
xínɡ shì qiǎnɡ zhì cuò shī
  • criminal coercive measure
  1. 刑事强制措施是刑事程序法的重要组成部分。

    Criminal coercive measure is an important component of the code of criminal procedure .

  2. 比例原则与刑事强制措施

    Principle of Proportion and Criminal Coercive Measure

  3. 权利与权力价值与目的&关于刑事强制措施之法理阐释

    The value of the D. Power and Right Value and Aim

  4. 中日刑事强制措施制度之比较

    On Comparison of Sino - Japanese System of Criminal Coercive Measures

  5. 刑事强制措施和强制性侦查措施监督机制

    Criminal Coercive Measures and the Supervising Mechanism of the Coercive Detecting Measures

  6. 刑事强制措施救济问题研究

    Research on the Question of Remedy for Criminal Compulsory Measures

  7. 初论刑事强制措施的系统化

    An Approach to the Systemization of Criminal Compulsory Measures

  8. 刑事强制措施合法性研究

    A Research on the Legality of Criminal Compulsory Measures

  9. 第五章分析了我国刑事强制措施救济的现状,指出我国强制措施救济目前存在的几种路径;

    Chapter 4 has discussed remedy for criminal compulsory measures of the overseas .

  10. 刑事强制措施中的程序法定原则

    The Principle of Due Process in Criminal Compulsory Measures

  11. 论我国刑事强制措施中比例原则的引入

    The Introduction of the Principle of Proportionality in China 's Criminal Coercive Measures

  12. 我国刑事强制措施之修缮

    On the Improvement of China 's Criminal Compulsory Measures

  13. 正在被执行刑罚或者正在被执行刑事强制措施;

    Being under criminal punishment or criminal coercive measures ;

  14. 我国非羁押性刑事强制措施的重构

    Reconstruction and Countermeasures on the No-custody Precautionary Measure

  15. 论刑事强制措施监督机制的反思与重构

    On the Reflection and Construction of the Supervision Mechanism for the Criminal Coercive Measures

  16. 在我国,逮捕是最严厉的刑事强制措施。

    In China , arrestment is the most severest among the criminal coercive measures .

  17. 浅谈刑事强制措施的适用

    On the Application of Criminal Coercive Measures

  18. 刑事强制措施是贯穿于整个刑事诉讼活动的一项重要刑事司法制度。

    Criminal coercive measures is a major criminal justice system throughout the criminal proceedings activities .

  19. 刑事强制措施的实有功能是强制措施法定功能在刑事诉讼中应用的实际情况或者结果。

    Reality function is the reality and results which criminal enforcement plays in judicial proceedings .

  20. 非羁押性刑事强制措施探析

    Research of Non-detention Criminal Compulsory Measures

  21. 刑事强制措施制度由于其内在特性而成为刑事诉讼定型的关键。

    System of criminal compulsory measures is an essential part in criminal procedurebecause of its internal character .

  22. 最后,以原理为基础,对我国实在的刑事强制措施法律制度进行比较和衡量。

    Finally with theory-based , I measures and compares the existing legal system of criminal enforcement measures .

  23. 刑事强制措施的功能可以分为应有功能、法定功能和实有功能。

    The function of criminal enforcement can be divided into categories of ought-to-be , legal and reality function .

  24. 逮捕是一种最为严厉的刑事强制措施,是国家强制力的集中体现。

    As the severest kind of criminal coercive measure , arrest is the concentrated reflection of state coercive power .

  25. 宪政视野中的刑事强制措施&以搜查和扣押为范例的考察对物诉讼与我国的船舶扣押法律制度

    Criminal Compulsory Measures in the Constitutionalism Visual Field On Action in Rem and Law of Ship Arrest in China

  26. 取保候审是刑事强制措施的一种,是国家警察权和司法权的体现。

    Bailing await trial is one of the criminal compulsion measures and the embodiment of state police authority and jurisdiction .

  27. 对刑事强制措施制度的完善应采用长远目标和制度渐进相结合的完善思路。

    The criminal enforcement measures system should be a long term goal and system gradual integration of the good ideas .

  28. 另一方面也是对刑事强制措施权力的限制和制约。

    On the other hand , it is also a restriction of the powers concerned during the course of compulsory measures .

  29. 刑事强制措施制度必须符合基本程序正义的要求,其设定必须以正当性为其价值取向。

    Criminal enforcement measures must be consistent with basic procedural justice , the setting up to the legitimacy of its values .

  30. 逮捕是以在一定期限内剥夺人的自由为内容的最严厉的刑事强制措施。

    The arrest is a severe criminal coercive measure of depriving a person of his or her liberty in a period of time .