
gāo gē
  • sing loudly;sing with a resounding voice;lift one's voice and sing
高歌 [gāo gē]
  • [lift one's voice and sing] 放声歌唱;高唱

  • 高歌猛进

高歌[gāo gē]
  1. 他在他的酒店举行了一场历时3个钟头的家庭卡拉OK演唱会,其间高歌了辛纳屈和甲壳虫乐队的一些热门歌曲。

    He held a three-hour family Karaoke session in his hotel , belting out Sinatra and Beatles hits .

  2. 孩子们放声高歌。

    The children sang out at the top of their voices .

  3. 譬如在园中最为落寞的时间,一群雨燕便出来高歌,把天地都叫喊得苍凉;

    or at the loneliest time in the park , a flock of swallows comes out and sings , their desolate song filling the space between heaven and earth ;

  4. 让我们为还没看过的读者解释一下,这位男士在台湾选秀节目“超级星光大道”上高歌“我永远爱你”(IWillAlwaysLoveYou)的视频吸引众多眼球有以下几个原因。

    In case you haven 't already seen it , this video of a man singing'I Will Always Love You'on the Taiwanese talent show'Super Star Avenue'is outstanding for a few reasons .

  5. 她能像芭芭拉·史翠珊(BarbraStreisand)那样高歌成人当代抒情歌曲,也能演唱热烈的福音歌曲;

    She can belt an adult contemporary ballad like Barbra Streisand ; she can deliver a fiery gospel testimonial ;

  6. 台湾男版苏珊大妈一唱惊人让我们为还没看过的读者解释一下,这位男士在台湾选秀节目“超级星光大道”上高歌“我永远爱你”(IWillAlwaysLoveYou)的视频吸引众多眼球有以下几个原因。

    Taiwanese Susan Boyle Sings ' I Will Always Love You ' Better Than Whitney Houston In case you haven 't already seen it , this video of a man singing ' I Will Always Love You ' on the Taiwanese talent show ' Super Star Avenue ' is outstanding for a few reasons .

  7. 当地唱诗班、学校学生和午餐中的白领们都一同加入进合唱的队伍,这打破了之前保持的由897个人聚集在一起高歌“intheround”的吉尼斯世界记录.

    Local choirs , school groups and lunching office workers joined in , breaking the previous record for singing " in the round , " where two groups sing exactly the same melody , beginning at different times - to break the previous record of 897 , according to Guinness World Records .

  8. 反叛高歌三人奏&崔莺莺、杜丽娘、林黛玉形象分析

    The Rebel of Cui Ying-ying , Du Li-niang and Lin Dai-yu

  9. 我们玩得很高兴,一路上放声高歌。

    We had a good time and trolled all the way .

  10. 难道它没有伴着落潮高歌?

    Does it not also sing with the waves that fall ?

  11. 但他们放声高歌时,不再那么有底气。

    But they were no longer belted out with much conviction .

  12. 他突然心血来潮在大庭广众之下高歌。

    He suddenly took into his head to sing in public .

  13. 海龟虽不能高歌,但它们却懂爱恋。

    The turtles do not sing , and yet they love .

  14. 评论员们在高歌风险中的危险。

    Pundits are singing choruses about the danger of risk .

  15. 我最需要的只是一个能让我放开情怀与我一同高歌的人!

    All I need is someone , who makes me wanna sing !

  16. 鸟儿在快活地歌唱。鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。

    The bird sang high and clearly in the tree .

  17. 请允许我们携手为你高歌。

    May we praise you in union with them .

  18. 很快,你就会在那里,在黑暗中,高歌!

    Soon , there you will be , in the dark , singing !

  19. 数千只在漫漫冬夜中引颈高歌的企鹅中。

    Of the many thousands who sang through that long night of winter .

  20. 那些在酒吧听他高歌的歌迷们,送给了他红玫瑰和祝贺。

    Fans in the bar where he performedcheered and handed him red roses .

  21. 败者自由了尽情高歌在烟囱顶。

    The loser gets the freedom , and gleefully sings on the chimney top .

  22. 而远处的鸟儿也开始高歌加入自然的舞场。

    And the birds in the distance add their music to nature 's chorus .

  23. 所以他经常在周未的学校合唱队里放声高歌。

    He sings in the school choir and performs with a band on weekends .

  24. 高兴的时候就会醉酒高歌。

    When joyful , for highly vocal drunkenness .

  25. 放声地高歌,就像没人在倾听一样;

    Sing as if nobody is hearing you .

  26. 共我高歌,那些熟悉的曲调。

    Sing with me the songs we knew .

  27. 我自己欢庆,我自己高歌。

    I celebrate myself , and sing myself .

  28. 长城为你高歌呐喊,大海为你拍手助威。

    Great Wall sings and shouts for you , sea claps to cheer you .

  29. 和你的爱人翩翩起舞,和你喜欢的男孩放声高歌。

    Dancing with the person you love , singing with the boy you like .

  30. 如彻夜高歌,学习祈祷的云雀。

    To sing through the night Like a lake who is learning to pray .