
xínɡ fǎ xué
  • criminal jurisprudence;science of criminal law
  1. 中国近代刑法学的诞生与成长

    Bringing out and Grow up of the Criminal Jurisprudence in Modern China

  2. 刑法学复习方法漫谈

    Informal discussion on the review methods of the criminal jurisprudence

  3. 他是哈佛大学法学院的刑法学教授。

    He was a professor of criminal law at Harvard University law school

  4. 第二章为NGO工作人员职务型经济犯罪在传统刑法学中规制之分析,即分析问题。

    The second chapter is " analyzing the regulation for the economic crimes by taking advantage of duty in NGO in the traditional criminal lawscience " .

  5. 结果加重犯历来是刑法学研究的一个难点问题。

    It is a difficult problem to study the result-aggravated crime .

  6. 因此它早已成为刑法学中的一个重要的研究课题。

    So it becomes the important question for study in criminology .

  7. 国际刑法学的若干基本范畴探析

    On several basic categories of the science of International Criminal Law

  8. 类推解释在刑法学中有几种不同的含义。

    The analogical interpretation has a few different meanings in criminal dogmatic .

  9. “滥用商标行为”的刑法学分析

    Criminal law analysis on " ill-usage of trade marks "

  10. 我国的刑法学从体系到内容都需要变革;

    Revolution is necessary in Chinese criminal jurisprudence from system to content .

  11. 比较刑法学在刑法学中是一门新的学科。

    Comparative criminal law is a quite new code of Criminal Law .

  12. 构建刑法学研究方法体系

    Structure the System of the Research Approach of Criminal Jurisprudence

  13. 经济刑法学体系建构略论

    On the Construction of the Economic Criminal Law System

  14. 刑法学的西方经验与中国现实

    Study on Criminal Jurisprudence : Western Countries ' Experience and China 's Reality

  15. 刑法学教学存在的问题及改革

    On the Problems and Reform of Criminal Law Teaching

  16. 论我国刑法学中的犯罪概念

    The Crime Concept in Criminal Jurisprudence of Our Country

  17. 犯罪构成理论历来被认为是刑法学理论体系中至关重要的基本范畴和核心理论。

    Crime constitution has always been the research pivot in science of criminal law .

  18. 玛丽在大学学习刑法学。

    Mary studies criminal law in a college .

  19. 第一部分是对刑法学中被害人概念的界定和对被害人在刑法中地位变迁史的追溯。

    The first part is the definition and history of victim in criminal law .

  20. 犯罪构成理论是刑法学的核心内容。

    Committing a crime composing theory is the science of criminal law core content .

  21. 刑法学中职务犯罪概念及构成特征分析

    Analysis on the Concept and Formative Characteristics of Duty Crime in Criminal Law Science

  22. 作为单位犯罪的主体,我国刑法学界一直存在争论。

    As to its subject , there exist some disputes in our criminal circle .

  23. 犯罪本质是刑法学研究的核心内容,在中国刑法学界对其研究也是由来以久。

    Criminal essence is the core in criminology .

  24. 第二部分对刑法学中几种常见的被害人因素进行了具体分析。

    The second part is the analysis of several common victim behaviors in criminal law .

  25. 但传统刑法学的研究方法,大都存在视野过窄或者方法单一的问题。

    However , traditional research methods on criminal jurisprudence tend to be narrow and simple .

  26. 侵犯著作权犯罪在刑法学和犯罪学上具有不同的意义。

    The crime of infringement on copyright has different meaning in criminal law and criminology .

  27. 刑法学发展报告

    Report on the Development of Criminal Jurisprudence

  28. 持有当作行为的理解,否则无法从传统理论乃至刑法学中获得认同。

    Otherwise , it can 't identify itself with the traditional criminal theory and practice .

  29. 刑法学研究的新进展

    New Developments in Criminal Law Research

  30. 不作为犯罪一直是困扰刑法学界与司法界的一个难题。

    Negative crime is a tough problem which has been perplexing the science of criminal law .