
xínɡ shì shěn pàn
  • criminal trial;criminal justice
  1. 作为非凌驾于主权国家的常设性国际刑事审判机构,国际刑事法院备受瞩目。

    As permanent international criminal justice institute unauthorized to govern sovereign countries , the International Criminal Court has attracted tremendous attention .

  2. 第一部分,刑事审判简易程序概说。

    Chapter One , Survey of simple procedure for criminal justice .

  3. 我国合议庭独立行使刑事审判权研究

    Research on Independently Exercise Criminal Trial Power in Chinese Collegial Panel

  4. 论国际刑事审判实践的新发展及影响

    On the New Development of International Trialing Practice of Criminal Cases

  5. 刑事审判监督的制度缺陷与完善

    Systematic Defect of the Supervision over Criminal Adjudication and Its Completing

  6. 刑事审判中定罪观的确立与贯彻

    Establishment and Implementation of the Notion of Conviction in Criminal Trials

  7. 论我国未成年人刑事审判制度的完善

    On the Perfection of the Minor Criminal Judicial System of China

  8. 刑事审判中证人出庭作证现状分析

    In Criminal Judgement Analysing the Situation of Witness Testifying in Lawcourt

  9. 第四章系刑事审判制度之改革。

    The fourth chapter centers on the reform in criminal trial .

  10. 论刑事审判中的直接和言词原则

    Study on the Principle of Direct and Verbal Trial in Criminal Adjudication

  11. 论刑事审判监督程序的观念更新与改革

    A Theory About The Idea Innovation and Reform of Criminal Supervision Proceeding

  12. 任何刑事审判都不能回避审判对象的问题。

    Trial object is a must of any kind of criminal trial .

  13. 目的原则下的刑事审判话语标记语研究

    Discourse Markers in Criminal Courtroom Discourse under the Principle of Goal Direction

  14. 由金融危机引发的第一场刑事审判正在曼哈顿进行。

    The first criminal trial the financial crisis is now in Manhattan .

  15. 论刑事审判中法官对法律的阐释

    Comments on the Explanation of law on Criminal Trial by the Judge

  16. 定罪与量刑是刑事审判活动的两个基本环节。

    Conviction and sentencing are two basic links in criminal judicial procedure .

  17. 量刑差异是刑事审判中一个常见的现象。

    Sentence deviation is a universal phenomenon in criminal procedure .

  18. 刑事审判认证制度研究

    Research on the System of the Attestation of Criminal Judgment

  19. 这也已经成为严重困扰刑事审判的一个重要问题。

    This has already plagued the criminal trial to a great degree .

  20. 略论刑事审判的经济性价值

    On Economy Which Is the Basic Value of Criminal Trial

  21. 公正的诉讼程序是刑事审判公正实现的必要的制度性保障和前提,公正的审判结果是审判的目标。

    The fair judge is the goal of the trial .

  22. 刑事审判监督程序若干问题研究

    The Research on Some Questions of the Procedure for Criminal Trial Supervision

  23. 刑事审判阶段检察权配置问题研究

    The Role of Prosecuting Attorneys in Criminal Trial Stage

  24. 关于完善我国刑事审判监督程序的思考

    Reflections on the Procedure for Supervision upon Criminal Jurisdiction

  25. 完善我国少年刑事审判制度之浅见

    The Shallow View of Perfecting System of Criminal Justice in Case of Minors

  26. 第四部分,对改革我国刑事审判简易程序提出构想。

    Chapter Four , conceive reformation of simple procedure .

  27. 试论在刑事审判中以参照方式适用法律

    Trial Discussion on Applying Law with " Reference " Way in Criminal Trial

  28. 对于刑事审判阶段的检察权重新进行配置已是刻不容缓。

    Newly research regarding the criminal trial stage examination weight redeploys is urgent .

  29. 刑事审判公正的理论基础。

    Part I The theoretical foundation of the justice of the criminal trial .

  30. 中法两国最高法院刑事审判职能比较研究

    Comparative Study of Criminal Judicial Function of Supreme Court between France and China