
shǒu gōng
  • manual;by hand;handmade;handwork;craftsman;charge for a piece of handwork
手工 [shǒu gōng]
  • (1) [handwork]∶用手的技艺做的工作

  • 上手工课

  • (2) [charge for a piece of handwork]∶给手工劳动的报酬

  • 料子不贵,手工可花不起

  • (3) [manual]∶用手操作

  • 手工操作

  • (4) [craftsman]∶手工艺人

  • 请来几个手工艺人

手工[shǒu gōng]
  1. 通过Internet对学生进行无纸化的电子文档管理既可以减轻手工管理的难度和复杂度,对教务工作也更具有现实意义。

    Through internet to operate no-paper electronic document management can reduce difficult and complexity of handwork . It also has Important realistic meaning for educational work .

  2. 另外一种观点与之相反,认为应该改变ERP系统结构以适应企业现有手工作业流程。

    The other , which contradicts the first one , insists that the ERP system should be adapt to the handwork process .

  3. 他善于手工制作物品。

    He 's good at making things with his hands .

  4. 手工制品受到那些已厌倦划一产品的人的欢迎。

    Handmade goods appeal to those who are tired of cookie-cutter products .

  5. 她的爱好是音乐、读书和手工。

    Her hobbies are music , reading and handicraft .

  6. 她的婚纱是手工缝制的。

    Her wedding dress was stitched by hand .

  7. 他退后几步欣赏他的手工制品。

    He stood back to admire his handiwork .

  8. 这家商店专营手工制作的巧克力。

    The shop specializes in hand-made chocolates .

  9. 我们欣赏她精致的手工艺品。

    We admired her exquisite handiwork .

  10. 旅馆的礼品店里备有上好的印度手工艺品和其他一些特色礼品。

    The inn gift shop stocks quality Indian crafts and sundries .

  11. 主帆是用真正的厚篷帆布手工裁剪和缝纫而成的。

    The mainsails are hand-cut and sewn from real sailcloth .

  12. 彩色玻璃板先经过蚀刻,然后用传统技法手工着色。

    The stained-glass panels are etched and then handpainted using traditional methods .

  13. 因为是手工制作,所以每件都有细微差别。

    As they 're handmade , each one varies slightly .

  14. 制作厨房和浴室用的手工绘制花砖是朱莉·尤里克的专长。

    Handpainted tiled murals for kitchens and bathrooms are Julie Eurich 's speciality .

  15. 他们用的珠子是法国中部的侏罗山山民手工制作的。

    The beads they use are handmade in the Jura mountains in central France

  16. 每条褶裥都是手工缝制到位的。

    Each pleat was stitched in place by hand .

  17. 直到20世纪80年代,几乎所有的橄榄都是手工装罐的。

    Until the 1980s almost all olives were packed into jars by hand .

  18. 他那批价值连城的中国艺术品和手工艺品是花了30多年才收集起来的。

    His priceless collection of Chinese art and artefacts was garnered over three decades .

  19. 这些精美华丽的箱子和柜子都是印度工匠手工制作并彩绘的。

    These exquisitely ornate boxes and cabinets have been handmade and hand-painted by Indian craftspeople .

  20. 她向游客出售手工艺品。

    She sells handicrafts to the tourists .

  21. 手工工具是历史的遗物,现在已经被机器所取代。

    Hand tools are relics of the past that have now been superseded by the machine .

  22. 欧塞奇比奇有购物中心、工厂直销店以及出售乡村手工艺品和古玩的小店。

    Osage Beach has shopping centers , factory outlet stores , and small shops with country crafts and antiques .

  23. 他在当地的手工艺品集市上买了这个花瓶。

    He bought the vase at the local craft fair .

  24. 你这件上衣手工多少?

    How much did you pay for the tailoring of this coat ?

  25. 汤姆擅长手工工艺。

    Tom used to be clever with handling a craft .

  26. 手工操作既费时又费力。

    It takes both time and effort to do it by hand .

  27. 这件上衣的手工做得很细。

    This jacket is a fine piece of sewing .

  28. 昔日大部分手工劳动已由现代化的机器所代替。

    Most manual labor in the past has been replaced by modern machines .

  29. 这地方因出产手工艺品而闻名。

    It is known for its handicraft products .

  30. 那个裁缝的手工很精。

    That tailor does fine work .