
xínɡ shì kē xué jì shù
  • Criminal Science and Technology;science and technology concerning criminal matters
  1. 刑事科学技术鉴定实践的反思与法律完善

    Again On The Analysis & Improvement Of The Practice Of Identification Science And Technology Concerning Criminal Matters

  2. MS/MS在刑事科学技术中的一些应用

    Application of MS / MS to Forensic Science

  3. 建立新型刑事科学技术管理体制是当务之急。

    The task of promptly building up an administrative system of criminal science and technology is of top priority .

  4. 现代刑事科学技术的发展就是为了减少诉讼过程中的主观性因素,物证的地位逐步得到凸显。

    Modern criminal science and technology development is to reduce subjectivity in the course of the proceedings , evidence gradually increased .

  5. 伪造指纹的识别与检验是指纹鉴定工作者在同刑亨犯罪活动的斗争中遇到的一个新课题,也是刑事科学技术面临的一个新挑战。

    Forged fingerprint is a new subject that fingerprint judge meets recently also it is a new challenge to criminal science .

  6. 对手印和书写字迹形成顺序的检验,是当前刑事科学技术中的研究热点。

    The examination about the forming sequence of fingerprint and writing handwriting is quite hot in criminal science and technology at present .

  7. 智能理论在刑事科学技术中的应用虽时间很短,但发展迅速。

    Though it 's only a short time since the intelligence theory has been applied into the criminal science and technology , it 's been devolving very fast .

  8. 刑事科学技术管理体制改革主要有加强刑事科学技术部门之间的联系、积极创建市场运行机制和合理分配资源三个方面。

    The reform of the system concerns the reinforcement of the links among the criminal technology organs , the positive construction of market system and the rational resource distribution .

  9. 现场微量物证作为一门新兴的刑事科学技术,已经由开始时的种类检验逐步走向了个体认定。

    As a new criminal science and technology , the micro material evidence on scene of crime is more and more important for the practice of judicial administration , and it has moved towards individual identification from examination of kind .