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  1. 多菌体共发酵纤维素酶在秸秆养鹿中的应用

    The Application of Corn Stalk fermented by Cellulose for Feeding Deer

  2. 全场156只鹿中先后共死亡大小鹿23只,死亡率达14.8%。

    Among 156 deer in the farm , 23 deer were dead . The mortality was 14.8 % .

  3. 作染料用(精中蒸馏)原先从鹿中获取的自然物质如今已被合成产品替代。

    In tincture form ( distilled in alcohol ), the natural substance originally obtained from the fawn has been replaced today with synthetic products .

  4. 鹿类中药材的位点特异性PCR鉴定研究

    Study on allele-specific diagnostic PCR of the traditional Chinese medicines of the deers

  5. 目的建立一种简便、准确的鹿类中药材鹿茸、鹿鞭、鹿筋、鹿胎的DNA分子标记鉴定方法。

    AIM To develop a convenient and accurate method of DNA molecular marker for the identification of traditional Chinese medicines made of deers , consisting of pilose antler , penis and testis , tendon and foetus .

  6. 对猝死鹿脏器中分离的24株魏氏梭菌进行研究表明:87.5%(21/24)分离株为血清A型,12.5%(3/24)分离株为血清C型。

    The study on 24 strains of Clostridium Welchii isolated from viscera of sudden death deer showed 87.5 % ( 21 / 24 ) isolation strains were serotype A and 12.5 % ( 3 / 24 ) were serotype C.

  7. 鹿胆汁中氨基酸及微量元素的分析测定

    Determination of the amino acids and the trace elements in deer bile

  8. 研究结果可能意味着鹿种群中可能存在着慢性消耗性疾病的传播。

    The findings may have implications for the spread of chronic wasting disease among deer populations .

  9. 蛇胆、鹿类中药材分子标记鉴别及鹿亚科动物的系统学研究

    Studies on Identification of Traditional Chinese Medicine Snake Gallbladder , Deer by Molecular Marker and Molecular Systematics of Cervinae

  10. 高速逆流色谱分离与鉴定鹿药中黄酮类化合物

    Breeding stock of Chinese Deer ( Cervus hortulorum ) Separation and Identification of Flavonoids from Smilacina Japonica by High Speed Counter-Current Chromatography

  11. 浅析敦煌艺术的鹿野苑中瑞像图

    The Paintings of The Auspicious Image In The Deer Park In The Country of V ā r ā? as ī in Dunhuang Art

  12. 如我们所知的传染性海绵状脑病(TSEs),在不同物种如羊、牛、水貂、鹿和人中同时存在。

    Known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies , or TSEs , they arise spontaneously in species as varied as sheep , cattle , mink , deer and people .

  13. 采用盐提、热变性处理及凝胶过滤法从鹿花盘中提取鹿花盘蛋白质(PSAB)。

    Protein component of sika deer antler base ( PSAB ) was extracted by means of salty extraction , boiling and gel filteration .

  14. 分离Y精子在茸鹿性别控制中的应用研究

    Application of Separated Y Sperm on Sex Control of the Deer

  15. 鹿在树林中到处跳跃。

    The deer bounded through the woods .

  16. 在动物世界,类似的疾病在水貂、骡鹿和麋鹿中也发生过。

    In the animal world , similar diseases occur in mink , mule deer , and elk .

  17. x~2检验证明,坡鹿喜欢在中生性热带草食生境中采食,避开砂生灌丛林生境。

    X2 test revealed that the deer strongly selected feeding habitat . They preferred to feed in the tropical grasslands and rain forests .

  18. 它属于大型草食类动物,适应湿地生活,这在鹿科动物中很特殊。

    It who is belongs to large herbivorous animal has adapted to live in the wetland , and that make it special in the Cervidae family .

  19. 第三只鹿加在背景中就更加好了。

    The painting looks even better when a third deer is added to the background .

  20. 结果表明,在鹿白细胞颗粒中存在着天然抗微生物活性物质,其主要活性成分为多肽部分;

    The results show that there are natural antimicrobial substances in deer leukocyte granules , and the main components are peptides .

  21. 鹿骨胶原蛋白胶囊中独有的鹿胶原蛋白成分,能有效地修复血管损伤,增加血管弹性,真正从根本解决血管问题。

    The rare deer collagen contained in this product can effectively repair damaged vessel , enhance its elasticity and settle vessel-related problems in a real and radical way .

  22. 在沃里克郡,人们专门在路边竖立起照鹿镜,以便把来往车辆的车灯反射出去,将鹿吓回树林中去。

    In Warwickshire , they have put up deer mirrors on top of posts along roads , to reflet oncoming headlights into deer and frighten them back into the woods .