
  1. 四年前,麦克唐纳被郊区的生活所吸引而搬到了鹿林市。

    McDonald moved to Elk Grove four years ago , attracted by suburban life .

  2. 说明:鹿林彗星在逐渐变暗之中,但它曾经经过了许多美丽的星野。

    Explanation : Now fading in our night sky , Comet Lulin has provided some lovely cosmic vistas .

  3. 由于靠近时的角度,鹿林彗星在逐渐接近地球时似乎拥有另一条指向太阳的反彗尾。

    Because of its angle of approach , Lulin appeared to have a second anti-tail pointing toward the sun as it neared Earth .