首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 他们曾看见他的门徒中有人用俗手,就是没有洗的手吃饭。

    2saw some of his disciples eating food with hands that were " unclean ," that is , unwashed .

  2. 绚丽多姿的彝族俐侎人茶俗&云南凤庆县郭大寨乡团山村的调查塔上各种造型优美、秀丽和谐的雕塑、浮雕、彩绘,组成了一座绚丽多姿的艺术之塔。

    The Colorful Tea Customs of Limis Yi Race Decorated on all sides with beautiful , well-proportioned sculptures , relief sculptures and coloured drawings and patterns , the group forms a magnificent work of art .

  3. 第三部分主要探讨具有怎样的审美特征使这些词成为遭人鄙视的俗词的。

    The third part mainly discusses the aesthetic features of vulgar Ci & poems .

  4. 张爱玲小说的“传奇”之处,主要表现在它传达出普通人在平俗的日常生活中心理上的一种怪异、苍凉的感觉。

    The " legendary " style of Zhang Ailings novels is that she mainly expressed a sense of unusual and bleakness from the point of view of the aesthetic psychology .

  5. 神仙永远活着,但人是凡胎俗骨的生物,必会死亡。

    Gods live forever , but humans are mortal beings and must die .

  6. 楚式“镇墓兽”是楚墓中特有的随葬器物,反映了楚人特殊的葬俗和文化心理。

    Tomb-guarding Beasts , which are particular burial accessories in tombs of Chu State , reflect the special burial custom and culture psychology of Chu people .

  7. 对出现在人物语言中的俗谚语和叙述人语言中的俗谚语的作用进行分析。

    To appear in the characters of popular proverbs and appear in the narrator in the language of the role of the popular proverb for analysis .

  8. 在这一段时间里,大家都是小心翼翼的,就是居住在县城里的人也不能免俗,晚出早归。

    In this period of time , we are cautious , that is , people who live in the county has not been immune , night out and returned early .