
  • 网络medical colleges and universities
  1. 论高等医学院校教师知识结构

    Discussion on Knowledge Structure of Teachers at Medical Colleges and Universities

  2. 高等医学院校仪器分析课程教学改革探索

    Teaching Reform of Instrumental Analysis Course at Medical Colleges and Universities

  3. 高等医学院校教师发表SCI论文影响因素调查分析

    A Survey on the Influential Factors of the Publication of SCI Papers of University Teachers

  4. 不同学历的教师工作满意度的得分差异非常显著(P0.01),博士、硕士的满意度都非常显著的高于本科。结论:1.合肥市高等医学院校的教师的工作满意度总体上处于中等水平。

    The teachers in different educational background have significant difference ( P0.01 ) . Conclusion : ① As a whole , job satisfaction of teachers in medical universities in hefei is in middle level .

  5. 高等医学院校网络课程的应用

    The Application and Reflection of the Internet Courses in Medical Colleges

  6. 高等医学院校医学伦理学教学改革探索

    Research in the Teaching Reform of Medical Ethics in Medical College

  7. 高等医学院校专业英语教学的现状思考

    Some thoughts on medical English teaching in medical universities and colleges

  8. 高等医学院校临床教师的教育及继续教育

    The education and continuing education of clinical teachers at medical college

  9. 高等医学院校人文精神塑造论析

    Exploration into the molding of humanistic spirit in high medical education

  10. 高等医学院校文献检索课教学与改革

    Literature retrieval teaching in medical colleges and universities and its reform

  11. 对高等医学院校教师教育理论与教学技能培训的几点思考

    Considerations on on-the-job training of medical college teaching theories and pedagogics

  12. 高等医学院校大学生职业生涯规划教育的现状与思考

    Current situation and thought of career planning education in medical colleges

  13. 网络环境下高等医学院校图书馆的发展

    Development of medical college and university libraries under the network environment

  14. 高等医学院校全科医学教育的实践与探索

    The practice and feelings of general practice education in medical college

  15. 课程体系比较分析与高等医学院校学制改革

    Reforming Medical Education System with Courses Catalogue Analysis in Clinical Medicine

  16. 高等医学院校双语教学质量评价综述

    The Review of Bilingual Etching Quality Evaluation in Advanced Medical College

  17. 我国民办高等医学院校发展前景研究

    Study about the development of private higher medical colleges in China

  18. 试论高等医学院校的院系结合广东高校人力资源激励机制探讨

    Discussion on the combination among different academies in medical universities

  19. 《医用生物数学》是高等医学院校一门重要的基础课程。

    Medical biomathematics is an important basic course in high medical college .

  20. 对高等医学院校图书馆经费不足的思考

    Reflection on the shortage of fund in medical university libraries

  21. 第一部分:高等医学院校教师课堂教学质量评价的理论基础。

    Part I : The theory of teaching performance evaluation .

  22. 高等医学院校人文课程体系的构建与建议

    The Setup and Advice on Medical College Humanities Courses System

  23. 高等医学院校诚信教育的现状与对策

    The Countermeasures against The Current Situation of Integrity Education in Medical Colleges

  24. 中国高等医学院校成本分析研究

    Measuring the Cost of Education in China Higher Medical Colleges and Universities

  25. 张家口医学院是河北省属高等医学院校。

    Zhangjiakou , Hebei Medical College is an institution of higher medical .

  26. 关于高等医学院校自我发展问题的认识和实践

    Comprehension and Practice of the Self-Development of the Higher Medical Education Institutions

  27. 我国高等医学院校图书馆资源共享网络建设

    Building Up Library Resources Sharing Network for Higher Medical Institutions in China

  28. 高等医学院校教师专业发展体系构建研究

    Construction of teachers'professional development system in medical colleges and universities

  29. 非线性编辑技术在高等医学院校课件制作中的应用

    The Application of Nonlinear Editing Technology in Higher Medical College Courseware Making

  30. 高等医学院校法学专业案例教学法的探讨

    Case-based Teaching Method of Legal Science Major at Medical Colleges and Universities