
wēi hài ɡuó jiā ān quán zuì
  • Crime of endangering national security;crime of jeopardizing state security;crime of espionage and sedition
  1. 他犯了危害国家安全罪。

    He committed a crime against the security of the state .

  2. 第一章危害国家安全罪

    Chapter I crimes of endangering national security

  3. 中德刑法在危害国家安全罪的分类及类罪名上有差异。

    There are differences in classification of Crimes of endangering national security in Germany and China .

  4. 记住你的罪名是“危害国家安全”罪。

    The accusal is " harm the security of body politic " .

  5. 第六十六条危害国家安全的犯罪分子在刑罚执行完毕或者赦免以后,在任何时候再犯危害国家安全罪的,都以累犯论处。

    Article 66 If a criminal of endangering national security commits the same crime again at any time after serving his sentence or receiving a pardon shall be dealt with as a recidivist .