
wēi hài jié ɡuǒ
  • harmful consequences
  1. 突发事件的发生具有突然性,影响范围具有公共性,危害结果具有不确定性。

    An emergency incident takes place by accident , and has wide area of influence and uncertain harmful consequences .

  2. 刑法因果中的条件是促使原因行为发挥作用,从而有利于危害结果的产生和发展的种种不利因素。

    Conditions of causality in criminal law are unfavorable factors which make causes into effect and accelerate the emergence and development of harmful consequences .

  3. 交通肇事罪的主观方面是过失,只有造成危害结果才构成犯罪。

    The subjective crime of causing traffic casualties aspect is fault .

  4. 客观处罚条件与过失犯罪中危害结果的关系;

    Relationships between objective punishment condition and the dangerous result of negligent crimes ;

  5. 而且这一规定也使得造成了危害结果的危险驾驶行为的定罪问题成为难题。

    This provision also makes difficult to the conviction of dangerous driving behavior .

  6. 目前,各国刑法理论普遍认为,区别两者的标准在于判断行为是否具有引起危害结果发生的危险。

    The commonly acknowledged differentiation standard is whether the behavior will cause harmful result .

  7. 论作为客观的超过要素的危害结果&兼与张明楷教授商榷

    On Harmful Consequences Acting as Objective Extra-element

  8. 目的犯的目的是具有刑法意义的观念上的危害结果;

    The purpose of a purported criminal is to produce the result of jeopardizing o the rs.

  9. 如果未发生重大损失的危害结果,则属于本罪的未遂形态。

    If there is no consequence of heavy losses , it belongs to the unaccomplished form .

  10. 主观危害结果刍议

    On the Outcome of Subjective Harm

  11. 如果一个行为造成的数个危害结果同时发生,属于观念竞合。

    If several hazards results caused by behavior simultaneously , it is the concept of competing .

  12. 第三部分,危害结果。玩忽职守罪是一种实害犯,要求发生特定的危害结果。

    Dereliction of duty is a kind of real harm offence , which requires particular hazards .

  13. 也可以尽量避免出现危害结果给社会带来不堪设想的后果。

    It can also try to avoid the results of disastrous consequences harm to the community .

  14. 再次通过比较危害结果与犯罪客体、犯罪对象及社会危害性的关系揭示其法律属性,以得出更为合理的危害结果概念。

    Compared to criminal object and criminal subject , the author obtains the concept of harmful consequences .

  15. 其次,笔者从物质性危害结果和非物质性危害结果两方面对渎职犯罪的危害结果分类。

    Secondly , the author classifies malfeasance harm results into the physical harm result and non-material harm result .

  16. 因而,文章提出,我国刑事立法应杜绝复合罪过形式。最后,文章对具有双重危害结果之犯罪的罪过形式认定问题进行了探讨。

    Therefore , the article suggests , the criminal legis-lation of our country should prohibit the compound offense .

  17. 它虽与危害结果具有亲缘性,但二者的区别是主要的。

    Although it is close to the harmful result , yet it is different from the harmful result .

  18. 因此,我们绝对不能对共同过失犯罪所带来的危害结果掉以轻心。

    Therefore , we can not ignore the results of the harm caused by the joint negligence crime .

  19. 不同的犯罪形态,行为人主观危害结果认识的程度也不同。

    The actor has different awareness of the degree of the outcome of subjective harm towards different crime stages .

  20. 本文采纳的判断标准是看非法行医行为和危害结果之间是否存在引起与被引起的条件关系。

    This article adopted that is whether there is cause between the illegal medical practice acts and harm results .

  21. 这些犯罪上升幅度之大,涉及范围之广,危害结果之严重都是前所未有的。

    The big increase in these crimes , the wide range they involve and the serious harmful result are unprecedented .

  22. 危害结果有狭义和广义之分,行为人明知的内容应当包括对狭义危害结果的明确认识;因果关系必然属于认识因素的认识内容。

    The injure results have broad and narrow meanings and the causation belongs to the content of the knowledge element .

  23. 本文从三个方面进行了阐述:首先,笔者从对渎职罪危害结果的含义与特征进行了分析和归纳。

    This paper discussed from three aspects . Firstly , the author analyses the meaning and characteristics of malfeasance harm results .

  24. 主观危害结果分为实然与应然的结果,两者具有不同的特点。

    The outcome of subjective harm is classified into actual outcome and corresponding outcome , both of which have different characteristics .

  25. 例如,在严格责任犯罪中,被告人是否蓄意导致危害结果并不重要。

    For example , in strict liability crimes , it is immaterial whether or not the defendant intended the harmful result .

  26. 一般情况下,渎职行为往往隐藏在危害结果背后,并非作为危害结果出现的直接原因出现。

    Usually , malfeasance resides in behind harm results , not as a result of the direct cause harm appear to appear .

  27. 笔者认定诈骗犯罪既是结果犯也是直接目的犯,诈骗犯罪犯罪构成中的犯罪目的的内容与客观危害结果的内容应当一致。

    Fraudulent Crime is a completed offence and also a immediate intention Crime , its intention and the consequence should be accordance ;

  28. 由此可见,明确违法发放贷款罪的犯罪客体是找出该罪的危害结果、判断罪过的前提。

    Evidently , the offense clearly illegal loans object is to identify the criminal offense of endangering the results , judge sin premise .

  29. 这部分犯罪目的是行为人对犯罪行为直接导致的危害结果的追求。

    This part of the criminal purposes is behavior person to crimes that are a direct result of the pursuit of harm results .

  30. 在主观方面,各行为人在主观上都是过失,各行为人对危害结果所抱的心理态度也基本相同。

    From the subjective stand , each actor have negligence and their attitudes to the consequence of the jeopardizing acts are basically identical .