have successfully taken our astronauts to the outerspace , and this is just the beginning of our long held dream of the universe .

  21. 中国自1992年实施载人航天工程以来,已完成了从神舟一号至神舟五号飞船的研发工作。

    Since implementing the manned space engineering in 1992 , China has completed the R & D from " the Divine Land No , 1 " to " the Divine Land No.2 " airship .