
  1. 今年春天,哈勃小组将一张2006年的照片与哈勃在2004年拍摄的同一天体的照片进行比较。

    The Hubble team this spring compared a2006 photo to one of the same body taken by Hubble in2004 .

  2. 星星和其它天体的照片被拍了下来,这些星星和天体的光线太暗,人的肉眼是完全看不到的。

    Photographs are taken ( of stars and other objects ), the light of which is too faint to be seen by eyes at all .

  3. 不过在降落之后的那么几十秒里它还是成功发回了照片——只来得及发回一张——这是我们所拥有的唯一一张比火星更远的天体表面的照片。

    It had enough time to send back a single photo after landing-the only one we have from the surface of a body beyond Mars .