
  • 网络amateur astronomer;stargazer;astrophile;Jean-Marc Lecleire
  1. 我一直都是一名天文爱好者,十岁的时候就开始制作自己的望远镜。

    I 've always been an amateur astronomer and started building my own telescopes when I was ten .

  2. 昨天晚上,业余天文爱好者戴维?贝茨在通过他的望远镜观察月球时,突然看到一件令他大为吃惊的事。

    Amateur astronomer David Bates was looking at the moon through his telescope last night when he got a big surprise .

  3. 据纽约业余天文爱好者协会(AmateurAstronomersAssociationofNewYork)委员贾森·肯德尔(JasonKendall)称,这将是十多年来,人们首次能用肉眼同时看到五颗行星。

    It will be the first time in more than a decade that the fab five will be simultaneously visible to the naked eye , according to Jason Kendall , who is on the board of the Amateur Astronomers Association of New York .

  4. 我预计未来Hinde将为天文爱好者创造出更多的望远镜。

    In the future , I see Hinde creating more telescopes for amateur astronomers .

  5. 听我说完,他是个业余天文爱好者。

    Give us a chance . He was an amateur astronomer .

  6. 许多天文爱好者关心他们的望远镜。

    Many observers harbor misgivings about their telescope .

  7. 由于我们望远镜的产品特点,天文爱好者们非常热衷于购买我们的望远镜。

    amateur astronomers being keen to buy our telescopes because of the features they offered .

  8. 事实上,对于任何人,包括业余天文爱好者来说,上传数据都是可能的。

    Indeed , it would be possible for anyone to upload data , including amateur astronomers .

  9. 届时,舞台将是黄昏时分的天空,南半球的天文爱好者将享有最佳视角。

    That show will take place in the dusk sky , giving stargazers in the Southern Hemisphere the best vantage points .

  10. 针对天文爱好者,指出流星雨的观测方法和注意事项,并对1999年发生的狮子座流星雨进行全面回顾。

    We point out the observation methods and attentive items for amateur astromoners and review on the Leonids Meteor Shower in 1999 .

  11. 演出是免费的,但为了能赶上观赏这一奇景,北半球的天文爱好者应该在日出前大约45分钟起床。

    Admission is free , though stargazers in the Northern Hemisphere should plan to get up about 45 minutes before sunrise to catch the show .

  12. 例如,该地区的一些农民在他们的后院架起了一些小型望远镜,供来访的天文爱好者使用。

    Some farmers in the area , for example , have set up small telescopes in their back gardens for visiting amateur astronomers to use .

  13. 很多天文爱好者最初对该领域的研究都是从业余爱好开始的,他们会用双筒望远镜观察星系的变化,观察人造卫星环绕地球运行的规律。

    Astronomy enthusiasts often enter this field as hobbyists , using binoculars or a telescope to observe the motion of planets or artificial satellites orbiting the earth .

  14. 拥有这些价格相对低廉的设备意味着其实英国的每一位天文爱好者都能观测夜空,分享他们的发现。

    Having this relatively low-cost technology available to anyone means that a network of hobbyist astronomers across Britain are constantly observing the night sky and sharing their findings .

  15. 但是昨天反常的太阳活动造福了北美人民:超级绚丽的北极光此次的延伸范围广得多,使得半个美国的天文爱好者大饱眼福,亲眼见证了北极光。

    But freak solar activity yesterday saw the stunning auroral display stretch much further than usual , as it was spotted by stunned stargazers across half of northern America .

  16. 简单地说,这是对梅西耶天体最深远和美丽的介绍,每一个天文爱好者都应该拥有它!

    Quite simply , this is THE most far-reaching and beautiful reference on the Messier objects there has ever been , and one that no observer should be without !

  17. 2012年2月,一组业余爱好者首次发现了2012DA14,美国宇航局科学家以及来自全球的专家及业余天文爱好者一直在追踪它。

    NASA scientists and professional and amateur astronomers around the world have been tracking asteroid 2012 DA14 since it was first discovered by a team of amateurs in February 2012 .

  18. 这些望远镜被天文爱好者们用来观赏夜空美景以及进行科普宣传,这并没有充分发挥这部分望远镜的作用。

    These astronomical telescopes were used to watch the night sky as well as popular Science publicity . However , this did not play the role of this part of telescope .

  19. 在一位英国天文爱好者的后花园中,他捕捉到了到了太阳的耀斑,美丽的土星照片以及它的两颗卫星。

    From detailed solar flares to an amazing image of Jupiter and two of its moons , this tour of our solar system has been captured by an amateur British astronomer in his back garden .

  20. 据《羊城晚报》报道,天文爱好者可以在6月6日上午一饱眼福,观测到本世纪最后一次金星凌日。

    Astronomy enthusiasts across China will be blessed to see on a spectacular transit of Venus on the morning of June 6 , the last such astronomical phenomenon in the century , Yangcheng Evening News reported .

  21. 尤其在日全食时,利用仰仪能清楚地观看日食的全过程,连同每一个时刻,日面亏损的位置、大小都能比较准确地测量出来。因此,仰仪是一种很受古代天文爱好者喜爱的天文观测仪器。

    Par-ticularly , during a total solar eclipse , the whole process of the solar eclipse can be observed with the instrument . Moreover , both the exact position and size of the e-clipse at different times can also be measured . Therefore , the projection semi-sphere was greatly loved by astronomy lovers .

  22. 天龙座三剑客虽然并不像其他紧密星系群那麽出名,不过它们在视觉上的强烈对比,让它们成为天文摄影爱好者常常拍摄的对象之一。

    Not as well known as other tight groupings of galaxies , the contrast in visual appearance makes this triplet an attractive subject for astrophotographers .

  23. 天文领域的民间爱好者研究

    Progress in Study on Folk Fans of Astronomy

  24. 记者在各大天文论坛上看到,一些天文爱好者已将自己拍摄到的月偏食照片上传与同行分享。

    Reporters at the major astronomical forum that the number of amateur astronomers have their own take on the partial eclipse upload photos to share with their peers .