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  • 网络Luyuan tea
  1. 首次实现了鹿苑茶机械化加工技术。

    Luyuan tea mechanizing technology was realized first .

  2. 鹿苑茶机械化加工技术研究

    Studies on the Mechanizing Technology of Luyuan Tea

  3. 结合感官审评结果、品质成分和色泽分析,鹿苑茶最佳闷堆条件为:茶叶含水量40%左右,闷堆温度35℃左右,闷堆时间7h左右。

    Combining with the organoleptic testing results and the changing trend of biochemistry components and color , the optimizing piling conditions were : water content of tea 40 % , piling temperature 35 ℃, and piling duration 7h .

  4. 鹿苑茶加工过程中品质的变化

    Change of Quality of Luyuan Yellow Tea during Processing CHINESE TEA

  5. 鹿苑茶闷堆工艺研究

    Studies on the Piling Technological Effects on Luyuan Yellow Tea

  6. 探明了传统鹿苑茶加工过程中主要生化成分和色泽的动态变化。

    Changes of biochemistry components and color during processing in orthodox handwork technology were investigated .

  7. 鹿苑茶为湖北省远安县历史名茶,属黄茶类。

    Luyuan tea , a kind of historic famous tea of Yuanan country in Hubei province , is of yellow tea .

  8. 通过4因素3水平正交试验,研究了揉捻时间、茶叶含水量、闷堆温度和闷堆时间对鹿苑茶品质的影响。

    The effects of rolling time , water content of tea , piling temperature and piling duration on the quality of Luyuan yellow tea were studied in orthogonal design .