
sī fǎ xínɡ zhènɡ jī ɡuān
  • administrative organization ofjustice;judicial administrative organization
  1. 司法行政机关应充当社会主义新农村法治建设的排头兵

    Judicial Administration Organs should Lead the Legal Construction of Socialist New Countryside

  2. 公证处受司法行政机关领导。

    The notary office shall be under the leadership of the judicial administrative authorities .

  3. 第三明确司法行政机关作为社区矫正的执法主体。

    The third clear judicial administrative organs as the law enforcement community correction subject .

  4. 司法行政机关在构建和谐社会中大有作为

    Judicial Administrative Organs Will Play an Important Role in the Construction of a Harmonious Society

  5. 市司法行政机关指导、监督市公证员协会的工作。

    The municipal judicial administrative organ guides and supervises the work of the notarial association .

  6. 我国并未实现律师的整体独立,司法行政机关在律师管理体制中居于主导地位,因此,我国的律师管理实际上采用的是行政化的管理模式。

    The administrative organization of justice takes the lead in the management of lawyer in our country .

  7. 正确处理律师协会和司法行政机关的关系等方面予以完善。

    Correctly handle the Bar Association and the administration of justice and the relationship of organs to be perfect .

  8. 市司法行政机关负责指导、管理面向社会服务的司法鉴定工作。

    The municipal administrative department for justice shall be responsible for guiding and administering the judicial appraising work serving the society .

  9. 司法行政机关开展接边地区联防联调工作的调查与思考

    The Investigation and Reflection of the ' Joint Prevention and Mediation ' Work Conducted by Judicial Administrative Organs of Neighbouring Areas

  10. 市公证员协会协助市司法行政机关,对公证员进行年检注册和惩戒。

    The notarial association shall assist the municipal judicial administrative organ to implement annual examination , registration and punishment over the notary .

  11. 应该在司法行政机关&司法所内设置社区矫正官一职,专司社区矫正的管理和执行工作,并赋予其执法主体的资格。

    It is should that setup the duty of community rectification official inside judicial office , and endue them with law enforcement qualification .

  12. 在中国现行律师制度中国家司法行政机关实际上发挥着主导性的管理作用。

    In fact , the judicial administration office has played a significant part in the lawyer 's management system under the contemporary China .

  13. 法律顾问处是事业单位。受国家司法行政机关的组织领导和业务监督。

    Legal advisory offices shall be public institutions under the organizational leadership and professional supervision of the judicial administrative organs of the state .

  14. 文章论述了加强司法行政机关党风廉政建设必须解决的几个问题。

    The article discussed several problems must be solved in strengthening the construction of honest in the Party conduct in judicial administrative organs .

  15. 充分发挥司法行政机关职能作用努力为建设和谐辽宁作贡献

    Making the Functions of the Judicial Administrative Organs into Full Play and Endeavoring to Make Contributions to the Construction of A Harmonious Liaoning Province

  16. 各级司法行政机关、公证员协会和公证处要继续加强对公证人员的教育、培训。

    The administrative organs of justice , notaries'associations and notary offices at all levels shall continue to intensify the education and training of notaries .

  17. 行政复议行政应诉制度:促进司法行政机关依法行政的重要保证&司法行政机关行政复议应诉工作会议综述

    System of Administrative Reconsideration and Response to Administrative Cases : the Significant Guarantee for the Judicial Administrative Agencies to Carry out Administration in Accordance with Law

  18. 监考人、总监考人对违纪行为的处理,应当接受司法行政机关的监督。

    The treatment as given by an invigilator or the chief invigilator for any disciplinary breach shall be subject to the supervision of the administrative judicial organ .

  19. 目前我国律师业,需要作以下改革:一要科学合理划分司法行政机关和律师协会的职能和权限;

    The ways of reformation is that . Firstly , the functions and purviews of the judicial administrative management and lawyer guild management should be divided rationally .

  20. 各级司法行政机关对于成绩显著、贡献突出的人民调解委员会和人民调解员,应当定期或者适时给予表彰和奖励。

    Various judicatory executive authority to sockdolager of successful , contribution civilian intercessory Committee and people adjuster , ought to fixed timely perhaps give commend and reward .

  21. 通过前面的论述,笔者提出了自己的观点:由司法行政机关来提起行政公益诉讼。对这一观点的可行性和必要性进行了论述,并提出了具体的制度设计以及应该注意的问题。

    The author proposes his own view after the previous description : it is feasible and necessary for judicial administrative authorities to file an administrative public welfare action .

  22. 市公证员协会是依法登记成立的协助市司法行政机关对公证行业进行管理的社会团体。

    The notarial association is a social organization that is registered and established according to law and assists the municipal judicial administrative organ to administrate the notarial trade .

  23. 通过借鉴国外律师惩戒制度的经验,赋予律师协会统一行使惩戒权并由司法行政机关进行监督,以完善我国的律师惩戒制度。

    Started with these questions and with reference of the experience from abroad , this paper will discuss how to improve the institution of disciplinary punishment of our country .

  24. 司法行政机关的职责应偏重于管理,而律师协会的核心职责应该是保护和发展律师行业。

    The duty of the judicial organs is to control the lawyer , but the duty of the lawyer 's association should be to protect and develop the lawyer 's trade .

  25. 律师无正当理由拒绝辩护或代理者,委托人有权向司法行政机关投诉,并可依法向法院起诉。

    If the lawyer refuses defence or agency without any sound reason , the client has the right to complain to the judicial administrative organs or even sue him in a lawcourt .

  26. 监考人、总监考人依据司法行政机关的委托和本办法的规定对违纪行为进行处理。

    An invigilator or the chief invigilator shall , according to the entrustment of the administrative judicial organ and the provisions of the present Measures , give treatment to any disciplinary breach .

  27. 我国现行的社区矫正试点工作存在着司法行政机关参与无法律依据、社区矫正人员无执法主体资格以及社区矫正机构多头管理等问题。

    In china , there are many problems in present work of community rectification unit , for example , no legal basis of justice administration management , no law enforcement qualification of personnel .

  28. 目前,我国律师行业自治制度还不够完善,存在着以下几方面的问题:律师行业自治缺乏明确的法律支持;司法行政机关与律师协会的权力划分不明确;律师协会自身不成熟等。

    Now there are some problems of our country ' legal profession autonomy system . For example : it is lack of clear legal support for legal profession autonomy and Bar Association itself also has many shortcomings .

  29. 而作为社区矫正工作主导的基层司法行政机关,却在这行进的路上困难重重:定位的模糊、执法的尴尬、衔接的脱节、人员的匮乏、经费的缺少,都是现在面临的问题。

    As a community corrections work led grassroots judicial and administrative authorities , but the way this difficult road ; positioning vague , enforcement of embarrassment , convergence of divergence , the shortage of staff , lack of funding , are now facing problems .

  30. 第二段内容从理论和法规两方面阐释社区矫正的定义,从而明确社区矫正的性质是一种非监禁的社会化的刑罚执行方式,社区矫正的主体应当是司法行政机关。

    The second paragraph of the content from both theoretical and regulations explain the definition of Community Corrections , and clearly defined the nature of Community Correction is a non-custodial penalty for the implementation of social , community correction should be the main organs of the administration of justice .