
guāng quān
  • aperture;stop;iris diaphragm;light ring;iris aperture
光圈 [guāng quān]
  • (1) [stop;aperture]

  • (2) 摄影机镜头的孔径

  • (3) 照相机上的一系列标志(如f-数)显示光圈的装置

光圈[guāng quān]
  1. 光可以通过虹膜光圈减弱直到划得格子在背景中再次清晰可见。

    The light can be reduced by means of the iris diaphragm until the rulings stand out clearly against the background .

  2. 虹彩光圈:相机上可供调校的孔,它控制穿过镜头的光量。参阅光圈。

    Iris diaphragm : The adjustable hole in a camera to control the amount of light passing through the lens . See Diaphragm .

  3. 用闪光照相,要把光圈孔径定为5.6。

    For flash photography , set the aperture at f.5.6 .

  4. 用小光圈,仔细调整相机位置。

    Use a small aperture and position the camera carefully

  5. 你用多大光圈?

    What aperture are you using ?

  6. 聚光灯的光圈随着她在舞台上转。

    The spotlight followed her round the stage .

  7. 越小的f值对应越大的光圈,也就是通孔的洞越大。

    Smaller f-stops have larger apertures , which means a larger hole size .

  8. 要保证:M显示在取景器上,且镜头光圈没有调整在P或A。

    Make sure the M is display in the viewfinder display and that the lens aperture is not sot to P or A.

  9. 后置摄像头现搭载1200万像素的感光元件,支持FocusPixels,并配有更大的光圈,来捕捉栩栩如生的照片。

    The back camera now features a 12 megapixel sensor with Focus Pixels and a larger aperture to capture sharp , vivid photos .

  10. 新模型中从火焰图像转化而来的温度图像不因CCD摄像机镜头尺寸、光圈大小、快门速度等成像参数的改变而发生变化。

    It is shown that this sort of temperature images will not change significantly with the aperture , shutter speed of the camera used .

  11. 根据您相机的ISO设置并按闪光灯要求的光圈数值来选好您相机的光圈大小。

    Set the lens aperture to the aperture value designated by the flash unit according to the ISO setting of your camera .

  12. 提出利用调节光圈和快门组合的方法扩大CCD的测温范围,并通过实验验证了该方法的有效性。

    CCD measurement range can be expanded by adjusting the combination of aperture and shutter automatically . The experimental results prove the practicability of the method . 4 .

  13. 当水下摄影新人听到诸如光圈、快门或者是ISO等等术语的时候,就会不知所措的要退回去使用自动模式。

    When beginner underwater photographers hear terms like aperture , shutter speed or ISO they tend to freeze up and want to go back to auto mode .

  14. 在分析CCD输出信号与热辐射体辐射之间的关系的基础上,通过实验研究快门和光圈两个参数对成像的影响;并验证快门和光圈对曝光量的影响是等价的。

    Based on the analysis of the relationship between CCD output signal and thermal radiation , experimental study on the impact of imaging of adoption of shutter and of aperture parameters .

  15. 它采用视频信号控制带有电子快门的CCD摄象机的积分时间以及平面电机自动光圈,实现宽范围全自动调光。

    The full automatic light adjustment within a wide range is carried out by the integration time of CCD camera with an electron shutter and planar motor automatic iris controlled by video signal .

  16. 在不同设定下,包围曝光可以协助你调节光圈和快门或者EV值。

    Depending on your exposure mode , you can either step your aperture or shutter speed a stop down or up , or adjust your EV compensation .

  17. 这门课同样适合那些懂得ISO感光度、光圈、快门速度、白平衡等摄影知识并能用自己的数码单反或桥式相机设置这些参数的同学。

    It is ideal for those who have an understanding of ISO , aperture , shutter speed , white balance and how to change these on your digital SLR or bridge camera .

  18. 显微摄影中的几个要点&柯勒氏(Koehler)照明法、视场光圈和孔径光圈的调整与正确使用

    Some Main Points of Photomicrography

  19. 他的搭档克里斯汀•阿瑟曼(ChristineAscherman)是一位商业摄影师,在拍摄前和拍摄期间都会自己念叨曝光和光圈的问题。

    His partner , Christine Ascherman , a commercial photographer , talks to herself about exposure and aperture before and during her shoots .

  20. 摄影师同时补充说他通常使用T2.8左右的光圈拍摄夜景和内景,日景戏则用T8左右的光圈拍摄。

    The cinematographer adds that he typically shot nights and interiors around T2.8 , and day exteriors around T8 .

  21. 本文介绍了以MCS-51系列单片机为核心的一种照相机性能指标的微机检测系统,它既可单独也可同时检测曝光值偏差△EV、曝光时间T和光圈数F等指标。

    The paper describes a microcomputer examining system which is used to examine the property of a camera . The system can examine some parameters such as the variation of the exposure △ EV , the exposure time T and the aperture F.

  22. 因此光圈理想的形状是怎样呢?

    So what is the ideal shape for the lens opening ?

  23. 在现在的照相机中,这类似于光圈。

    In modern cameras , this is analogous to the diaphragm .

  24. 脊加载椭圆波导传输特性的矢量有限元法分析椭圆形光圈式波导管

    Propagation characteristics analysis for ridged elliptical waveguide by vector finite-element method

  25. 椭圆形光圈式波导管高功率毫米波过模波导模式耦合设计

    Coupling design for high-power millimeter wave in the overmoded waveguides mode

  26. 电视摄像镜头自动光圈控制方法的讨论

    Discussion to Auto iris Control Method Used in Televison Camera Lens

  27. 他微徽转动了一下光圈,然后按下快门。

    He rotated the focus ring slightly and pressed the shutter .

  28. 基于数学形态学的管制瓶图像滤波方法研究椭圆形光圈式波导管

    Research on the Tube-type Bottle Image Filtering Base on Mathematical Morphology

  29. 光圈性能测试系统的总体设计

    The Master Design of a Test System for Aperture Performance

  30. 光圈控制进入传感器的光的强弱。

    The aperture regulates how much light reaches the sensor .