- History;annals;historical records;sweating green bamboo strips;chronicles

(1) [sweating green bamboo strips] 古代在竹简上书写,先以火烤竹去湿,再刮去竹青部分,以便于书写和防蛀,称为汗青,因此后世把著作完成叫做汗青
(2) [historical records;chronicles;annals]∶借指史册
留取丹心照汗青。--宋. 文天祥《过零丁洋》
Everyone must die ; let me but leave a loyal heart shining in the pages of history .
China is an oriental country with a long history .
The first part is a brief sketch of the school 's early history .
Spring Festival has a long history and it originated in the shells period .
Many world-renowned pedagogues predict that Wenyu Shen will become one of the greatest pianists in history .
The Incan empire is now ancient history , but its legacy lives on through religious ceremonies that have been preserved through the centuries .
On the other hand , historically , most institutions do both If you go around the world , are also involved in investment banking .
" The Global Times newspaper also noted Locke 's modest arrival and described him as " possibly the most recognizable American ambassador to China in history .
This paper mainly uses the literature review methods to select five representatives in distance education economics research according to the time thread as well as research development .
This article from the individual income tax , combining with the actual development history , this paper discusses the personal income tax threshold raised the reality of the necessity and rationality .
Just as an old saying goes ," A death befalls all men alike , I 'll keep a loyal heart to make a name in history ", although their life ends tragically , we may see the sublimity of humanity from them .