
xínɡ shì sī fǎ
  • criminal justice;criminal judicature
  1. 从法定权利到刑事司法告知义务的履行

    Implementation of Notifying Obligation from Legal Right to Criminal Judicature

  2. 恢复性司法:刑事司法理念的重构性转折

    On Restorative Justice & Idea Reconstruction of Criminal Judicature

  3. 这一切对刑事司法制度产生了极坏的影响。

    All this had an extremely negative effect on the criminal justice system .

  4. 他不想全盘改革刑事司法制度。

    He did not want to reform the criminal justice system in its totality .

  5. 作为刑事司法皇家专门调查委员会的成员,拉弗蒂小姐发表评论恰如其分。

    A member of the Royal Commission on Criminal Justice , Miss Rafferty is well-placed to comment

  6. 相比之下,在刑事司法系统的场所中进行拍摄的报道占了近五分之一。

    In contrast , the criminal justice system accounted for nearly one out of every five visual backgrounds .

  7. 相反,我们应该认识到,在美国庞大的刑事司法体系中,第二次机会至关重要。

    Rather , it is to recognize that in America 's vast criminal justice system , second chances are crucial .

  8. 迪斯说,1990年9月26日胡德从埃尔帕索县刑事司法中心保释出来后,他曾经警告过胡德“詹妮弗会让他背黑锅”。可是,胡德说他详细詹妮弗会“实话实说”。

    Dees said he talked to Hood out of the El Paso County Criminal Justice Center on Sept. 26 , 1990 , and warned him " that he was being thrown under the bus by Jennifer Reali . " But he said Hood believed Reali " was going to tell the truth . "

  9. 笔者试图通过对国内外刑事司法DNA技术应用的比较研究,对规范我国刑事司法DNA技术提出初步构想。

    The author attempted to propose the preliminary conception for consummation of DNA technology through the comparative research of the domestic and foreign criminal trials .

  10. 智利刑事司法体制改革的最新发展

    The Latest Development of the Criminal Justice System Reform in Chile

  11. 犯罪侦查属于国家刑事司法行为。

    Criminal investigation is a kind of state criminal judicial conduction .

  12. 三是完善相关刑事司法制度。

    Third is to perfect the regulating system of criminal judicatures .

  13. 我毕业的时候就只有一个刑事司法的大学文聘。

    I graduated from college with a degree in Criminal Justice .

  14. 预防犯罪和刑事司法方案政府间工作组

    Intergovernmental Working Group on a Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme

  15. 现行的刑事司法模式可以接纳刑事和解模式。

    The current criminal judicial mode can accept the criminal reconciliation format .

  16. 中国的区际刑事司法协助是一个崭新而复杂的问题。

    China 's interregional judicial assistance is a new and complicated problem .

  17. 假释是刑事司法领域中的一种刑罚执行制度。

    Parole is a penalty execution system in criminal law .

  18. 制度危机与刑事司法系统的应对

    Institution Crisis and the Respondence of the Criminal Justice System

  19. 民众参与刑事司法的理论基础是什么。

    And the theory of people involved in criminal justice .

  20. 联合国刑事司法准则与我国刑事法律改革若干问题

    On the United Nations Criminal Justice Standards and Our Criminal Justice Reform

  21. 刑事司法和批判犯罪学共同研究课程;

    Common study programme on criminal justice and critical criminology ;

  22. 这些都使得民国新疆刑事司法制度独具特色。

    These make the criminal judiciary system in Xinjiang have some characters .

  23. 论恢复性司法及其对我国刑事司法实践的借鉴

    Restorative Justice and Its Implication to Our Country 's Criminal Justice Practice

  24. 刑事司法系统往往被指责对那些歹徒太客气了。

    THE criminal-justice system is often accused of going easy on miscreants .

  25. 国际刑事司法:进步、障碍与展望

    International Criminal Justice : Progress , Difficulties and Future

  26. 非洲犯罪、受害和刑事司法调查

    African Crime , Victimization and Criminal Justice Administration Survey

  27. 北美刑事司法教育的发展及其启示

    The Development of Criminal Justice Education in North-America and Its Inspiration to Us

  28. 从一则案例看纳税人程序性权利的保障&兼论经济法、行政法中的刑事司法介入

    Discuss the Taxpayer Procedural Right Protection from One Case

  29. 增设涉外刑事司法协助程序的构想

    A Conception of Establishing the Procedure of International Judicial Assistance in Criminal Matters

  30. 论我国刑事司法中累犯认定的误区

    Mistaken Ideas of Recidivist in the Criminal Administration of Justice of Our Country