
  • Chinese Medicine Hospital;institute of traditional Chinese medicine;TCM
  1. 我甚至参观了一家著名的中医院。

    I even visited a famous traditional Chinese medicine hospital .

  2. 并以某中医院为例,探讨了补贴的操作方法。

    With the example of a traditional Chinese medicine hospital , the operational approach of the proposal was discussed .

  3. 目前中国的中医院不足全国医院总数的6%,无法容纳大量的毕业生。

    Also , less than 6 percent of the country 's hospitals are specialized in traditional Chinese medicine , which is not enough to take in a large number of graduates from TCM schools .

  4. 嘉兴市中医院OA系统的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of the Office Automation System in Jiaxing Chinese Medicine Hospitals

  5. 目前医学成像系统已经被广泛应用于医学临床的诊断,尤其是X射线CT因为其清晰、快速的特点,在各大、中医院得到了广泛应用。

    Medical image system , especially X-ray CT , has been widely used for clinical diagnoses . It is fast and can get high quality image , so it is very popular in many hospitals .

  6. 观察组93名成员皆为2008.8-2009.6期间在武汉市中医院就诊的门诊患者随机将样本分为A(治疗组)和B(对照组)两组。

    Observer Group of 93 members are of in Wuhan hospital of traditional Chinese medicine during the period 2008.8-2009.6 the outpatient clinic samples were randomly divided into A ( treatment group ) and B ( control group ) groups .

  7. 方法:研究对象为江苏省人民医院、省中医院肾透析中心就诊的128例HCV感染者,及对照HCV抗体阴性者100例。

    Methods : A total of 128 renal dialysis patients with HCV antibody positive and 100 with HCV antibody negative were selected from Jiangsu province hospital for this study .

  8. 50例研究对象均为湖北省中医院针灸科住院患者,经CT或MRI检查确诊为脑梗死,随机分为二组:针刺加灸组30例为治疗组,针刺同时予以艾灸;

    Methods : Study was performed on 50 patients with cerebral infraction which was proved by CT or MRI who were randomly divided into 2 groups : acupuncture plus moxibustion group , comprised 30 patients treated by acupuncture and moxibustion ;

  9. 通过生态位及SWOT分析法的分析,提出中医院必须重新进行经营定位,发展健康产业,与综合性医院错位经营的建议。

    To analys Niche and SWOT method , reveal that traditional Chinese medicine hospitals must set up manage-orientated system again , must develop health industry and move shifted management with comprehensive hospitals .

  10. 基于上述研究现状,我们收集湖北省中医院2006.11-2009.12住院的63例PBC病人的病例资料,进行回顾性分析。

    Research Based on the above , we have collected in Hubei Province Chinese Medicine Hospital 2006.11-2009.12 hospitalized cases of 63 cases of patients with PBC data were analyzed retrospectively .

  11. 方法:对江苏省中医院门诊就诊的符合纳入标准的FHA患者32例,随机分为治疗组(中药补肾序贯),对照组(西药人工周期)。

    Method - ' According to the accepted standard , selecting 32 FHA athletes from Jiangsu Province Hospital of TCM that divided patients into treated group using traditional Chinese drug and controlled group using western drugs randomly .

  12. 中医院标准护理计划的制定及其临床应用

    Formulation and Application of Standard Nursing Care Plan in TCM Hospital

  13. 浅议县级中医院检验科如何防范医疗纠纷

    How to Avoid Medical Dispute in Check Department of County Hospital

  14. 漳州市中医院第二住院部大楼设计实践

    The middle hospital second inpatient departments buildings design practice of ZhangZhou

  15. 中医院中药饮片销售的经济学分析

    Analysis of Selling Economics of Chinese Traditional Drug in Small Pieces

  16. 县级中医院整体护理初级阶段模式探讨

    Probe into primary pattern of holistic nursing in county-level TCM hospitals

  17. 厦门市中医院太阳能中央热水系统设计

    The Solar Central Water-Heating System Design in Xiamen Chinese Medical Hospital

  18. 建立在发展基础上的中医院人力资源管理

    The Human Resources Management Based on the Development of TCM Hospitals

  19. 广东省中医院治疗非典型肺炎临床经验

    Clinical experiences of treating SARS in Guangdong Hospital of TCM

  20. 杭州的几家中医院现在是最忙的季节。

    Several Chinese hospitals in Hangzhou are now in the busiest season .

  21. 护理质量评价中医院感染评价标准的构建研究

    Research on the Construction of Nosocomial Infection Criteria of Nursing Quality Evaluation

  22. 中医院进行特色经营,发展健康产业的基础研究

    Basic Research on Carrying Out Characteristic Management Health Industry in TCM Hospital

  23. 国民经济动员预案演练系统中医院实体的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Hospital Entity in National Economy Mobilization Pre-draft Exercising System

  24. 现代中医院与中医药发展关系及策略的探讨中国传统文化与当代大学生素质教育

    Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital The Chinese Traditional Civilization for College Students

  25. 广东省中医院人际氛围调查研究

    Study on interpersonal environment in Guangdong Provincial TCM Hospital

  26. 中医院在重大突发公共卫生事件中的地位和作用

    The function and status of traditional Chinese medicine hospital in common health accident

  27. 浅谈中医院药剂科的发展

    Discussion on the Development of Hospital Pharmacy of TCM

  28. 地方中医院护士工作压力的调查分析

    A survey and analysis of work pressure of nurses in local TCM hospitals

  29. 县级中医院发展之我见

    My viewpoints in development of county hospital of TCM

  30. 医源性伤害中医院感染的流行病学调查

    Hospital Infection in Iatrogenic Injury : An Epidemiological Analysis