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xíng fá
  • penalty;punishment;criminal penalty;torture;corporal punishment;penalty,punishment
刑罚 [xíng fá]
  • [penalty,punishment;torture;corporal punishment] 刑,指肉刑、死刑;罚,指以金钱赎罪。后泛指依照法律对违法者实行的强制处分

刑罚[xíng fá]
  1. 刑罚的终极价值是正义、秩序和自由。

    The ultimate penalty value is justice , order and freedom .

  2. 我国自首制度是一项十分重要的刑罚裁量制度。

    The voluntary surrender system is a very important Penalty system .

  3. 谋杀应处以什么刑罚?

    What is the punishment for murder ?

  4. 有了犯罪梯度,我们就可以将犯罪与刑罚建立对应联系,最大程度地避免量刑上的畸轻畸重。

    Once we have the scale , we can set up a corresponding relationship between a crime and a punishment , and avoid sentence unbalance to the most extent .

  5. 这可能导致在刑罚完成后很长一段时间内还会继续实施严厉的惩罚。

    This can result in severe penalties that continue long after punishment is completed .

  6. 钉十字架是非常残酷的刑罚。他们把耶稣的手和脚钉在粗糟的木制十字架上。

    To die by crucifixion meant they nailed the Lord Jesus by His hands and feet to a rough wooden cross .

  7. �被判处拘役、有期徒刑以上刑罚的人和被劳动教养的人以及被羁押的人,尚未申请领取居民身份证的,在服刑、劳动教养和羁押期间,不发给居民身份证;

    If persons who are sentenced to criminal detention for resident identity cards , they shall not be issued such cards during the period when they are serving their sentences or undergoing rehabilitation through labour , or are held in custody ;

  8. 第三章:刑罚轻缓化与刑事诉讼程序。

    Chapter ⅲ: criminal procedure and the mitigation of the penalty .

  9. 对于我国来讲,重要的是刑罚轻缓化在我国是否具有可行性。

    Whether it is feasible is of crucial importance for China .

  10. 过失危险行为犯罪化的现实意义在于实现刑罚的目的。

    Its operational significance lies in realizing the aim of penalty .

  11. 限制减刑与我国的刑罚体系关系密切。

    Restrictions on commutation of the penalty system is closely related .

  12. 第一层关系:刑罚权与权力。

    The first relations : the penalty power and power .

  13. 假释是刑事司法领域中的一种刑罚执行制度。

    Parole is a penalty execution system in criminal law .

  14. 刑罚是连接犯罪与行刑的核心。

    Penalty is the core linking crime and the execution .

  15. 现代刑罚目的理论与中国的选择

    Modern Theories on the Purpose of Criminal Punishment and China 's Choice

  16. 四是合同诈骗罪的刑罚适用。

    And last , the punishment application of contract swindles .

  17. 自首制度是刑法中的一项重要的刑罚裁量制度,它在中国源远流长,在法律发展史上一直占有一席之地,并逐渐得以完善。

    Voluntary surrender system is an important penalty measurement of criminal law .

  18. 首先明确了刑罚结构的概念。

    Firstly , make an introduction of the conception of punishment structure .

  19. 诱导性犯罪的三维视角及刑罚理念

    Three Angle Views and the Inductivity Crime the Penalty Principles

  20. 第三部分,破产犯罪的立法模式与刑罚配置。

    Part III , The legislation model of bankruptcy crime .

  21. 减刑制度是我国的一项刑罚执行制度。

    Commutation system is one of our penal execution systems .

  22. 将预防犯罪认定为刑罚的目的较为合理。

    It is reasonable to consider preventing as the purpose of penalty .

  23. 其刑罚依据是实现刑罚目的需要。

    Its penalty basis realizes the penalty goal need .

  24. 关于涉外罪犯刑罚执行模式的思考

    Reflection of the Penalty Enforcement Format of Foreign-related Criminals

  25. 刑罚功能转化之思考&由刑罚结构轻刑化谈起

    Thought on Penalty Function Transformation & from severe penalty structure to tolerant structure

  26. 因此,它们都不足以作为刑罚正当的一般根据。

    So , they can 't reveal the general ground of reasonable punishment .

  27. 有组织犯罪刑罚之比较研究&兼论我国刑法关于有组织犯罪刑罚规定的完善

    Comparative Study on the Criminal Penalty of Organized Crime

  28. 论社会文化对刑罚的影响

    On the Influences of Social Culture on criminal Penalty

  29. 论我国刑罚适用模式的调整

    On the Adjustment of the Pattern of the Application of Penalty in China

  30. 辩诉交易与刑罚功能的实现

    The Realization of Plea Bargaining and Criminal Penalty Function