
  1. 业余英语培训教师资格证课程即将在中国上海交通大学开课。

    Part-time TEFL Teacher Training Certificate Course starts now at Shanghai JTU , china .

  2. 在中国上海交通大学发布的世界大学排行榜中,法国排名比较靠后。

    France fares poorly in the world universities ranking compiled by Shanghai Jiao Tong University .

  3. 韩国黄禹锡和中国上海交通大学汉芯造假的陈进等丑闻有力地说明了这一点。

    The scandals over Hwang Woo-suk in Korea and Chen Jin in China convincingly illustrate this point .

  4. 大&那年夏天,我到了中国上海交通大学参加国际政治经济海外学习项目。

    I went to China for an IPE study abroad program at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in the summer of my freshman year .

  5. 即使是夺冠团队,来自中国上海交通大学也不能在限定的时间内解决所有的问题。

    Even the winning team from Shanghai Jiaotong University in China was not able to solve all the problems within the given time limit .

  6. 不久前,中国上海交通大学的一个研究小组取得了一项重大进展,他们发明了一种造价低廉的假手,

    And a group at Shanghai Jiao Tong University , in China , have just come up with what looks to be a significant advance - an affordable prosthetic hand

  7. 今年9月,中国媒体报道上海交通大学、南京医科大学、浙江大学和中科院的科学家将于2014年进行一次全国性调查,研究环境中的毒素(包括污染物)对女性生殖功能的影响。

    In September , local media reported that scientists at Shanghai Jiao Tong University , Nanjing Medical University and Zhejiang University , the Chinese Academy of Sciences would conduct a national research study in 2014 to examine how toxins in the environment , including pollution , impact women trying to give birth .