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  1. 开花后1~8h,卵细胞合点端无壁,其质膜和中央细胞质膜之间有较宽间隙,两质膜均有间断处。

    After 1  ̄ 8 h of anthesis , the egg cell has no wall at its chalazal end and a space is present between the plasma membranes of the egg cell and central cell which are discontinuous .

  2. 用于微剂量学研究的无壁正比计数器系统

    Using a Cylindrical Wall less Proportional Counter System for Studying Microdosimetry

  3. 经典雷诺润滑理论建立在无壁面滑移的假设基础之上。

    The classical Reynolds lubrication theory is based on the no wall-slip assumption .

  4. 用于微剂量测量的圆柱型无壁组织等效正比计数器

    A cylindrical tissue-equivalent wall-less proportional counter for microdosimetry

  5. 无壁面参数低雷诺数桩群阻力计算研究

    Prediction of flow resistance in low Reynolds number flow over piles with none wall-parameter

  6. 框架箱框架箱专门为需从顶部或两侧装箱的较重货物而设计,如管道和机器。有壁或无壁、可折叠或不可折叠的框架箱。

    Framework for me The framework for me to be from the top or both sides of the packing of goods designed for the serious , such as pipes and machinery .

  7. 而无壁面函数边界条件时,要得到相同精度的结果,要求y+≈1。壁面函数的引入,为工程上准确预测飞行器在湍流流动中表面受力与气动热提供了保障。

    On other hand , if don 't use wall function boundary condition , to obtain the same level accuracy result , need y ~ + ≈ 1.Using wall function boundary condition provide an accurate way to predicate force and heat transfer in engineering problems .

  8. 全组无腹壁切口疝及TRAM皮瓣完全坏死。

    Abdominal wall hernia and complete necrosis of TRAM flap were not happened .

  9. 结果对照组和CAD无室壁运动异常组与室壁运动减弱组、无室壁运动组及矛盾运动组之间的STR值差异均有显著性(P<0.01或P<0.05);

    Results As to STR value , there were significant differences between the control group 、 CAD with normal wall motion group and the CAD group of different wall motion state ( P < 0.01 or P < 0.05 );

  10. 在CPR重建图像上,下颌管壁由一薄层骨密质构成,向中线延伸并逐渐变薄,在颏孔附近形成无管壁的腔道。

    In the images of the CPR reconstruction , the mandibular canal was composed of a thin compact bone , and extended to the midline and became thinner , and continued to be the mental foramen .

  11. 无胸壁缺损的心外胸骨旁小切口的可行性研究

    Minimally invasive parasternal approach without postoperative chest wall defect : a feasibility study

  12. 无胸壁塌陷、感染,无严重并发症。

    No chest wall subsidence and infection occurred .

  13. 平均随访18.6个月,无腹壁穿刺孔或切口肿瘤复发。

    There was no tumor recurrence on the port-site or wound during median follow-up of 18.6 months .

  14. 经1~2年随访,无腹壁疝或腹内疝发生;

    Followed up 1 to 2 years , there were no abdominal hernia or abdominal internal hernia .

  15. 在壁面函数中引入无量纲壁面粗糙度以考虑粗糙壁面的影响。

    The dimensionless wall roughness was introduced into the wall function to consider the influence of the rough wall .

  16. 囊内可有软组织隔,囊壁可厚而均匀或厚而不规则,但无附壁结节。

    The cystic walls were thickened , but its thickness might be either evenly or irregularly distributed with no attached cystic wall nodule .

  17. 500ug/ml时,有小部分贴壁细胞;2500ug/ml时,无贴壁细胞。

    With the 500ug / ml , there are a small group of stick wall cells ; 2500ug / ml , no stick wall cells appear .

  18. 结果10条100%闭塞的冠脉片段经超声成形术均成功再通,平均残余狭窄(70.3±4.2)%,无血管壁穿孔和夹层现象;

    Results Ultrasonic angioplasty achieved successful recanalization without perforation and dissection in all experimental segments with a mean residual stenosis of ( 70.3 ± 4.2 ) % .

  19. 射流或尾流可视为无固壁边界而流场速度剖面具有拐点的流动。

    For the flow of a jet or a wake , we may consider a flow field without solid boundary but with a point of inflection in the velocity profile .

  20. 其较传统腹腔镜手术具有无腹壁手术切口、术后疼痛少、住院时间更短、美容效果更好等潜在优势。

    Compared with traditional laparoscopic surgery , NOTES has many potential advantages such as no abdominal incision , less postoperative pain , shorter hospital stay , better cosmetic results and so on .

  21. 根据流动在壁面上产生滑移的特点建立了流动模型,模拟了在滑移壁面与无滑移壁面速度场分布的特点,并对流动的相关特性也进行了考察。

    Flow model is established on the basis of slip velocity existing on the wall and inner velocity field in tubes is simulated on the slip wall and no-slip wall and flow characteristics is analyzed .

  22. 小直径管无芯弯曲壁厚变形的试验研究

    The study on the experiment of wall thickness deformation of coreless bended small-diameter tube

  23. 取代传统等离子体干法技术,采用分区湿式反应器系统,大幅降低能耗,无产物粘壁;

    Instead of the traditional dry technique , a partitioned wet reactor system was adopted .

  24. 病理切片镜下观,447例中257例(57.5%)囊肿有纤维囊壁,但只有5例有部分上皮衬里,190例(42.5%)无明显囊壁。

    There were 57 cases of complications associated with the operation . Among 447 cases 257 ( 57.5 % ) had cyst walls but only 5 had partial epithelial lining .

  25. 采用回归分析和曲线拟合方法,提出圆管无芯弯曲壁厚减薄量新的计算公式。经验证该公式比目前实际采用的变薄量计算公式具有更高的计算精度。

    New calculating formula has been put forward for reducing ratio of wall thickness of cylinder-type pipe in bending , by using regressive analysis and curve fitting , which has been proved to be with higher calculating accuracy than that of formula being used at present .

  26. 无堆焊衬里热壁加氢反应器的H2S腐蚀

    H_2s corrosion of hot wall hydrogenator without cladding

  27. 结论:阑尾粘液囊肿CT表现具有囊性水样密度或软组织密度,密度均匀,增强扫描无增强或囊壁仅有轻度环形增强等特征。

    Conclusion : Homogenous cystic or soft tissue density and no enhancement or just lightly annular enhancement may be the main characteristic changes on CT in case of appendix mucocele .

  28. 结论CK技术作为一种新技术,为无创伤性进行室壁运动的定量分析提供了一种良好的检测方法,适用于术后跟踪随访研究。

    Conclusions The CK technique offers a good method for quantitative analysis of left ventricular wall motion , and it can be used to postoperative following up .

  29. SAXS、XRD和BET结果表明,制得的碳管具有无定形的管壁而且含有一定的中孔结构,碳管以六方堆积方式紧密排列。

    SAXS , XRD and BET results revealed that the tubes were amorphous and aggregated by a compact hexagonal arrangement with a highly ordered mesoporous structure .

  30. 多普勒组织成像(DTI)又称组织多普勒超声心动图是一种新近出现的无创性室壁运动分析技术,它能以彩色编码的方式将定量测量的室壁运动速度显示出来。

    Doppler tissue imaging is a newly analytical technology of ventricular wall movement . It can represent the tissue velocity through the color coding .