
  1. 新员工的入职培训是否包括安全和危险意识培训?

    Does new employee orientation include security and threat awareness training ?

  2. 危险意识是预先防止事故的关键。

    Hazard awareness is key to preventing accidents beforehand .

  3. 需要进一步采取广泛深层次的预防教育来提高大学生艾滋病感染危险意识,促成安全性行为的形成。

    Extensive and detailed prevention intervention was needed to improve the safe sexual behaviors .

  4. 据报道,世界癌症研究基金慈善团体的专家称,更需要的是提高危险意识。

    Experts at the charity World Cancer Research Fund said more is needed to raise awareness of the dangers , according to the report .

  5. 该节日创建的目的是提高驾驶员长时间驾车的危险意识(或骑摩托车)。

    Its aim is to raise awareness of the dangers of driving your car ( or riding your motorcycle ) for long periods without a rest .

  6. 宣传运动提高了对传染危险的意识。

    The advertising campaign has raised awareness of the risk of infection .

  7. 第二个因素是,聪明人对危险的意识更为尖锐。

    The second factor is that intelligent people are more acutely aware of risk .

  8. 唯有想想钓鱼的美好才能让我忘却危险的意识。

    My awareness of the danger is suppressed only by my thoughts of fabulous fishing .

  9. [结论]在性病、艾滋病的健康教育工作中,应加强艾滋病知识普及,提高目标人群的危险性意识,消除他们的侥幸心理以及认识上的误区。

    [ Conclusions ] In health education for STD / AIDS in male people , knowledge about AIDS and risk consciousness for AIDS infection should be enhanced to eliminate their fluke psychology and wrong recognition .

  10. 他们对这些危险并非没有意识。

    They were not insensible of the risks .

  11. 危险的思想意识对年轻人的影响。

    The infection of young people with dangerous ideologies .

  12. 希望本文将让更多的人对方便面隐藏危险有自我意识,从而我们吃得会很安全和保持健康。

    Hope this article will let more people have self-awareness of the hidden danger of instant noodles and thus eat safely and stay healthy .

  13. 单因素分析表明:意识水平、出血量、出血半球、伴发缺血性心脏病和微创手术时间是影响其预后的危险因素(意识水平P<0.001,余均P<0.05)。

    It suggests in univariate analysis that initial level of consciousness ( P < 0.001 ), hemorrhage size , the hemishere of haemorrhage , ischemic heart disease and the operation time ( P < 0.05 ) are the risk factors that had influenced prognosis .

  14. 目的研究我国农村贫困地区高血压危险因素患病意识和血压控制情况,为卫生管理部门的卫生决策提供基础,为提高农民预防观念和促进健康教育、预防和控制高血压提供依据。

    [ Objective ] To study the risk factors of hypertension and blood pressure control work in depressed rural areas , to lay the foundation of hygienic policy for hygienic management , and to lay the foundation for promoting health education and controlling hypertension .

  15. 数百万男人可能使自己处在健康危险之中,没有意识到他们超重,《卫报》的研究表明。

    Millions of men may be putting their health at risk by not realising they 're overweight , Guardian research suggests .

  16. 这使得混合非健康宏特别危险,因为宏意识不到其他宏使用的变量,它们有可能破坏其他宏的变量。

    This makes mixing non-hygienic macros especially dangerous since the macros will not be aware of what variables the other macros are using and they may stomp on each other 's variables .