
  • 网络Tiangong 2
  1. 天宫二号空间实验室的三部分模块化设计,就是基于俄罗斯早在2001年就退役的和平号空间站(Mirspacestation)。

    The three-part modular design of the Tiangong II space lab is based on Russia 's Mir space station , which was in orbit until 2001 .

  2. 根据目前的进度,一个天宫二号轨道实验室模块将在九月份推出了搭载长征火箭5B测试,将需要对空间站的技术。

    Under the current schedule , a TianGong-2 orbiting laboratory module would be launched in September aboard a Long March 5B rocket to test technologies that will be needed for the space station .

  3. 它将由日前发射的天宫二号(Tiangong-2)代替。

    It will be replaced with the Tiangong-2 , which launched last week .

  4. 他还指出,天宫二号的通信系统使得航天员们也可以接收和回复邮件,并且和家人朋友通话。

    He said its communications systems also allow astronauts to receive and reply to emails and make calls to family and friends .

  5. 另外,天宫二号上还安装了一个空气探测器,可以用来检测和处理超过20种有害气体和微生物。

    In addition , Tiangong II has an air detector capable of checking for and dealing with more than 20 hazardous gases and microbes .

  6. 10月至11月间,中国两名航天员在天宫二号空间实验室过了一个月,创造了中国航天员太空驻留时间新纪录。

    It also highlights the two Chinese astronauts who spent one month aboard the Tiangong II space laboratory , in China 's longest manned mission in October and November .

  7. 载人神舟11船舱将在十月发射,搭载两名宇航员,会合,并在地球低轨道的天宫二号空间站前体设施对接。

    A manned ShenZhou-11 capsule is set to launch in October , carrying two astronauts , to rendezvous and dock with the TianGong-2 space station precursor facility in low Earth orbit .

  8. 景海鹏在前两次太空飞行对接任务中也担任了任务指令长,这能为他提供帮助“神舟十一号”与“天宫二号”对接所需的经验。

    The mission 's commander was also part of docking missions on both his previous space flights , giving him the experience needed to help dock Shenzhou 11 with Tiangong 2 .

  9. 据飞船设计者们表示,中国最新发射的空间实验室天宫二号相比于第一代飞船天宫一号,将会给居住在太空的航天员们提供更为舒适的环境。

    China 's newest space laboratory , Tiangong II , will provide more comfortable digs to astronauts living aboard than its predecessor , Tiangong I , the spacecraft 's designers said .

  10. 廖建林表示,工程师们还在天宫二号上安装了一些运动器材,例如跑步机、室内健身自行车以及穴位按摩器,从而帮助宇航员们保持健康。

    Furthermore , designers placed exercise equipment in the space lab such as a treadmill , exercise bike and acupuncture point massager to help astronauts keep healthy , according to Liao .

  11. 她表示,筹备工作进展顺利。此外她还表示,神舟十一号与天宫二号任务的成功已经表明,中国现在完全能够支持航天员在太空中长时间停留。

    The preparatory work is proceeding well , she said , adding that the success of the Shenzhou XI-Tiangong II mission has shown that China is now able to support astronauts ' long-term stay in space .

  12. 中国空间技术研究院天宫二号总设计师朱枞鹏表示,设计师们在天宫一号基础上改装建造天宫二号的时候,目标是要创造一个在每一方面都对航天员友好的环境。

    Zhu Zongpeng , chief designer of Tiangong II at China Academy of Space Technology , said designers aimed to create an astronaut-friendly environment in every regard when they refitted the space lab that was developed based on Tiangong I.

  13. 同样是在该新闻发布会上,中国载人航天工程办公室主任王兆耀表示,我国将在明年上半年发射第一艘货运飞船天舟一号,与天宫二号完成对接。

    Also at the news conference , Wang Zhaoyao , the agency 's director , said that the country will launch its first cargo spacecraft , Tianzhou 1 , in the first half of next year to dock with Tiangong II .

  14. 中国空间技术研究院高级工程师廖建林参加了天宫二号的研发工作,他表示,天宫二号内有大约15平米的面积可供宇航员居住和工作,其中包括一个独立的睡眠区和废物储存区。

    Liao Jianlin , a senior engineer at the academy who took part in Tiangong II 's development , said the lab has about 15 square meters for astronauts to live and work , including a separate sleep section and waste storage area .

  15. 天宫二号由两个舱体组成,分别具有不同的功能--实验舱是密封的,将会作为宇航员们的生活区;而资源舱内有太阳能电池板、蓄电电池、推进剂和发动机。

    The Tiangong II consists of two cabins with separate functions - the experiment cabin will be hermetically sealed and will act as the astronauts ' living quarters , while the resource cabin will contain solar panels , storage batteries , propellant and engines .

  16. 中国于1992年为载人航天计划提出了三步走战略,大型载人空间站是其中的最后一步。在今年10月中旬,神舟11号飞船将会把两位两位航天员运输到天宫二号,他们将在那里驻留30天。

    China in 1992 made a three-step strategy for its manned space program , the large-scale manned space station being the last step . In the middle of October , the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft will transport two taikonauts to Tiangong-2 . They will stay there for 30 days .

  17. 而中国对其研究计划和能力则守口如瓶,所以很难估计这些计划到2030年实现的可能性有多大。(中国还没有发射原本计划于今年发射的天宫二号)

    China has been more secretive with their research plans and capabilities , so it is hard to gauge the likelihood of all these plans coming together by 2030 or so ( China has yet to launch the Tiangong 2 , a space station planned for this year ) .