
  • 网络criminal law
  1. MBO操作过程中主要应规避来自于民事法律、行政法律和刑事法律三方面的法律风险。

    In addition , during the process of MBO , the managers should avoid the legally risks from civil law , administrative law and criminal law .

  2. 环境资源刑事法律特征及存在问题

    The Characteristics and Issues Existed in Environmental Resource Criminal Law

  3. 南诏国刑事法律规范的渊源探析

    An Analysis on the Origins of Nanzhao Kingdom 's Criminal Laws

  4. 论国际刑事法律冲突的表现与解决办法

    The Expression of Conflicts Among International Criminal Laws and its Countermeasures

  5. 要研究刑事法律责任实现,首先应当明确法律责任实现的基本问题。

    Firstly we should clarify the basic problems of legal responsibility .

  6. 论我国刑事法律对未成年人犯罪的特别规定

    On the Special Regulations in China 's Criminal Laws on Delinquency

  7. 议会可以对刑事法律的任何事项立法。

    Parliament may legislate on any matter of penal law .

  8. 办理刑事法律援助的总开支为9400万元。

    Total expenditure on criminal cases was $ 94 million .

  9. 关于刑事法律援助的调研报告

    A Survey Report on Legal Aid Granted to Criminal Cases

  10. 刑事法律中实体正义与程序正义的博弈

    Game Between Substantial Justice and Procedural Justice in Criminal Legislation

  11. 我国刑事法律本应具有这方面的内容,却因相关司法解释的限制性规定使之成为法律的白条。

    Contents on the aspects should originally be included in our penal laws .

  12. 但不容置疑,刑事法律关系的存在是必然的。

    But it is undoubted that to establish criminal legal relation is necessary .

  13. 第三部分为刑事法律援助制度的历史分析与比较研究。

    The third part is the history analysis and relatively study of CLAS .

  14. 刑事法律关系具有客观性、强制性和纵向不平等性特征。

    This relation is characterized by objectivity , compulsion , and vertical inequality .

  15. 但在我国刑事法律中,不但存在这一原则的缺位,而且有许多和一事不再理原则内涵相违背的规定。

    But in Chinese criminal procedure law , the rule is not founded .

  16. 刑事法律论证的逻辑基础探析

    On Logical Foundation of Legal Argument in Criminal Trial

  17. 晚清刑事法律制度的改革对于宁波的影响可以说是非常巨大。

    The reformation had a great influence on Ningbo .

  18. 国际刑事法律冲突是因各主权国家对国际性犯罪适用刑法而产生的冲突,其种类和表现形式纷繁多样,但解决办法概而言之可归纳为三个方面。

    The tyre and expression of conflicts among international criminal lows are various .

  19. 生态刑事法律关系问题研究

    Study on the Ecology and Criminal Legal Relation

  20. 对我国未成年人刑事法律制度的思考

    Thinking about Underage Criminal Law System In China

  21. 补充规范的变更,属于刑事法律的变更;

    The change of complementary norm is a kind of alteration of penal code .

  22. 社会主义法治要求刑事法律体系完整、统一和协调。

    Socialist law-ruling requires integrity , unity and harmonization of the criminal law system .

  23. 惩治窃电有关刑事法律问题研究

    Research on Criminal Law Concerning Electric Larceny Punishment

  24. 英国刑事法律援助质量控制体系及启示

    The Quality Control System of Criminal Legal Aid in the UK and its Inspirations

  25. 我国区域刑事法律冲突初探

    The Regional Conflict in Criminal Laws of China

  26. 最后,为了使刑事法律援助落到实处,必须为建立和实施刑事法律援助制度提供必要的保障。

    Country should provide necessary guarantee to establish and implement criminal legal aid system .

  27. 我国不同法域的刑事法律冲突及其处理原则

    Contemporary Issues and Handling Countermeasures on the Interlocal Conflicts of Criminal Law in China

  28. 论刑事法律关系的消灭

    On the Extinction of Criminal Legal Relation

  29. 然而我国刑事法律对商业贿赂罪的规定还存在着不足之处。

    But of our country criminal law bribe guilty regulation for weak point to commerce .

  30. 接着,笔者在刑事法律援助四要素的基础上归纳了刑事法律援助的配套制度。

    Then , the author introduces the assorted systems of the criminal legal aid system .