
  • 网络Tremor;camera shake
  1. 经过长时间没有上色的练习,手震且生硬!

    No color after a long period of practice , hand tremors and stiff !

  2. 维冈需要数月才能完成一块与心跳,以避免手震的作品。

    Wigan takes months to complete a piece and works between heartbeats to avoid hand tremors .

  3. 他急速地写着,一手按住震颠着的薄薄纸页。

    He wrote swift - ly , one hand steadying the trembling thin paper .

  4. 所有人都给她这一手绝活震住了,个个都跃跃欲试。但是,很快他们就明白,不花上好一段时间学习,他们都别想能把家具变成动物。

    They were all very impressed and couldn 't wait to get started , but soon realized they weren 't going to be changing the furniture into animals for a long time .