
hàn shān
  • undershirt;T-shirt;vest;shirt
汗衫 [hàn shān]
  • [undershirt;T-shirt] 吸汗的贴身短衣。古称中衣、中单

汗衫[hàn shān]
  1. 他穿上了一条短裤和一件汗衫。

    He put on a pair of short pants and an undershirt .

  2. 衣服多穿了一点点或穿了件汗衫可能让你失去一份工作。

    You can lose a job by wearing an undershirt or simply a little too much clothing .

  3. 但我记得她穿着一件GratefulDead的汗衫

    But he was wearing a Grateful Dead T-shirt .

  4. 相比之下,苹果(Apple)商店每一位穿蓝汗衫的员工已经成为苹果技术不可分割的一部分。

    Compare the experience with an apple ( AAPL ) store where nearly every blue-shirter is personally embedded in Apple technology .

  5. n.背心;汗衫他喜欢在夹克里穿件背心。

    vest He likes to wear a vest under his jacket .

  6. 病人以及他们的家人、品供给员和其他社会成员,都穿着带有HIV阳性标志的汗衫。

    Patients , as well as their families , medical staff , and others in the community , wear T-shirts with an HIV-positive logo .

  7. 实验研究显示,女人闻一组男人的汗衫时,往往易于为那些MHC基因不同于她们的男人所吸引。

    In laboratory studies , women who sniff men 's sweaty T-shirts find them more attractive when they come from men whose MHC genes don 't match theirs .

  8. Yale:耶鲁大学我更想听听你们谈论耶鲁大学而不是Serena的事你还记不记得sweatshirt:运动衫我爸爸第一次送给我耶鲁汗衫是什么时候?

    How I 'm supposed to hear anything about , Yale with all this talk about Serena . - Blair : Do you remember when dad gave me my first Yale sweatshirt ?

  9. 在汽车制造之都名古屋,这位喜欢穿热带汗衫的知事河村隆之(TakashiKawamura),曾尝试削减议员的工资来弥补城市减税计划的收入,他的这一举措使他深得民心。

    In the car-manufacturing city of Nagoya , Takashi Kawamura , a mayor with a taste for tropical shirts , enjoys strong popularity for trying to halve assembly-members'salaries to pay for a city tax cut .

  10. 不过,不管是因为什么原因,这种潮流的优势在斯坦尼斯拉斯·瓦林卡(StanislasWawrinka)身上得以体现,他身穿龙舌兰日出鸡尾酒(TequilaSunrise)样的两色汗衫和短裤套装,火蛋白石橙色渐变成黄色又融入下面的橙色。

    Whatever the reason , however , the upside of the trend was demonstrated by Stanislas Wawrinka , with his two-tone Tequila Sunrise of a matching shirt and shorts combo , fire opal orange melting into yellow fading back into orange .

  11. 针织或钩编的T恤衫、汗衫及其他背心。

    T-shirts , singlets and other vests , knit-ted or crocheted .

  12. 大山,你觉得这件橘黄色汗衫怎么样?

    Dashan , what do you think of this orange sweatshirt ?

  13. 我们的汗衫和裤子湿漉漉地黏在身上。

    Our shirts and slacks were stuck fast to our bodies .

  14. 一天,我家务活有“困难”的丈夫决定洗自己的汗衫。

    One day my housework-challenged husband decided to wash his sweatshirt .

  15. 大山:如梅,给你的弟弟买件汗衫怎么样?

    Dashan : Rumei , how about a SWEATSHIRT for your brother ?

  16. 把他的汗衫给扒了下来。

    And I snatched the sweater right off his back .

  17. 质地轻盈,通常穿在汗衫外面,不用掖在裤子里。

    It is lightweight and worn untucked over an undershirt .

  18. 我就用他自己的汗衫把他勒死。

    I 'm gonna strangle him with his own wifebeater .

  19. 被表面的燃烧损坏或者弄坏了颜色:烧焦了的汗衫一扯就破了。

    Damaged or discolored by superficial burning : the scorched blouse tore easily .

  20. 店员:汗衫就在首饰柜台旁边。

    Salesperson : You can find the sweatshirts next to the jewelry section .

  21. 理查德向我们走来,边走边掖好他的夏威夷汗衫。

    Richard came towards us tucking in his Hawaiian shirt as he walked .

  22. 一定要让布鲁赛穿汗衫。

    And always make sure Bruiser wears a sweater .

  23. 穿牛仔裤、旧汗衫。

    Turn up in jeans and an old sweater .

  24. 嗯,我想白色汗衫的好一些。

    I think I like the white shirt better .

  25. 曲棍球球队买了新服装&监短裤,黄汗衫。

    The hockey team has bought new kit & blue shorts and yellow shirts .

  26. 今天,他穿着麻省理工学院又短又松的汗衫。

    At the moment , he was wearing an MIT sweatshirt and baggy shorts .

  27. 汗衫肘间的线已经散开了。

    The sweater has ravelled at the elbow .

  28. 穿着破旧,黑色,城市风格的汗衫

    in worn , dark , urban sweat clothes

  29. 因为你穿汗衫

    Because you 're in a tank top .

  30. 白色的汗衫几乎裹不住这位伊朗绿巨人的浑身肌肉。

    The young man 's muscles can barely be contained inside his white vest .