
  • 网络Hazardous substances;dangerous substance;Hazardous Materials;RoHS
  1. 更糟的是,像电脑、手机这些东西会流出像水银之类的危险物质,污染附近的水质。

    Worse , items such as computers and cell phones leach hazardous materials like mecury and lead into nearby water supplies .

  2. 本文第四部分,分析完善后的重大环境污染事故罪的构成要件,并分析完善后的重大环境污染事故罪与投放危险物质罪的在法理和实务中的辨别。

    The forth part mainly deals with the constitutive elements of the perfected Crime on Major Environmental Pollution Accident , and distinguishes the crime and the Crime on Throwing Dangerous Substance in legal theory and practice .

  3. 动物油脂中还混合了其他危险物质。

    Other dangerous materials were also mixed with animal fats and oils .

  4. CFD方法对突发性化学事故中危险物质泄漏范围的确定

    Leaking Coverage Definition for Dangerous Materials during Emergent Chemical Accidents Based on CFD Method

  5. 简述PTFE:聚合生产工艺流程,介绍了主要危险物质的性质及装置火灾危险性分类,提出PTFE聚合装置设计时应考虑的防火防爆安全技术。

    This article introduces PTFE polymerization process in brief , describes the properties of main dangerous materials and the classification of the unit fire danger , and puts forward the safety technology of fireproof and explosion - proof in design for PTFE polymerization unit .

  6. 但传统的分离方法面对这些通常以ppm,甚至ppb级浓度出现的痕量(trace-level)危险物质时,分离性能往往较低,且具有较高的能耗和处理成本。

    But the traditional separation methods usually showed a low performance , wasting too much energy and with a high cost in the treatment of such trace-level dangerous substances whose concentrations are commonly at ppm or even ppb level .

  7. 确保已经按照健康与安全管理程序:危险物质控制的规定,作出适当而有效的风险评估且为hsqe部门所接受。

    Ensure that a suitable and sufficient risk assessment has been undertaken and accepted by the hsqe department as required under the health & safety management procedure .

  8. 八卦网站Gawker指出,佛罗里达州好莱坞某高中和该州其它部分地区爆发“神秘的皮疹”疫情,就连危险物质和疾病控制单位也无法解释,网站以此进一步佐证僵尸正接管世界。

    Gawker fingered a " mysterious rash " breakout at a high school in Hollywood and other parts of Florida - which hazmat and disease control teams still can 't explain - as further proof that zombies are taking over .

  9. 遵循危险物质相关数据表的规定。

    Observe the relevant data sheets concerning dangerous substances .

  10. 摧毁城市和其他危险物质?

    The one where you burn down the city and other dangerous stuff ?

  11. 因泄漏危险物质而造成的对“天然资源”的破坏。

    And damages to " natural resources " resulting from release of hazardous substances .

  12. 易燃易爆危险物质泄漏扩散仿真及其应用的研究

    Study on Simulation and Application of the Release and Dispersion of Flammable and Explosive Materials

  13. 通过立法限制危险物质已成为世界性的问题。

    And so it has become a worldwide problem to restrict dangerous substances by legislation .

  14. 欧共体的危险物质管制政策

    Regulation Policy on Dangerous Substances of EC

  15. 重点分析了危险物质泄漏的影响因素。

    Emphasis is put in analyzing the basic factors of the leaking of hazardous chemicals .

  16. 危险物质管理控制的国际法制度

    International Law System on Hazardous Material Management

  17. 同时,各种崭新发明或许可加强传统弹头在中和危险物质上的效果。

    Meanwhile various innovations might enhance the efficiency of conventional warheads in neutralizing dangerous substances .

  18. 陆军也在咨询环境专家来了解如何处理这种危险物质。

    It is also consulting environmental experts to learn how the dangerous material should be handled .

  19. 危险物质对人类健康和环境污染的损害是巨大的。

    Damages that caused by dangerous substances against health of mankind and environmental pollution are immense .

  20. 供应商最少必须能安全地处理危险物质和废料。

    As a minimum requirement , suppliers shall handle hazardous substances and waste in a safe way .

  21. 然而,即使没有在成份表中看到危险物质,消费者也不能掉以轻心。

    But consumers shouldn 't necessarily feel secure just because a product doesn 't set off warning bells .

  22. 第三,法案设立了危险物质信托基金,用以支付迁移和补偿行为。

    Third , the Act creates a Hazardous Substances Trust Fund to pay for removal and remedial actions .

  23. 旧计算机〈特别是显示屏〉充满必须小心回收的危险物质。

    Old computers , especially the monitors , are full of dangerous substances which need to be carefully recycled .

  24. 他说,当你吸烟时,香烟烟雾中的危险物质就会进入到你的头发和衣服里。

    When you smoke , he says , dangerous matter from tobacco smoke gets into your hair and clothing .

  25. 一些研究危险物质的科学家在追求知识的事业中付出了生命的代价。

    Some scientists who have studied dangerous substances have paid the forfeit of their lives in the cause of knowledge .

  26. 第二,法案确立了联邦权威。联邦既有权对危险物质的紧急处理做出反应,也有权清理渗漏场地。

    Second , the Act establishes federal authority to respond to hazardous substance emergencies and to clean up leaking sites .

  27. 危险物质、部件和操作装置将与其他活动、区域、人员和不相容材料隔离。

    Hazardous substances , components , and operations will be isolated from other activities , areas , personnel , and incompatible materials .

  28. 有些州,包括新泽西州,明白地要求补偿行为,这些补偿行为都与出售带有危险物质的土地有关。

    Some states , including New Jersey , expressly require remedial action in connection with the sale of land on which hazardous substances are present .

  29. 为此,如何解决极易燃、易爆烃类危险物质突发性泄漏过程的在线过程监控及动态特性预测,一直是人们十分关注的重要课题。

    Thence , it , so far , has been important project for people to realize real-time monitor and dynamic simulation in accidental diffusion of hydrocarbons .

  30. 美联社记者并没有测试瓶装水,而早前的测试已经发现水中含有一些危险物质,如砷和溴酸盐,以及某些已知的致癌物。

    While the Associated Press did not test bottled water , earlier testers have found dangerous substances such as arsenic and bromate , both known carcinogens .